FreeFaller Posted September 4, 2013 Author Share Posted September 4, 2013 Welcome to Day 3 at the Point! This is a very sad day, because this is the last day of the TPR trip and the last day at the Point( ), BUT I will keep on posting updates of my private after trip, so be prepared for some more Marcelicious adventures! The last day at the point was as AWESOME as all the other days at Cedar Point, so this update will most likely consist of only some photos, because I'm pretty sure you know how the Point in general looks like now etc.! That's why I would love to write some more private words and summarize my feelings and experiences about the whole trip so far, kind of like toast So, first of all I would like to let you know that my first ever TPR trip was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I mean I did a lot of private trips in Europe etc, but those trips were friends trips and we had a BLAST on those trips for sure, but this trip now was a REAL group trip and I have to say, that it was the best trip I've ever experienced so far! Riding roller coasters with so MANY coaster geeks is so much FUN! It was really one of those 'time of my life' experiences, NO kidding! With that being said, I would love to thank you Robb&Elissa for organizing all that good stuff, letting us coaster geeks ride the kiddies with your daughter Kristen (THANKS KRISTEN! I hope you will ride many more coasters with us!), and having a WONDERFUL time! *Where is the applause button*??? Furthermore I would love to thank all the other coaster friends who made my trip so fabulous! It was SO nice to meet you all and I really loved hanging out with you! I now have so many REAL friendships all over the world just because of sharing the same passion: RIDING COASTERS! That's one of the many reasons why I LOVE my hobby! It connects so many people and so many different characters! That's really EPIC! That being said, enjoy your last day at the Point and keep on reading my trip report! Arms down, head back and hold on tight! I will miss that sign! Such a nice entrance now! Ready for some CP sightseeing? Gatekeeper looks nice! You can get some really nice shots from the cable cars! My baby! That giant wheel is trying to get over my head! $5 per game! That donut was so delicious! Roxanne and me riding Dragster! I love Dragster! Time for our last dinner! MF sunset! Beautiful Cedar Point! Roxanne has a little fever I think YUMMY! Hey guys! It's time to get some last rides on my Dragster! I love my Dragster Crew! Thank you guys for making this trip AMAZING! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John_RN Posted September 5, 2013 Share Posted September 5, 2013 Great TR Marcel!!!! You captured all of my excitement and feelings exactly for my first trip also. Awesome photo to end it all.....with the family responsible for all this greatness....the Alvey family!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 5, 2013 Author Share Posted September 5, 2013 Hey guys! I'm back! New day, new report! It was time to say goodbye to TPR and Cedar Point and start the private after trip! Douglas was so kind to take Werner and me back to his home town Buffalo where we picked up our rental car for the trip! Since Waldameer and Conneaut Lake were on our route, we stopped at those parks and did some credit run there! Thank you very much Doug for doing that shuttle service! We appreciated it a lot! BTW: Kevin joined us as well for the drive back to Buffalo! Conneaut Lake wasn't the nicest place I've been to, but there was a credit So no time to cry and no more words about the park The next stop was Waldameer with its AMAZING Ravine Flyer II! I liked that park very much, because its atmosphere was really nice! Not that kind of busy, crowded atmosphere like it was at Cedar Point. It was really kind of old school! I love those ''nostalgic American parks' because you don't find them here in Germany. IMO, the atmosphere is really American at all the little parks in the states! We met Colin at the park! It was a nice little surprise to see him there after he did the TPR trip as well After some hours at the park, it was time to leave and drive to Buffalo! Our rental car was waiting for us! As always...Enjoy your ride and my photos Goodbye Cedar Point! The bus is already ready to drop us off at the Cleveland airport! Doug offered us a drive from Cleveland to Buffalo! Thanks, buddy! One of the crappiest and scariest places I've been to! Could be a house in a horror movie! Are you ready to ride Blue Streak? Welcome back riders! Tumble bugs! Not for me Sadly out of service Let's get outta here! On our way to... Wristbands!!! ...Waldameer!!! The nicest kiddy coaster I've seen! Right in the middle of a small pool! Woodie goodness! Strange place... Arrrrrrr..... Time for free falling! I only see the color green! Hey guys! Are you enjoying the cable cars? Nice setting! Welcome to Conneaut Lake! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerstlaueringvar Posted September 7, 2013 Share Posted September 7, 2013 WOW! How was the ARM tower? Was it really scarier than Intamin towers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 7, 2013 Author Share Posted September 7, 2013 ^The drop tower was fun! Not frightening Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 7, 2013 Author Share Posted September 7, 2013 Sorry for the delayed updates, guys! University started again, so I kinda got busy! Nevertheless, my report about my US trip continues! This time, it's Darien Lake and Seabreeze I'm reporting about! Werner and me went to Darien Lake in the morning and somewhen during afternoon we left for Seabreeze! It's definitely doable to do those parks in one day. We didn't have any problems though. Darien Lake was definitely NOT the best park on the after trip I didn't like its coasters, so I was happy when we got all the credits... I'm sure this park only knows one train operations, but Q's were not too bad Since Moto Coaster had some issues and Predator opened at 1:30 pm, we had to wait to get all those credits. After that little credit run, we decided to leave for the much nicer park Seabreeze! I loved that little park. As I've already explained in one of my other trip updates, I really LOVE those nice little American parks. The atmosphere is just amazing Unfortunately, no kid wanted to ride the kiddy coaster with me (They wanted to ride ALONE, without any adult!), I didn't get that credit (I didn't get the kiddy at Darien Lake neither!). I loved the ''Bobsled'' coaster! It was really fun The park had two more coasters, the woodie (really rideable!) and the spinning coaster (meh...). After our stay at Seabreeze, we had to go on the road again, because we had to go on a multiple hour drive to Canada! Oh Canada With that being said, have FUN watching my photos! Thanks to CLUB TPR, we got a discount! Club TPR rocks! Welcome to Darien Lake! Are you ready to get your mind erased? OMG. What am I doing? Oh man, this looks like PAIN! And that park doesn't seem to have a coaster that does NOT try to kill you... Oh man, look at that CRAZY Arrow element! The Moto Coaster had some issues, but it opened later that day! C'mon! The park seems to LOVE... Ride of Steel...I hated the restraints... More Intamin....(badness???) Could this be one of the next RMC projects? It would be nice! ...PAIN Goodbye Darien Lake! We're on our way to... ...Seabreeze! Welcome to Seabreeze! Woodie Woodie Woodie! We loved the Bobsleds!!! Let's end that update with some useless credit whore photo! SO much fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beatle11 Posted September 8, 2013 Share Posted September 8, 2013 I remember the Bobsleds being surprisingly fun, and Jack Rabbit had a really good double down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kailisun98 Posted September 8, 2013 Share Posted September 8, 2013 WHAT? You don't like the Superman Ride of Steel? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 8, 2013 Author Share Posted September 8, 2013 ^Sadly not. I'm sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 8, 2013 Author Share Posted September 8, 2013 It's time for some more Cedar Fair goodness, because the day after having crossed the border, Werner and I went to Canada's Wonderland! (Oh Canada ) Yup, we wanted to explore CANADA! Crossing the border was not a big issue, but the GPS became a BIG one Since Werner bought a GPS (valid for the US AND Canada) and he was told that it worked in Canada, we found out that it didn't work in Canada That's why we bought an old school map and the MPS (the Marcelicious Positioning System lol) made us find our hotel for the next 2 nights! Canada's Wonderland was fun and I had the impression that it was not that kind of typical Cedar Fair Park like Cedar Point! I mean it was busy etc, but it was not that stressful and loud as Cedar Point (IMO). It was different. Nevertheless we had to get some credits (NOT the kiddy coaster )!. That's why we pre ordered Fast Lane PLUS! Without Fast Lane Plus we would not have gotten all the credits! Definitely worth it! Leviathan is definitely a FUN coaster (it looks faster than it is!) and Behemoth as well, BUT Shambhala in Spain is better We met Carmine (who also did the Texas/Midwest trip), so we spent the day together! (Thanks for the souvenir discount!) Canada's Wonderland sold almost ALL their hoodies, because it suddenly became really windy! We just needed a hoodie so we decided to buy one! Many others did the same They made a lot of money that day I think! With that being said...enjoy your ride! Next update will be from TORONTO! Crossing the border to Canada! YAY! We're in Canada! First get some sleep, before we're heading to... CANADA's Wonderland! Mhhh, looks good! YAY! It's operating Here we go! Seems to be busy! Thank god we have Fast Lane Plus! Souvenir shot! Our credit run starts! Nature and coasters! Q's Q's Q's... The food was actually really good! LEVIATHAN! Unique flat ride! Behemoth! The Q was INSANE, but... ...we had FAST LANE PLUS! My first Stunt Coaster without ANY working effects Can't wait to ride the coaster! All clear?! Welcome back riders! How was your riiiide? Leviathan? This way! Oh no! A Boomerang... ...AND an Arrow ride! Nice themed souvenir shop! Souvenir shops often mark the end of a day... It's time to leave Canada's Wonderland! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djboss302 Posted September 8, 2013 Share Posted September 8, 2013 Man I'm jealous. Hopefully one day I'll get to go to Canada's Wonderland. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted September 8, 2013 Share Posted September 8, 2013 Hahah I'd love to hear more about the GPS story and you having to use a map to find your way around! Even today for anyone that would be a little difficult in any new city; not to mention a different country!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 8, 2013 Author Share Posted September 8, 2013 ^It was definitely a challenge! I was surprised that it hasn't been that difficult as I've expected it to be! Just search the place where you want to go and see which roads are going there I'm happy we found all the places where we wanted to go! And we conquered the Toronto City jungle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ape Posted September 9, 2013 Share Posted September 9, 2013 I'm curious as to how much this entire trip cost if you don't mind sharing? I'd like to do something one summer where I hit a bunch of parks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 9, 2013 Author Share Posted September 9, 2013 It was about 5 or 6k (including airfare!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ape Posted September 9, 2013 Share Posted September 9, 2013 How long were you in north america? 3 weeks? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 9, 2013 Author Share Posted September 9, 2013 25 days Do you want to do a Europe Trip or a North America Trip as well? It will be cheaper for you because you don't have to pay for underage driving Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ape Posted September 9, 2013 Share Posted September 9, 2013 I'm going to do the US over several years. Europe ill mast likely not get to do much as far as parks because the wife will want to do a bunch of other stuff as we have never been there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 Being at university can be VERY boring! Why not doing another trip update? It's time for some sightseeing! No coasters, no thrills, no parks. Only sightseeing! Those were our plans for TORONTO! After we conquered the Toronto traffic jungle (Thanks to MPS ), we started exploring the city! We did some typical things like the CN Tower (I didn't like it too much, it was way too crowded!) or Toronto's Eaton Center (BIG shopping mall). It was a relaxing day! Not too much stress! Just relaxing and walking around! All that good stuff you do when being downtown! I rather show you some photos than explaining all the stuff we did in that city. I don't want to bother you with too many information Are you ready to conquer Toronto? If yes, go ahead! If not and you would like to know all that historical stuff about the city, leave the TR and get some more information about Canada and come back! See ya guys! More photo whore time! Photo shoot! First stop this morning: WALMART! I need some candies! Oh wow! Feels like being in Europe! Marcel *LOVES* IKEA! Hooray! We made it to Toronto! BIG city life! Plan of the day: Do the CN Tower! Looks BIG! Welcome to the CN Tower! It was way too crowed! Not only in the entrance area... This would have been paradise for YIN! Merchandise! Ready for the elevator ride? We had a really nice view! Everyone took the same photos up there! Toronto! More Toronto! Yup, that's Toronto! Water! More water! Scenic view! Looks pretty nice! It was TOO crowded! Couldn't enjoy it! I don't know how many feet we're in the air! SMALL Glass Floor! It's windy here! Time to leave the tower! It's photo whore time! Skyscrapers... ...and more skyscrapers! LOOK! I have my own restaurant in Canada! Eatons shopping mall! Random houses! Hard Rock Café Time! Werner got his Hard Rock Café Credit! Looks nice! Food was awesome! Walking back to our car... ...passing some nice houses... ...and stores... ...and town halls... ...AND skyscrapers! Welcome to the hipster district! Random shots! More random shots! Goodbye Toronto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darque Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Marcel, no Edge Walk??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 No edge walk, Andrew! It was way too expensive! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Awesome job with these reports, they've been very entertaining to read. Thanks for posting! dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 ^ awesome! That was exactly my purpose! Entertaining my TPR family Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Thanks for all the Toronto pics--I have yet to visit that city (or that part of Canada, for that matter). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
denning Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 So meta looking at a picture of you took of my ofice from my office. Glad you like the city. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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