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ChrisHanKwanSivus Gift Exchange 2013!

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I opened my Secret Santa gift today--want a look?


It's that red gift on the right. It's rather soft, and Angus likes sleeping on it.


Hmm--almost bought this ornament myself last week. Good thing I held off. I like collecting park-related ornaments.


Hmm--Nessie will become a permanent part of my Christmas decor next year (probably wrapped around part of the tree). Thank you, Secret Santa! Merry Christmas!

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I couldn't wait until Christmas to open my gift box, so here's what was in it, in all it's glory...


To my secret Santa - THANK YOU - you totally rocked it out!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE



and Pssssttt --- to the receiver of my Secret Santa gifts, have no fear, it's all being over nighted on Monday (should have by Tue 12/17 or Wed 12/18).


Pluto figurine - LOVE IT!!


A Nightmare Before Christmas long sleeve-t and tumbler --- SWEET!!


A Michigan State shot glass, WDW park maps, and Ghirardelli chocolate...


The haul -- nail on the head!!!

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^ And not just a figurine, but the likeness of what a cast member would look like, as Pluto - and what Pluto would 'sign' at the park in kids' books! This is really IMhO a truly unqiue collection of Disney park figures! I wish they'd do this with Tokyo Disney. Hmmmm, maybe they will, eventually. Awesome!

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^ And not just a figurine, but the likeness of what a cast member would look like, as Pluto - and what Pluto would 'sign' at the park in kids' books! This is really IMhO a truly unqiue collection of Disney park figures! I wish they'd do this with Tokyo Disney. Hmmmm, maybe they will, eventually. Awesome!


Exactly!!! There is way more detail to it than at first glance. Totally what a "costumed" Pluto would like in the Parks.

And what I failed to post is - once taken out of the original packaging, you are able to turn the "background" over and instead of showing Disneyland Resort, you now have Walt Disney World. Even more awesomeness!!!


Transporting Pluto - Coast to Coast!

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- once taken out of the original packaging, you are able to ...



Go get another. Don't open it.

Kidding aside, I wonder if they sell it both ways, with the

card turned for each side to show, without opening it,

thus satisfying those "collector needs" in a few of us.


(btw, Turning a card does not = two figure credits IMhO)

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Just wanted to say that I received my gift a few days ago! I'm going to be patient and wait to open it on Christmas Eve, which is when my family and I traditionally open our presents. So I'll be back with photos in 9 days!


Thanks in advance to my Secret Santa! Also glad to see that my giftee enjoyed the gifts I picked out for him (he posted earlier in the thread)! Merry ChrisHanKwanSivus to all!

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Like I said earlier my gift(s) were amazing!


Here are some photos:


What could this all be???


I like keeping stuff cold so this is perfect!


You can't go wrong!!!


This combines chocolate, Santa and zombies!


My amazing presents!


The possibilities are endless!


But this might be the best of the bunch.


Such an incredible present(s), thanks Secret Santa!


Elissa might need some of these!


More amazingness!


This book is absolutely amazing!

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I got mine a few days ago. Came in an Amazon package. At first, I was like, wait - I didn't order this! Then it sank in. SO, next time I travel far, and I do travel all the time, via car especially - I will be able to finally sleep comfortably. I have this crazy jump up for every noise thing when we drive... so this should do the trick!


Thanks Tim K!


*edited to avoid double posting*

I got my ChrisHanKwanSivus gift today in the mail and coudn't resist opening it. I'll post pictures tomorrow, but let me just say that this completely blew away everything I have received in the past via any secret santa type gift exchange I've participated in. It's like Lena* somehow got ahold of my Amazon wish list. Thanks a bunch Lena, I can't tell you how much receiving your package cheered me up today and put a smile on my face.


*(I know who my Secret Santa is because she included a very nice letter within the package)



I am so super stoked that my research did not fail me!

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wuhuu one more week until I can unwrap my Secret Santa's gifts! Can't wait!


My package to the states is still in the air I think :/ I apologize for the mailing service! At least I mailed it at the end of November, so there is the chance that it will arrive BEFORE christmas

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