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Adventureland Long Island!

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  • 1 year later...

Well well well... I bet nobody expected to see this thread bumped today.

Just two years after rocking the coaster world to sleep with the addition of Fireball, this park is actually up to something big. Disclaimer: by "big" I mean "really really small" but big for Adventureland because the park is the size of a postage stamp.

A few days ago they announced the closure of their log flume:


And today, they announced the closure of their pirate ship.


In that post they teased a "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" </caps lock>.

Now... Dorney just announced a gift shop and called it major. I get that "major" means nothing but I actually think that this might be kind-of big.

Now I know what you're thinking...

"But Bill. I don't give a sh*t"

"These two rides are old, of course they're removing them"

"There's a park called Adventureland on Long Island?"

... Two things. A) You clicked on this thread, not me. Did you expect a Millennium Force clone? B) Okay so hear me out:


Again... when I say that this is a "big" space I mean the size of the Dollar Tree next to the park but in Adventureland terms they are freeing up enough space for what COULD be their biggest ride ever. I kind-of hate this because if I never have to experience the Long Island Expressway again as long as I live that would be great but I also love this because this park is super cute and I kind of like it.

My prediction based on literally nothing is one of those ultra-compact Zamperla family coaster /flume combos that Coney Island the the lesser Adventureland just got.

  • Haha 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like they are adding some sort of Disk-o style ride called "Wave Twister" for 2025.  This video (at 0:58) shows a very brief glimpse of what appears to be a rotating two armed ride vehicle with rotating seats that rock back and forth along the track.  

Edit: I saw on Twitter (which of course makes it true) that the ride is from RES

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