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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Knott's 2013 projects are looking excellent. Despite SFMM adding a record breaker with Full Throttle, I think the new boardwalk rides combined with the renovated Timber Mountain Log Ride is the best new So Cal addition for this year. With the attention being paid to the log ride, I can't wait to see what the park will do with the Calico Mine Ride refurbishment and a new dark ride (assuming both happen), and it will be interesting to see if Cedar Fair invests in dark rides for their other parks as well.

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Why Perilous Plunge‘s Footers still exist?


I'm assuming that you are talking about the footers for Perilous Plunge's bridge since the footers for the actual ride were taken out months ago. The bridge footers will become a new bridge that is going to be the entrance for Pacific Scrambler & Surfside Gliders as shown in the concept art.


Waste not, want not.

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Thanks for the great update...this is looking really nice!


I thought that the Boardwalk area looked ripe for a revamp when we were there a couple of years ago. The area between Perilous Plunge and Pony Express just seemed to be missing something...it seemed very bland.


And I love the fact that they are updating the log flume...it definitely was one of the park highlights for us being a great nostalgic ride. I would also like to see the mine ride updated too!

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I'm absolutely loving the work they are doing on the log ride! It looks like it will be really really nice when they finish. I'm so glad they seem to be going back to their roots like others have mentioned. I'll definitely be visiting even more!

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So today we visited KBF (... and somehow I ended up getting a pass. It was worth it, though.) for my uncle's birthday. We didn't go on much, a few rides here and there. It wasn't that crowded actually, but the lines were kinda long.


If people were on or near Riptide at around the 3:30 mark and heard an INSANELY loud girl screaming, that was my cousin. Bahaha. We heard her distinct scream all the way from the benches by Johnny Rocket's. Bahaha!!


I got to see all the little improvements KBF is making and I really like it! I can't wait 'till CR opens so I can ride it. woot.

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^ Did they say that they would never have it Haunt or Christmas themed ever again? Perhaps after the newness of the rehab fades away in a couple of years, Knott's will consider "plusing" it for their themed seasonal events. This may work out well as it would give them a really large window to come up with some awesome holiday rethemes.

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^ Did they say that they would never have it Haunt or Christmas themed ever again? Perhaps after the newness of the rehab fades away in a couple of years, Knott's will consider "plusing" it for their themed seasonal events. This may work out well as it would give them a really large window to come up with some awesome holiday rethemes.


It was stated during the Media Event that it will not be returning as a Haunt Attraction.


I do agree, it was one of the better and more unique haunted attractions.

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^ Did they say that they would never have it Haunt or Christmas themed ever again? Perhaps after the newness of the rehab fades away in a couple of years, Knott's will consider "plusing" it for their themed seasonal events. This may work out well as it would give them a really large window to come up with some awesome holiday rethemes.


It was stated during the Media Event that it will not be returning as a Haunt Attraction.


I do agree, it was one of the better and more unique haunted attractions.


Not to beat a dead horse, but did they say ever? Or that as of this time, there are no plans for it to be returning as a themed Haunt Attraction?


I know it's all symantics, but as we have all learned many times over, never say never, and the devil is in the details. Or in this case, the wording.


I say this as I too love the Haunt retheme of TMLR. More directly, the "Blood Moon" retheme. The last couple of years hasn't been as good. Now that I'm thinking of it, moving the witch over to the Log Ride might be an awesome idea. The witch was great last year.

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^ Did they say that they would never have it Haunt or Christmas themed ever again? Perhaps after the newness of the rehab fades away in a couple of years, Knott's will consider "plusing" it for their themed seasonal events. This may work out well as it would give them a really large window to come up with some awesome holiday rethemes.


It was stated during the Media Event that it will not be returning as a Haunt Attraction.


I do agree, it was one of the better and more unique haunted attractions.


Not to beat a dead horse, but did they say ever? Or that as of this time, there are no plans for it to be returning as a themed Haunt Attraction?


I know it's all symantics, but as we have all learned many times over, never say never, and the devil is in the details. Or in this case, the wording.


I say this as I too love the Haunt retheme of TMLR. More directly, the "Blood Moon" retheme. The last couple of years hasn't been as good. Now that I'm thinking of it, moving the witch over to the Log Ride might be an awesome idea. The witch was great last year.


I wasn't there so I don't really know, it's just what I read in the reports from that day.

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That's a shame that there will be no more Log Ride overlays. I never had the privilege of getting to see Red Moon Massacre so I never got to see any good overlays. Even though the themes were never really that good, I at least got the best scares on there.


I have said this earlier, but if they can't do an overlay, they should at least throw in a couple of monsters for good measure. Just assign them in places that OSHA wouldn't mind too much (Which would be almost nowhere).

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^That would be my assumption, too. After going to all the time and expense to upgrade the attraction, why risk messing something up with a holiday overaly until you're comforatable with how the "new" log ride operates?

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^ Did they say that they would never have it Haunt or Christmas themed ever again? Perhaps after the newness of the rehab fades away in a couple of years, Knott's will consider "plusing" it for their themed seasonal events. This may work out well as it would give them a really large window to come up with some awesome holiday rethemes.


It was stated during the Media Event that it will not be returning as a Haunt Attraction.


I do agree, it was one of the better and more unique haunted attractions.


Not to beat a dead horse, but did they say ever? Or that as of this time, there are no plans for it to be returning as a themed Haunt Attraction?


I know it's all symantics, but as we have all learned many times over, never say never, and the devil is in the details. Or in this case, the wording.


I say this as I too love the Haunt retheme of TMLR. More directly, the "Blood Moon" retheme. The last couple of years hasn't been as good. Now that I'm thinking of it, moving the witch over to the Log Ride might be an awesome idea. The witch was great last year.


To clarify, they didn't say that it will "never" be themed for Haunt or Xmas. They said there are currently no plans to do so.


Add me too the list of people who enjoyed the haunt overlay for the ride. I hope they can find a way to do it once the new updates are broken in.

Edited by ILoveRides
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This is one scary looking lumberjack.




Call him, "Psycho Jack."


So that's why they won't give it a halloween theme this year!


Those are super realistic looking! They remind me of the ones at Europa Park.

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