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Tokyo Disney Hotels


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I'll be going to Japan in January or February (totally ready to freeze my tits off), and will be going to the Tokyo Disney Resort. I know Robb has recommended staying at the Hotel MiraCosta but the only available rooms are several thousand dollars a night (USD). It looks like the official non-Disney resort hotels, namely the Sheraton, are about half the cost of the Disney Ambassador and Disnleyland Hotel. Is there enough Disney magic at the hotels or benefit from being that much closer to the parks than the other official hotels? It looks like the official Disney hotel guests get into the parks a whole 15 minutes earlier than the rest, but I wouldn't expect huge crowds mid week in the winter.

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^I would go for the Hilton Tokyo Bay if you're going to stay on Property, but not at a Disney Hotel. We've stayed there several times, it's really nice, super convenient, and has great rooms and amenities.


The Disneyland Hotel and the Hotel Mira Costa are amazing properties, but not worth more than about $500 a night. Ambassador is more worth like $300 a night.

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^ 100% agree with you... unless the dollar becomes our friend...but that would be hard to accomplish in order to allow the rooms to be more affordable. However, since advance booking is a requirement, VegasCoaster will at least be able to dine on some of the wonderful cuisine! I miss the Kobe, Fugu, and okonomiyaki!

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I would second the Hilton Tokyo Bay for an on-property stay. Years ago I took the Alveys' advice and stayed there both times I went to Tokyo. It was almost perfect. Very easily accessible from Narita airport via NEX and JR line trains, English-speaking staff, great amenities, and the hilarious Mickey bus takes you right to the Bayside Station where the monorail brings you right to the parks. Of course the station is only a few minutes walk, but then you'd miss the hilarious Mickey spiel on the bus. There's also a convenient booth where you can buy your TDR park tickets and skip the lines to buy tickets at the parks' entrance gates which can be pretty long. I remember that being quite a help, especially dealing with foreign currency and such for the first time.


If you're still curious about the other Disney hotels, you can always take a stroll through the different lobby areas, restaurants, etc just to get a feel for a stay there.

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