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Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Opening up my gates right now for probably a couple hours.


It's raining, so hopefully there's another Coelcanth out (last time I ended up catching two)


Also have peaches and coconuts on the trees right now.


edit: bah just stopped raining. Closing up to go to the island.

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I just got my 3DS XL today! I just finished paying off Nook, but I'd love to come by and check out other people's towns and trade some fruit!



Name: Ricky

Friend Code: 0490-5430-7737

AC Name: Ricky

City: Boulder

Fruit: Pears

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I'm going to open my gates if anyone wants to stop by!


Town Fruit is Pears, so if you have another kind, bring some.


And it's raining! (Hint hint)


Gates closed. Had to cut it short due to router issues. I'll be on later tonight if anyone will be open.


And if you have any Regal Furniture or Wallpaper/Flooring, I'm buying.

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I think I have everyone added to my friend, and my town is starting to take off. My animals are kind of weird though - I had a kiwi[fruit] stool in my house and they kept want to come by and eat it. By stool I mean a chair, and not scat, and I'm not sure how likely my animals will be eating kiwi droppings - I wouldn't be surprised if they did


As for my town, I have imported a few types of fruit, both foreign and tropical. They are getting more plentiful than the native peaches, but the Recycling store is still paying the fixed price for them. Supply and demand dictates that as supply increases and demand remains constant, prices decrease. This does make me wonder what they do with all that fruit, and where they get those extra bells from. On the topic of bells, with all those bells entering my town's economy, I was expecting massive inflation and a resulting recession, but the economy is booming instead - in the past few weeks, the general store has expanded, two new stores have opened, a club is under construction, and the "Dream suite" is planning to open its doors tomorrow. I'm not sure how long this bubble will last, but business seems to be good.


In other news, rumors have been spreading about Boone and Marcie getting together, though both deny the fact. I may have to build the Resetti Surveillance Center to find out what is really going on, because Resetti's powers are paralleled only by the NSA. The introduction of "extra magic hours" policy for all businesses received positive response. The lack of venues serving alcohol does not appear to be bothering anyone, though


Just yesterday, Gulliver washed upon my beach. Apparently he was looking for Canada. He is VERY lost.


I think I should start a business catching mozzies and selling them. It would work very well here in Florida.


The animals remembered my birthday, and they gave me a shanty wall. How thoughtful of them! Later that day, one of them came and wanted me to trade it away for a piece of clothing.


Rrrommmeo! I'm a mighty pilot and captain of this vessel! Prepare to be boarded! (upper class, and zones one and two only at this time)

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^ Just wait until the night-club opens, and the hookers start moving in!


One of my Animals (Margie) moved out today .. thank-god! She was nasty, I caught fleas from her about 4 or 5 times. Each time she's feigned embarrassment, but I guess that's what one gets when one spends too much time up against walls with sailors.


Then there's Lucky .. I admit that Lucky is my favorite animal in the town. Sleeps a lot, always looking for snacks, and spends an inordinate amount of time staring blankly at trees. A total stoner, but he has my heart. The other day I found a lost item, turned out it was one of Lucky's baggies!


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Been playing every day. My HHA is FILLED with people from Japan! It's awesome to see how many Street Passes I'm getting (like 50+ per day), and even crazier to see how many people play AC out here (most!) I'm told that I might end up being able to get certain "Japan Only" items because I've street passed with them, and if that happens I'll be sure to share!


Will be on more when we get back from Japan.

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^Awesome! I was loving all the pictures on FB of the game centers being chock full of Nintendo rather Microsoft.


I'm not quite progressing as fast as everyone else due to a National Championship I'm training for, but my town is slowly coming together. Timmy and Tommy's store is closing tomorrow for the first remodel and I'm about to make a second bridge for my town.


Still trying to acquire Regal and Steiped furniture so if anyone has some, I'm willing to make a deal. Also, I believe someone was interested in Blue Furniture? I acquired a blue bed recently.

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^Awesome! I was loving all the pictures on FB of the game centers being chock full of Nintendo rather Microsoft.


I'm not quite progressing as fast as everyone else due to a National Championship I'm training for, but my town is slowly coming together. Timmy and Tommy's store is closing tomorrow for the first remodel and I'm about to make a second bridge for my town.


Still trying to acquire Regal and Steiped furniture so if anyone has some, I'm willing to make a deal. Also, I believe someone was interested in Blue Furniture? I acquired a blue bed recently.


I have a regal rug, if that is what you are interested in. Also, National Championship? What sport or event is this for?

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This is what happened for me yesterday.





I put all my bells into turnips on sunday, tuesday came and 463 bells a piece. on my 2nd trip I got 250,000 so a little less then a million. Then over on gamefaqs I let people come in to sell their turnips and got a extra 1.5 million in tips.

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Erik, I would get on but theres really no point to. We can't buy songs from K.K. Slider in my town since the store is closed for re-modeling. <_>





Well I still got 1+ million bells in the bank so last night I cleared my storage out only leaving room for non-orderable items and full kiddie furnisher set.



long story short I'll be buying 1 million bells worth of turnips and find someone online who has a re-tail buying them for anywhere around 400-500.

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I ordered the songs today. So I should have them later for you to pick up. Something I noticed. You can order extra copies of the Best Buy exclusive items via the catalogue machine once you pick them up. So if anyone needs a Cat Tower or Raccoon clock let me know. I think they are just under 2,000 bells each.

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