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Blackpool Pleasure Beach (BPB) Discussion Thread

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Site owner here.


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As for Traumatizer...it's the same thing as Infusion. I know at times Vekoma tried to hype up the SLC's as having 7 inversions, but most parks realized no one would buy that and just went with the very marketable 5.

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^The standard model SLC's all have 5 inversions.


1st Element (weird heart shaped thing) = 2

Half Loop = 1

Two Inline Twists = 2


At one point Vekoma started saying that it had like two overbanks and these counted as inversions!

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The Pleasure Beach marketing people have a habit of bending the truth. One of the more famous efforts is the strange habit they have for measuring the heights of their rides from sea level, rather than base level. I guess they think bigger is better.


What is it they say about men in flash sports cars?

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What is it they say about men in flash sports cars?


Maybe they have a lot of money?


Anywho, Im not worried about BPPB's decision on Trama. I mean, Its a great addition, and they KNEW that they were in for. Im sure they have all this under control, and already know exactly what theyre going to do about it...


So bring on more construction photos!



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WOW, so much has been said since my unfortunate cancellation of internet, that’s why I have not been posting pics and for that I am truly sorry for you all....


And I still don’t have the net at home yet, this is at college, first day back so...



As construction goes, the site is very crowded with footers at the moment, more big one track has been removed and some of the supports.


When I get back online at home there WILL be an update!!!

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^ Thanks for clearing that up.Is the weird heart shaped thing somewhat like a Sea-Serpent?


The weird heart shaped element enters and exits in the same direction, like a regular loop. It goes up into a half loop, then executes a barrel roll, then into another half loop back down. Here's a link to RCDB that shows a picture of the train half-way through the element: http://www.rcdb.com/ig430.htm?picture=2 .

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Still No Net!?!? should be in a week or so...



and no, the have taken more big one track off now, nearly the whole of the section that i showed before... and i will say that as progress goes, there are nearly all the footers down now so the site is quite a wash of white concreet... or and there has also been a small move around in the carpark of the track and supports but nothin major yet.

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A report of Traumatizer I read described it pretty well, how it wasn't very exciting and when you hit the brakes its like you fell asleep when the train came off the lift and can't really remember experiencing anything. I remember it being like that on Kong. The lift was actually the most exciting part, looking wayyy down there at the ground, and then the train slinks off the lift and slithers down the first drop and then I kind of get jostled around a bit and then suddenly there are the brakes.

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that sounds about right...


and i will post another update tmw... iv got a new cool digital cam so ill giv it a test out for you all....







couldnt get a vid, to windy for a good looking one... but got loads of pics... which will be played as a little story...



right, as you in england know, there has been a lot of bad weather and blackpool has been flooded a lot by sea waves like these


and caused damage to south pier


but now to the PB and some work is being done to Grand national and roller coaster




the wind also did some damage to some signs by grand prex


also by gand prex, there seems to be a trench cut into the ground... i wonder if this will be for some power cables or something...


there has been some stuff going on in the car park as well, a few more bits like this

so at least we know unsecure items can be left unsecure


and the lift hill motor


there is also this rapped pack

which i think is new big one support bits to replace those taken out.


which brings us to,



although along with the distruction of the big one, big dipper has started to be put back together



the footer work is coming along nice



and for those egel eyed enough to see....... what we have all been waiting for... yes... thats right..... WE...HAVE...TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



more to come as it gets built

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update again,


the road under the park has been fully closed today with a crain in the way, which might be ready for track and support movment,


work on big dipper carries on,


a shot from outside on the prom showing the scale of the track removal from the big one,


then moving to the site, the bridge has got a lot of scafold up,


big dippers track is almost all back


and the station has started to be constructed


and here is a little vid overview of the site


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About time this "Classic" woodie gets a fresh coat of white paint, it looks nice with the Red track. The Irish Sea does not make things easy for the paint to last.


This and "Rollercoaster" must be the 2 white Woodies in the UK. Is the "Nash" and "Wild Mouse" going white as well...? How about use

glow-in-the-dark or UV paint.


Amanda is doing something right for a change

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