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My 1st Venture to the World in 1991

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My first trip to the "World" started in that Christmas, when it was celebrating its 20th birthday. My parents and I just flew from not-so-dirty-Jersey to Florida.


But despite my parents enjoying Disney more than me, I look back at how things were interesting back then...


Yes, Dale - you can hold me. I'm just nipping at lace, so I don't mind...


Waiting for "Sparkling Christmas Spectacular." Despite being too young to remember having seen it in person, it beats the current holiday show "Celebrate the Season" to the T!


It's a small world after all... Ooh LA LA!


Presenting - German Bandstand! "it's a small world" Edition!


That was the first year when SpectroMagic ran. I see a zany pair of ears behind that metronome!


I need Goofy to play for the local orchestra!


Look at how enchanted and illuminated this garden is! Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather, please make me a garden like that!


It's a pity when WDW recently announced that the parade is retired! But I'm posting those pics for nostalgia's sake!


Me and DD at Epcot (Center)


I found those faces too scary in Canada.


Me and DD in Japan. I love how DD keeps the guidemap in his shirt pocket - nifty!

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