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NEWS: Long Beach considers Cyclone Racer rebuild proposal

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WAIT! I wish you good luck on this project but I know it will be a financial ruin. Bringing a coaster back to the Long Beach boardwalk is an awesome idea and it CAN be a huge success. Although this current design will not be a big success. The Long Beach boardwalk does not have enough attendance to support two wimpy nearly identical coasters. It can however support one great coaster.


Ok, so what your saying is that a large racing woodie wont work and will be a bust but a larger woodie that doesn't race will? What makes you so sure it wont work, racing/ dueling coasters are not as common as they used to be, I would think just that factor would give it some attention. I'm not calling you out or anything, I just don't know where you're getting your idea's from.

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They should team up with Landry's to make this a success. They already have a couple of modern boardwalk/amusement piers in the Houston area (Kemah Boardwalk and Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier) and their experience with these parks would be very valuable in a project like this.

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Wow, that would be an amazing revival. I have to imagine 15 of the thirty mil, if not significantly more would go to the support structure (pier?). There would be lots of complex permitting necessary and the structure will have to be very strong. Involving the Army Corps and that sort of process will necessitate an expensive consultant. Hope to see it come alive though!

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I recall visiting the Pike when I was a teenager in the 1970s. Thought it was a dump back then, but it was a location in that classic film "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies."


I immediately thought of Incredibly Strange Creatures when I saw this thread.

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Every time I've been to that area of Long beach and see their homage to the racer going over the road by the waterfront I couldn't help but think that they should have just made it into the real thing kind of like a small Thunder Dolphin.


As it I agree the 30 million dollar estimate seems really high unless it also includes the cost of building the infrastructure to put in the ride like the creation of a park or pier that is built to satisfy earthquake safety codes.


Photo of the coaster sculpture at long beach

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They should team up with Landry's to make this a success. They already have a couple of modern boardwalk/amusement piers in the Houston area (Kemah Boardwalk and Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier) and their experience with these parks would be very valuable in a project like this.


The area is already tied to another developer and already full of non Landry chain restaurants, so that doesn't seem like a real possibility.

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They should team up with Landry's to make this a success. They already have a couple of modern boardwalk/amusement piers in the Houston area (Kemah Boardwalk and Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier) and their experience with these parks would be very valuable in a project like this.


Landry's relationship to Galveston is a complex and fascinating story that begins with the fact that it is run by the descendants of gangsters who ran organized crime there, and is not really likely to repeat itself in Long Beach where they have no long held vested interests.

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Short version: owner of Landry's, Tilman Fertitta is of the Fertitta family. If you've ever seen the UFC, you've probably heard of their majority owners, his cousins Lorenzo and Frank III, who also own the Station Casinos company in Vegas. Anyways, Frank Fertitta Sr. came over from Sicily and took over the Maceo crime syndicate after the feds put Sam Maceo in prison. That group was the dominant mob force in Houston and Galveston. You can google plenty more.

Edited by DirkFunk
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WAIT! I wish you good luck on this project but I know it will be a financial ruin. Bringing a coaster back to the Long Beach boardwalk is an awesome idea and it CAN be a huge success. Although this current design will not be a big success. The Long Beach boardwalk does not have enough attendance to support two wimpy nearly identical coasters. It can however support one great coaster.


Ok, so what your saying is that a large racing woodie wont work and will be a bust but a larger woodie that doesn't race will? What makes you so sure it wont work, racing/ dueling coasters are not as common as they used to be, I would think just that factor would give it some attention. I'm not calling you out or anything, I just don't know where you're getting your idea's from.



Response: It is a huge waste of resources to build two small identical coasters instead of building one great coaster for the same exact price. The proposed roller coaster's design is so boring that it couldn't even survive in a huge theme park with a massive attendance. Have you even been on a dueling roller coaster. I've never cared if there was a roller coaster racing with me, and if my own roller coaster was half the size that it could have been I would be sad and not even have cared if it won the race.

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Response: It is a huge waste of resources to build two small identical coasters instead of building one great coaster for the same exact price. The proposed roller coaster's design is so boring that it couldn't even survive in a huge theme park with a massive attendance.


Agreed. A good idea would be to create a brand-new modern roller coaster design and just call it "Cyclone Racer: Resurrected," or something like that. This would be similar to the new Thunderbolt project in Coney Island, where the only similarities are the name and the location.

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Have you ever been on a true racing coaster? Much of the appeal is in the fact that they, you know, RACE. Plus, the original was a Traver design; he's the guy who built this thing. The Cyclone Racer's layout actually looks awesome and it was generally considered a fantastic coaster.

source: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6678438107_5a6cdd3347_z.jpg


I understand it is your opinion,Vinny, but to be honest I think it is a little out of line to be writing it off when the original was such an integral part of the area's history.

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^That's assuming there is enough demand to run both sides...while the layout looks awesome, that area of Long Beach isn't where the tourists go. It's close by, but not near the aquarium and queen mary.

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Even though racing coasters cost more money, it still has twice the capacity of a single-tracked coaster. It's safe to assume that more capacity = more revenue.



In the past several years, I've been on


Rebel Yell KD

Collossus SFMM

Racer Kings Island

American Eagle SF Chicago

Rolling Thunder SF NJ

Thunder Road Carowinds

Lightning Racer Hersheypark

Gemini Cedar Point


of this list, only the last two were racing, several visits were on reasonably busy days


I went on Rebel Yell when I was a kid and it was the star attraction at KD, it always raced then (but it didn't have much competition).


It's probably why most racers are not Mobius designs - that way the park can idle one side to save money. The only Mobius racer I've ridden is at Kennywood and it's been a long time since I've ridden that.

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The problem is that I doubt this thing will be able to gain enough revenue, let alone receive enough riders to run both sides. Giant Dipper in San Diego rarely has more than a wait of a few trains, with one train running. And, San Diego is considerably more touristy than Long Beach. Although this coaster will be decades newer, and initially much more popular, I doubt that in the long run it will be able to justify 30 million.

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No, I mean, Belmont isn't in the main city, its out of the way. The location of the proposed coaster in Long Beach is right in the middle of the tourist area. Also, Belmont is totally stand alone, where the Long Beach area has the convention center, Aquarium, lots of Hotels, the Down Town area and the Shorline Village / Pike. There is just more clustered together in the LB situation.

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