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Best Gravity Group Woodie

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What do you think is the best Gravity Group woodie out there? In my opinion, I really like the Voyage, but then again the only other GG woodie I've been on is Hades (before it's inversion days).


Here is the list of their current woodies:

Boardwalk Bullet

Dauling Dragon

Fjord Flying Dragon

Hades 360

Ravine Flyer II


The Voyage

Twister (Grona Lund)

Wood Coaster Fireball

Wooden Warrior

Zippin Pippin

Edited by djboss302
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Haven't ridden ZP, or Ravine Flyer II yet but really enjoyed boardwalk bullet. The voyage after a fresh retrack deserves another chance. Hades 360 is the worst I've ridden and i'd speculate the worst on the list.

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Twister is a very underrated coaster. The coaster is completely out of control and it throws you all over the train but at the same time I wouldn't consider the ride rough at all. It's right at the limit of how out-of-control a ride can get before it starts getting uncomfortable but that results in a re-rideable, yet completely insane coaster.


The coaster will always be overshadowed by Phoenix, but I love Twister, and at night that coaster is absolutely crazy. It's everything a twister style wood coaster should be.

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I think my list would go something like this:


1. Ravine Flyer II

2. Wood Coaster Fireball

3. Dauling Dragon

4. Twister

5. Wooden Warrior

6. The Voyage

7. Boardwalk Bullet

8. Hades 360


Hades 360 is disappointing because if Hades still ran like it did opening day, it would actually top that list, but the rides I took on Hades 360 were some of the roughest, most uncomfortable wood coaster rides I've ever had. And I've just never been a fan of The Voyage. I just don't "get" that ride.



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For me, it is essentially a toss up between Ravine Flyer and Zippin Pippin. Both are intense, fast paced, and a lot of fun. In the end, I'll go with Zippin Pippin, mainly for the ridiculous hill at the end. This hill is one of, if not the most extreme air time moments I've experienced on a coaster. Unlike other moments that I've only experienced once, such as the first drop on Lakeside's Cyclone, this little hill right before the brake run provides an OMFG moment every time.

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FYI - I deleted the "poll" part of this post. I think the post works much better just posting your opinions and thoughts. The trouble with a poll like this is that it just becomes a "popularity" contest with the one winning usually being the one that most people have ridden, which is not necessarily the "best" as the only way to have a proper poll like this would be that everyone who takes it needs to have ridden EVERY one of the options.

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I haven 't ridden every Gravity Group coaster, but here's how I rank the ones I've experienced:


1. Ravine Flyer II

2. Wooden Coaster Fireball

3. Dauling Dragon

4. Voyage

5. Hades (original version--not "360")


The first three are excellent coasters (at least one side of Dauling Dragon is); the last two, well, not so good. I've had mixed experiences with Voyage. I thought it was great in the spring of 2009, but found it to be painful and not much fun in August 2010. Hades was just plain bad, except for the tunnel sections.

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Of the ones I've been on, the Chinese ones take the cake, and find their big aggressive ones to be awful. I still don't think they know how to design a track structure for high force rides.



Dauling Dragons

Wooden Warrior



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I have yet to ride Ravine Flyer II. I hope to some day, though!


I'm ridden Voyage early in the season when it ran well, and it was awesome!! I've also ridden it late in the season when it was running really rough. Less enjoyable, but still decent. Hades was my favorite back when it was new and in good condition. I haven't ridden the 360 version and don't plan too. There aren't many coasters I'll skip- but Hades is one of them. It's really a shame what it's become.

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I've ridden Ravine Flyer II and Wooden Warrior. Ravine Flyer II easily landed a spot in my top 10 list, it is just such a good ride with an awesome layout. Wooden Warrior is an airtime-filled, way above-average family coaster, but it's not enough to surpass the quality of Ravine Flyer II. Still a very fun ride.

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I've only ridden Voyage, and I love the ride's layout. The speed, the length, the power, and the airtime on that ride are all top notch. However, I cannot STAND how rough it has gotten. My last visit to Holiday World was this past October for Happy Halloween Weekends. Voyage was my first ride of the day in the front seat. It was a little on the rough side, but I saw that coming, so I enjoyed the ride anyways. Later in the day I found myself in the very last row on the train. It was the worst ride I ever had since Son of Beast. My one ride on Ghostrider in the summer was better than this! I almost called it a day after that experience because it was so painful.

Holiday World, please, PLEASE find some sort of long-term solution for this poor ride. *COUGH RMC topper track COUGH*.

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Of the three I've been on:


1. Voyage

2. Ravine Flyer II

3. Wooden Warrior


Voyage and Ravine Flyer II are really close, and I think the main reason I prefer Voyage is due to it's length. That ride just feels like it goes on forever, and honestly while it is far from smooth I didn't find it overwhelmingly rough unless you sat in the back. Ravine Flyer II is just a tiny bit too short in my opinion, but it is non-stop action and is much smoother than Voyage (though still a little rough). Wooden Warrior is not a bad coaster, but it just doesn't quite stack up to the other two and I find it a bit overrated.

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However, I cannot STAND how rough it has gotten. My last visit to Holiday World was this past October for Happy Halloween Weekends. Voyage was my first ride of the day in the front seat. It was a little on the rough side, but I saw that coming, so I enjoyed the ride anyways. Later in the day I found myself in the very last row on the train. It was the worst ride I ever had since Son of Beast.

Wow. I had heard it was running better.

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