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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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I'm an RO at Supreme :3


How do you like it? Supreme was my 1st attraction as well.


It should be dead on Tuesday right? Kind of curious about the wind. If there is any do they close XC ?


Yes, Tuesday will be dead. You should have no more than a 2-3 train wait (If even that)for most of the majors. XC won't close unless it's above 35mph I believe.



Yes, I'm enjoying it. It's one of the better rides to start at in the park

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^ It'd fit right in at Knott's, to be honest. They have a Flyers and a Scrambler right across from Riptide's old plot of land and I've never seen them with a wait longer than two cycles. I'm pretty sure they have similar or worse PPH averages than an Air Race.

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^^ It'd be perfect at Knott's. I rode the one at Tivoli, and we all had a great

time on it. And it was put in a nice setting at the corner of the park.


It would be nice if Knott's now started beefing up their flats collection, with

new flats, like this one.


But hey, I will enjoy whatever they bring to the park.

As long as I fit in the seat, and my age* doesn't f me up.


(*Like it can and 'nearly has' in China and Japan, a few times.)

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Air Race's sadly have a low PPH. The highest capacity still only goes through 600 PPH according to Zamperla's website. Probably the reason why not many big parks have purchased them yet.


600 PPH totally smokes Xcelerator's capacity though, so that may not be much a problem for a park like Knott's.

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...Would also require less changes to infrastructure as compared to the riptide pad which would have to be reprofiled in order to accommodate an air race



Oooo, maybe they could design and build an all-new enclosed

HAUNTED SWING attraction there, on RipTide's old pad?


And themed to the Boardwalk, of course.

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Air Race's sadly have a low PPH. The highest capacity still only goes through 600 PPH according to Zamperla's website. Probably the reason why not many big parks have purchased them yet.


600 PPH totally smokes Xcelerator's capacity though, so that may not be much a problem for a park like Knott's.



Xcelerator has a capacity of 1,300 PPH, according to both RCDB and Wikipedia. I don't think that a ride with half the PPH "totally smokes" Xcelerator in capacity

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Air Race's sadly have a low PPH. The highest capacity still only goes through 600 PPH according to Zamperla's website. Probably the reason why not many big parks have purchased them yet.


600 PPH totally smokes Xcelerator's capacity though, so that may not be much a problem for a park like Knott's.



Xcelerator has a capacity of 1,300 PPH, according to both RCDB and Wikipedia. I don't think that a ride with half the PPH "totally smokes" Xcelerator in capacity



You haven't seen it operate, have you?

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1300 PPH would be a launch every 55 seconds. Considering that even with two train ops half of that time is killed just by the next train rolling into the station after waiting for the previous train to clear the tophat, it's safe to say that's a number that will never be touched. I'd be shocked if they even pulled 500 an hour.

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^^ I actually have seen Xcelerator go 60-70 second dispatches with 2 trains running. However, seeing dispatches that quick are rare, and having two trains running is even more rare. In fact, it so rarely runs both trains that some people are unaware that it can even run two trains.

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