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Which Coaster Gives The Best AIRTIME???

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Oh come on. Why did my thread move to this?

I was asking a completely different question.

That's what I was thinking when my best airtime hill thread moved to this thread


And you are both wrong, because the TPR moderating team said so!

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I would say that any coaster that has a change in direction during the ride will have a substantial amount of airtime that occurs over an extend period of time. (Airtime is experienced for 8 seconds at a time) Examples of coasters like this would include any Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, Superman at SFMM, and Mr. Freeze. Currently, the wooden coaster with the highest recorded number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Voyage. Riders experience 24.3 seconds of airtime. The steel coaster that has the highest number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Diamondback. Riders experience 30 seconds of airtime.

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I would say that any coaster that has a change in direction during the ride will have a substantial amount of airtime that occurs over an extend period of time. (Airtime is experienced for 8 seconds at a time) Examples of coasters like this would include any Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, Superman at SFMM, and Mr. Freeze. Currently, the wooden coaster with the highest recorded number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Voyage. Riders experience 24.3 seconds of airtime. The steel coaster that has the highest number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Diamondback. Riders experience 30 seconds of airtime.

I'd like to see what the numbers are like on Outlaw Run. That ride had me out of my seat for what seemed like most of the ride. And there was the weird sideways airtime on the 90 degree turn after passing through the lift hill supports.

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I would say that any coaster that has a change in direction during the ride will have a substantial amount of airtime that occurs over an extend period of time. (Airtime is experienced for 8 seconds at a time) Examples of coasters like this would include any Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, Superman at SFMM, and Mr. Freeze. Currently, the wooden coaster with the highest recorded number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Voyage. Riders experience 24.3 seconds of airtime. The steel coaster that has the highest number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Diamondback. Riders experience 30 seconds of airtime.

I'd like to see what the numbers are like on Outlaw Run. That ride had me out of my seat for what seemed like most of the ride. And there was the weird sideways airtime on the 90 degree turn after passing through the lift hill supports.

OH YES! No doubt Outlaw Run is going to be up there. If you get a chance to ride it again, get an accelerometer app for your phone. You can turn the app on when you are about to get on, and let it run the whole ride with the phone in your pocket and that will tell you during which portions of the ride you experienced airtime. It's pretty cool collecting your own airtime data!

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I would say that any coaster that has a change in direction during the ride will have a substantial amount of airtime that occurs over an extend period of time. (Airtime is experienced for 8 seconds at a time) Examples of coasters like this would include any Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, Superman at SFMM, and Mr. Freeze. Currently, the wooden coaster with the highest recorded number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Voyage. Riders experience 24.3 seconds of airtime. The steel coaster that has the highest number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Diamondback. Riders experience 30 seconds of airtime.

I'd like to see what the numbers are like on Outlaw Run. That ride had me out of my seat for what seemed like most of the ride. And there was the weird sideways airtime on the 90 degree turn after passing through the lift hill supports.

OH YES! No doubt Outlaw Run is going to be up there. If you get a chance to ride it again, get an accelerometer app for your phone. You can turn the app on when you are about to get on, and let it run the whole ride with the phone in your pocket and that will tell you during which portions of the ride you experienced airtime. It's pretty cool collecting your own airtime data!

Interesting; I didn't know such a thing existed. And I will be riding OR again; SDC is my local park, and we've got season passes.

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I would say that any coaster that has a change in direction during the ride will have a substantial amount of airtime that occurs over an extend period of time. (Airtime is experienced for 8 seconds at a time) Examples of coasters like this would include any Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, Superman at SFMM, and Mr. Freeze. Currently, the wooden coaster with the highest recorded number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Voyage. Riders experience 24.3 seconds of airtime. The steel coaster that has the highest number of seconds in which riders experience fewer than 1Gs is Diamondback. Riders experience 30 seconds of airtime.

I'd like to see what the numbers are like on Outlaw Run. That ride had me out of my seat for what seemed like most of the ride. And there was the weird sideways airtime on the 90 degree turn after passing through the lift hill supports.

OH YES! No doubt Outlaw Run is going to be up there. If you get a chance to ride it again, get an accelerometer app for your phone. You can turn the app on when you are about to get on, and let it run the whole ride with the phone in your pocket and that will tell you during which portions of the ride you experienced airtime. It's pretty cool collecting your own airtime data!

Interesting; I didn't know such a thing existed. And I will be riding OR again; SDC is my local park, and we've got season passes.

I'm going to SFOG tomorrow, I'll download it and see if I can post some screenshots- I've never actually done it before, but it should work.

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I dare you guys to ride Georgia Cyclone in the back row. Then wait for the 4th drop (drop off the 2nd turnaround) and following hill, and prepare to nearly fly over the seat divider if your bar is loose. There are other airtime moments, but these are simply insane.

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El Toro gives the most extreme consistant airtime of any coaster I've been on. However, I have found it not very re-rideable, I was able to handle riding twice without getting off before I had to. Shivering Timbers delivers consistant airtime over every hill, but it is less intense than El Toro. It is still provides great airtime, and is in my opinion better than El Toro due to it being more re-rideable.


However, there are still other rides that have certain moments. The first drop on Lakeside's Cyclone provides a pretty intense airtime moment, especially in the front row if I remember correctly. However, the most OMFG airtime moment I can think of is the second to last hill on Zippin Pippin. Zippin Pippin as a whole is a great airtime coaster, but holy hell is that hill violent.

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I understand this isn't a coaster, but I've found that Chance Zippers can actually give a lot of airtime.


PS: Idk.., airtime's fun, but I also like some of the really high g elements as well. If a ride's only got 1 of the 2, (high g or, in this case, airtime), I don't like it nearly as much. For me, a ride/coaster needs to do a bit of everything to be truly good. Anyone else agree?

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Ok here are some screen shots of just one of the many Accelerometer apps you can download. This particular one in called SensorLog. It was pretty good, except there is no way of viewing the graph after you record it. It can export all of the data in a CVS document will all the info if you really wanted to decipher specific values. I believe that the X axis is the top of the phone to the bottom of the phone, the Y axis is the left to right side, and the Z axis is the front to back. With that being said, it seems like X would be acceleration, Y would be laterals and Z would be airtime/positive downward G's. I'll try to get a better app for Carowinds.


This was MindBender at SFOG. This is the entire ride from the base of the lift hill to as soon as you hit the breaks.

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Maverick has great airtime, but it only happens about 3 times throughout the ride. For a ride with floater air spread a throughout the ride, I'd have to say Ghost Rider. Despite it being very rough, almost every hill throws me out of my seat - especially in the second half. I can only imagine how insane it was before the MCBR trimmed speed!

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I understand this isn't a coaster, but I've found that Chance Zippers can actually give a lot of airtime.

Speaking of non-coaster rides with ridiculous airtime:

I rode one of these in the same day as Ghostrider at Knott's and this still had more airtime. Absolutely ridiculously amazing. I think I'm becoming a frog hopper enthusiast...


The Boomerang...April fools!

I've actually gotten some hangtime on the boomerangs at Knott's and SFMM. Does that count as airtime? (the original post said that he liked the airtime on Montezooma's Revenge, and that's hangtime...)

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