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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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As I drove by the park today at around 11:45am, I saw two consecutive test shots, and that is always wonderful to see. As for the whole one train op issue, I mean yeah it may be slower dispatch times but at least the ride will be running once again. That I'm sure everyone would be happy about, myself included.

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The second train absoutely helps! Don't think for a second that it doesn't. I've been in that line with one train, and yes, while it will be great to have it back up and running again, I wouldn't be making a visit on any busy day with a one-train operation.



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Great to hear that Xcel is almost ready to go again! I may miss it by a couple days (going Sunday in conjunction with the Fabulous Fords show across the way), but I wish the rest of you all the best of times riding it again!


Oh, quick question: Does anyone know if Ghostrider has any "good seats" like Viper at SFMM? Or is the entire ride rough now? It's just that I haven't been back to the Farm since 2007, and it was pretty terrible back then.

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Don't ride the back no matter what train your on. Trust me, its not worth the airtime.


I ONLY ride Ghostrider in the very back seat. Yeah, it'll re-align your spine and I wouldn't advise doing more than 2 rides in a row, but jesus, its ONE HELL OF A RIDE back there!


Always thought the front seat was for wusses, what's to see up there?

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Silver train just came back online so ride that front seat, right side. Don't ride the back no matter what train your on. Trust me, its not worth the airtime.


I rode in the back car a few times during WCB, and while it wasn't the smoothest ride in the world, it was FAR from the roughest I've ever been on. And it's one of the most intense wooden coasters I've been on, too. Maybe I'm just used to the Rampage back row punishment.

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If your into riding the back car, go for it. It does give a hell of a ride, but you got to be in good shape to withstand the beating. That's the only reason I suggest and prefer the front. Its a little more tolerable and it is in no way a let down either.


In regards to that certain Xciting development, you may want to make time to get to the park this weekend.

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On GhostRider, in my opinion it doesn't matter if the trains or the track have had rehab recently. The back is always very rough and you better be able to take a beating if you sit there. Anywhere from the front to the middle of the train is much less rough and not painful. The front is the most tolerable and the closer to the back you get the rougher it is.


Please let there be Xciting news at the park before I go on Monday.

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^Nothing Xciting is going to happen this weekend. However, something EXCITING (notice the emphasis on the proper spelling of exciting), as there is a rumor going around Xcelerator will be reopening soon.

Edited by Jew
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Oh, quick question: Does anyone know if Ghostrider has any "good seats" like Viper at SFMM? Or is the entire ride rough now? It's just that I haven't been back to the Farm since 2007, and it was pretty terrible back then.


YES, 7-1 (front row, back car). I'm not lying or trying to make you kill yourself, it's the best. I always avoided the back row and rode as far up as possible, but I finally tried it at WCB and it was great...and, believe it or not...the most enjoyable part of the train.


At least try it. If you don't like it, go for the front...but the back completely changed my opinion on Ghostrider (positively)!

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In regards to that certain Xciting development, you may want to make time to get to the park this weekend.

Could something Xciting happen tommarow afternoon? Or should I wait till this weekend?


That is a very good question. There will be some activity over there tomorrow afternoon, but will something Xciting actually happen? Nobody knows.

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I'll be excited this weekend if everyone in this thread starts spelling 'excited' properly.


Screamscape's latest report:


Screamscape sources tell us that the state had an inspector out at Knott’s on Wednesday to check out Xcelerator. I haven’t heard anything about how the inspection went, but apparently if it was good, the ride could be open as early as this weekend or next. Keep in mind this was only an “if”, as any number of issues could have come up to delay Xcelerator from getting the green light. For now I’d just assume that it wont open this weekend, so if it does, it will be a surprise. Even if they get the green light, Knott’s is likely to start running through their own long series of test runs and retraining for the crew members before they are able to reopen it anyway.
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