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Which Coaster Gives The Best AIRTIME???

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The best I've ever gotten was on Ride of Steel at Darien Lake.


My lap was actually in a little pain from being held up against the restraint in the back seat, that's how intense the air was.


Even in the front row your butt will NOT be in the seat on those airtime hills, no matter how hard you try.

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  • 1 month later...
I was really amazed how much butt-out-of-the-seat moments Shockwave has at SFoT. It is certainly another high quality Schwarzy. Mindbender will always be my favorite, but I have to give Shockwave a slight edge in the airtime department...especially at the third drop in the back row.


i don't remember airtime on shockwave! i went on it a few times and it was a very good ride, but perhaps its been too long ago to remember its details.

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Phoenix at Knoebels. 3rd row....that is all


Agreed however I got decent airtime in the front row on Saturday & it was incredible I think Phoenix is definitely the best airtime machine


For me, Boulderdash is the most consistent with airtime


Lol Boulder Dash is my #1 coaster however I still think the Phoenix beats it airtime wise.

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^I would agree in that they are two completely different experiences. X2 is awesome that you enter the drop blind and then go face first, but that experience also only lasts for a split second it seems like which is a bummer. The thing I like about dive machines is that you can be feet from the track, with only a restraint holding you in, being dangled 200+ feet above the ground. They are both great experiences though, and I certainly love X2, SheiKra and Griffon.

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Shivering Timbers has the best airtime of any coaster I've ridden. While El Toro has more extreme air, it isn't very re-rideable, and I had to stop riding after a few consecutive rides.. While Shivering Timbers airtime is less intense, there was plenty of airtime on every hill once the ride had been running for a few hours. There seemed to be more airtime than El Toro overall, and unlike El Toro, I was easily able to ride Shivering Timbers again and again.



Demon also has a great moment of airtime on the first drop if you are riding in the back. I forgot about this on Sunday, so the sudden and somewhat intense moment of airtime was pretty thrilling.

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  • 6 months later...

Tremors gives excellent airtime on multiple hills, although obviously not as much as its older sibling. This was a wonderful surprise as that of course isn't necessarily what Tremors is known for (I have seen the airtime heavily praised in reports from several years back, though). Be sure to ride front or back--with a loose lap bar, if possible. I'm pretty sure it's a "front seat ride" as that's where I remember a forceful ejector pop on one of the earlier turning hills, but I only rode back seat once this time, so it may have its own special benefits I've forgotten.

Timber Terror, of course, is a "back seat ride" as you do not want to miss out on that outstanding first drop! However, the front provides excellent airtime in its own right--only slightly diminished apart from the first drop, I believe, and perhaps better in some spots. Remember, I'm clueless about the physics!


I love that famous airtime hill on Goliath (SFMM), and I actually feel the ride has reasonable airtime overall (or maybe I've just been brainwashed by that one hill).


Here's my list...

1. Giant Dipper

2. Timber Terror

3. Tremors


Single moments (it's too hard to rank such diverse types of coaster)

--On Coaster Thrill Ride

--On Olympic Bobsleds

--On Goliath

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Instince of airtime: Maverick's airtime hil


Whole ride: Diamondback at KI (Pre-trims)


I have to give some honorable mentions to Blue Streak and Magnum though. Both have a decent amount of airtime. Magnum's even given me bruises!

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  • 1 month later...

I can't tell you what the best coaster for airtime is since I haven't been on every contender but I'd say El Toro has some pretty awesome air. The back row is intense but the first car has some of the most intense airtime I've ever felt. The first two hills and the one right before the twister finale are ridiculous from the front car.


Bizarro is good too and has some great all-around airtime. The ejector air on the hills is less intense than El Toro's but the great part about Bizarro is that virtually every part of the ride has great airtime, even at the top of the helices when the ride changes from banking left to banking right, etc. With El Toro, you either have super intense airtime or super intense twists and turns, but not both at the same time. Bizarro has both in the twister/helix finale but to a lesser degree


In the end though, it's all about your personal preferences

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I'm gonna have to say El Toro takes the cake on airtime with the single best moment being the hill that goes over Rolling Thunder.


I also have to say one ride that gets overlooked in the airtime department is Desperado. Arrow's coat hanger designed hills in the camelback run have some extreme ejector airtime, especially up front.

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While I have not ridden a major amount of coasters, I would say:


Millenium Force

Phantom's Revenge: you get quite a bit towards the end

The Voyage: By far the most intense wooden coaster I've ridden


I personally felt Maverick was a better ride for speed and transitions as opposed to airtime. When I rode it, the restraint got tighter as the ride progressed.


Diamondback provides some good floater airtime. While it's a great ride, I personally felt it was somewhat gentle.

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B&M awesomeness!

Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia and for wood The Boss at Six Flags St.louis.


And one coaster that i wasn't expecting to have some good air was Wild Fire at Silver Dollar City, it suprisingly had some good air time and right at the end right as you jump onto the brake run there is a very forceful shot of airtime, it's the best. Also Powder Keg has good airtime too.

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^I gotta agree with Goliath at SFOG.


Plus I would add to the list Millennium Force and Cornball Express, the first hill on it popped me out of my seat so hard the seat belt came undone and I have never heard on that happening before and it scarred the crap out of me.

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