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Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Did anyone buy the 3DS XL bundle with AC:NL?

I bought two of them, why?


I'm still trying to decide weather or not to get the 3DS XL bundle, or buy a 3DS and a copy of AC:NL.

Is the Larger Screen, and Longer Battery Life worth the extra $$$?


Its not just a bigger battery pack and larger screen. The select, home and start buttons are real buttons on the XL. On the normal 3DS it's pretty much stickers and you have to press them hard to activate them. It's also very easy to make dents in them.


The XL is certainly worth it I think. Plus its only 30 dollars more?




Also the normal 3DS has a issue of the bottom screen touching the top screen when closed which does "minor" cosmetic damage to the top screen. The XL has rubber standoffs to prevent this. I can easily see light between the screens on my XL so it shouldn't be a issue at all on XL.

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^ Yeah, we don't have a physical copy. Not sure why anyone would need one?


For me it was 5 dollars cheaper then on the Eshop, plus Nintendo doesn't have a account system like my Steam or PSN accounts. On those if my hardware is stolen, damaged, lost I could still play my games in the future.


Of course I heard the AC:NL gamecard is linked with your 3DS system. Meaning if there's a mismatch between saves from the card and system then it only gives you the option to delete all data and completely reset. So apparently if you lose your 3DS you're screwed anyway.

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Definitely the XL. The 3D effect is some much easier on the eyes with the bigger version. Mario Kart is another good game for street passes. Amy and I take ours everywhere for street passes. The absolute best place, except probably Japan of course, is Disneyland. WDW is pretty good as well, but Disneyland is amazing. I get about 50-70 a day while I'm there. I just unlocked the island and have been getting a bunch of medals!

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Definitely the XL. The 3D effect is some much easier on the eyes with the bigger version. Mario Kart is another good game for street passes. Amy and I take ours everywhere for street passes. The absolute best place, except probably Japan of course, is Disneyland. WDW is pretty good as well, but Disneyland is amazing. I get about 50-70 a day while I'm there. I just unlocked the island and have been getting a bunch of medals!


What is Street Pass, and what does it have to do with Disneyland and Japan?

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For some games you can streetpass and unlock items or things like that. As you walk past someone with a 3DS it will quickly exchange information and when you open it later it tells you who you met. If they are playing any of the games that have streetpass, you will be able to go into the game and get them. For Super Mario World, you can get items, for Super Mario Kart you can ghost race the player. Nintendo also has it's own mini game where you can get hats and collect puzzle pieces. It sounds pretty lame, but it's kinda fun.

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For some games you can streetpass and unlock items or things like that. As you walk past someone with a 3DS it will quickly exchange information and when you open it later it tells you who you met. If they are playing any of the games that have streetpass, you will be able to go into the game and get them. For Super Mario World, you can get items, for Super Mario Kart you can ghost race the player. Nintendo also has it's own mini game where you can get hats and collect puzzle pieces. It sounds pretty lame, but it's kinda fun.


That's not lame, thats pretty cool actually!

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Two things...


1. I *LOVE* the "Late Night" Ordnance! My Nooklings is now open until midnight and Re-Tail is open until 2am!!! AWESOME!!! This always bugged me about the game before is that I normally play late at night and everything would be closed. This fixed that!


2. I made a Shovel Knight shirt to help support my friends at Yacht Club! Come in my town and grab it!


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Best Buy is giving away exclusive DLC via Nintendo Zone staring tomorrow, 4 different items each available fore 2 weeks. Simply go to a best buy that has Nintendo zone and click on the Nintendo Zone icon from the home screen. Its a "i" with wireless signal coming out of the dot.


Here's a link to find Nintendo Zone hotspots (and pictures of the 4 items along with their release/end dates) but it needs to be a Best Buy. www.nintendo.com/3ds/nintendozone


As far as I know this will be the only way to obtain the items.



my town update:


I paid off the 98,000 home loan (2nd home loan after down payment).


I've planted Bannanna's and peaches in my town but only 2 of each. There's a perfect cherry tree in front of my house, but you can't grow any perfect fruit other then your own. So for example I can only grow Perfect Cherries.


The boat to the island will be at my dock tomorrow.


and I won my bug contest and got 2 prizes (not counting gold trophy.)

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I found that the best tour to collect the fruits is the butterfly one. It takes a bit of time, but I was able to get a bunch of different fruits. All the fruit you collect during the bug tour stays with you when your finished. The fishing one is the same, but the maze and matching dont let you keep anything. Then, you put them in your storage basket to the right of the tour desk counter. When you get back to your land, they will be in the fishing basket on your dock. Also, the fishing and bug catching on the island is amazing. I got a crap load of sharks and giant bugs. You just have to ask the fire hydrant looking guy outside and he'll loan them too you. It takes a bit of time to get everything from the dock to the store/museum, but I got over 175,000 bells yesterday! I also got a ton of coconuts, durian, lychee, lemons, and mangos and can trade to others, but I won't be available until about 2:30 pacific time. Oh yeah, I have the shark displaying in my room!


Edit: I forgot to add that I did the butterfly tour about 15 times. Each time it seemed to rotate between about 4 fruits. Also, below is a picture for the Best Buy promo. I don't know if you just have to walk by like a street pass, or if you have to do anything.


AC:NL promo

Edited by jray21
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When it says "once per player" does that mean once per cart or per player? Just wondering because both Elissa and Kristen are playing on the same cart.


(And if that's the case and anyone wants to create a character so you can share extras for when we get back from our trip!) *wink* *wink*

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Supposedly, it's a Spot pass thing, so it's one per 3DS.


Here’s how it works. During the Best Buy Animal Crossing: New Leaf promotion, you’ll have to go to a participating Best Buy store, stand outside it and start the Nintendo Zone app. Once it has launched and you’re connected to the internet, apparently the free items will be downloaded to your game via SpotPass.



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I got a ton of cherries to trade off or give away. Also some bananas, lemons and durains.


My gates are open and I think I've added all but the last one or two people to post their Friend Codes. Currently 12:20 PM PST on 6/16. I'll have then open for at least a hour.



Update: Richard just left me some peaches so I planted 4 of those by my town hall.



Update 2: closing the gate and heading off to the island to see if theres any fruit and to catch bugs/fish. 128,000 is high for a bridge. <_>

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