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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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^I guess you could argue it's on the boardwalk, so maybe the reef has something to do with the ocean? Especially given the shipping container themeing left over from Perilous Plunge? I don't know...

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Any chance that Iron Reef could refer to a shipwreck since we have plenty of artificial reefs off of California made from intentionally sunken ships? Maybe the dark ride will have a shipwreck theme?


Almost as much as I want to see a dark ride come to the Boardwalk, I'd love to see another enclosed flat ride like they used to have...

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From the sounds of it, they could finally be doing away with the last leftovers of the Roaring 20's and finally completing and shaping the boardwalk into a complete and more coherently themed area. Still, I feel they could do a bit more to try and integrate Xcelerator more into a 1950's boardwalk theme instead of just a 1950's theme. I hope Knott's management continues to improve and upgrade their their themed areas.

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Voyage to the Iron Reef? If that's the name for the new ride, I'm at a loss for what it's going to be. I'm guessing something sea themed, which would fit with the Boardwalk but would need to be creative to distance itself from Little Mermaid down the road. We should know for sure soon, as I'm guessing the announcement will probably happen in early/mid November.


Of course, this could be a red herring and the park is actually installing Kingdom of Jeff Tucker...in Assless Chaps.

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Went to Knott's yesterday, the was park was empty with most rides that were walk-ons.


Did all major rides and coasters without any wait which was nice since I haven't been to Knott's on an empty day in awhile.


The ride ops allowed me stay on the rides without getting off which was a plus, EXCEPT the crew that were working Pony Express. They made me get off and go around when there was nobody in line, even though I asked if I could stay on. The one girl working gave me a rude response which was unnecessary.


I haven't seen any work done on the old KOD building, it still looks the same with walls around the old entrance and the upper deck completely gone, so I'm looking forward to see what will go in there.

Edited by HJimmy
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^ I visited Knott's earlier this year and the old Pony Express crew were very nice letting me stay on many times without getting off, they even asked me if I wanted to move to the front.


However, the crew that were working Pony Express yesterday weren't allowing guest to stay on which I don't understand why.

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^ I visited Knott's earlier this year and the old Pony Express crew were very nice letting me stay on many times without getting off, they even asked me if I wanted to move to the front.


However, the crew that were working Pony Express yesterday weren't allowing guest to stay on which I don't understand why.

One lady apart SB's crew made me walk around even tho no one was there...

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If I had to guess by the looks of the project, I'd say the re-birth of the upstairs of the former KOD building will come at the death of the downstairs.


That arcade is dated and most likely doomed anyway. Why not repurpose it into a ride queue?


I was wondering that also, the bottom of the building would be great for the queue but I remember the old KOD's ride exit also goes straight to the arcade so it's hard to tell what they will do.

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Could just be the crew then. I never ask though, I only stay if they offer, which they normally do if the option is there. Maybe you made the person mad by asking.


Yeah it could be just the crew but they shouldn't get mad at someone for simply asking.

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I think "Voyage To The Iron Reef" will be themed to robotic sea-life likes sharks and squids. I think it will also include eels. For the "surprise ending", I'm guessing some sort of Splash Down. I was intrigued by Guardian when it was first announced, so I can't wait to see how this turns out.

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