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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Knotts Berry Farm Update.


The park was VERY crowded today with most lines at least 40 mins. But their were some lines well Past 40 mins. Over all it was a good day with all the crews except Jaguar doing a good job at getting people through the lines fast.


Now onto the pictures.


Sierra Sidewinder Construction as of (4-6-07)



Keep up the good work!



From the looks of it, this ride may interact with water!



The New View from Silver Bullet



Insert lift here.



The Train will pass throgh here



Bottom of the lift waiting to be installed.



Track close up



Moving On


Rides Closed.



Log Ride


Not much activity. But from the looks of it, this ride will be down for a while.



Perilous Plunge


I looks like they are replacing the chain an a gear to the ride.



Crowds, Crowds, and Crowds.


It was so crowded today that Jaguar filled up the bottom part of the Q line. Ghost riders line was half way to the entrance. Bigfoot had a hour wait and the roof to the Q line is almost completely done. Boomerang had a 45min wait. And almost all the flat rides had a nice size wait.


But on the other hand Supreme Scream was running all three towers (something I have NEVER seen!) and had a 5 min wait! Xcelerator's crew was dispatching trains at about every minute and a half! Silver Bullet had a 25 min wait for most of the day and Montazooma had about a 15 min wait.





Just look at that LINE!!!









Other Rides



Supreme Scream



Three towers running!!



Over all Park Activity


Silver Bullet.


Silver Bullet has received shade over the transfer track.



A midway game station is in rehab.



Camp Snoopy is now Snoopys Spring Safari



Craft are on sell in Ghost Town.



Now I leave you with Xcelerator Launching in to the sun.



Thank you for looking at my update and I hope that you enjoyed it.


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This may have been asked already, but is this going to be a spinning wild mouse?? If so, I rode Spinning Dragons at WOF last summer and it was great! It looked tame from the Queue, but the ride experience was alot more intense than I thought it would be.

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^ If I'm not mistaken, the ride will be unlike a wild mouse in that it will have actual "trains", rather than simply "cars", if you will.




Thanks for the update Top Thrill! I loved that Xcelerator picture! I also agree that the concrete wall thing suggests there will be some water beneath the ride. Some, at least. That top lift piece, that looks unaligned, looks very weird to me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, just got back from a great day at Knotts and I am happy to say that Sierra Sidewinder is now 99% done with track work. They are well under way with the station and the ride should begin testing soon! Now onto the pictures!


Sierra Sidewinder Construction as of 4-29-07


It looks like Knotts has a real winner on its hands!!




I just love how twisted this thing is!!!!



The station



Ride Closures.



According to Knotts web site Perilous Plunge will be down until the 26th.

And Log Ride is expected to re open this week!! Also Montezooma's Revenge is in its yearly rehab.



GhostRider is currently testing a boarding pass system (like at SFMM) and I think that this a great idea to help cut down on line jumpers during the summer.



That pretty much sums up whats going on at Knotts. Thank you for looking at my update!




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