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NEW TPR Video Every Day in April!

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We ended up having TWO videos today!


First is one of the best Intamin coasters out there... Ride of Steel at Darien Lake!


And the second is us having a bit of fun on a Wacky Worm at Adventure Landing last weekend in Jacksonville!


(Yes, multiple comments DO count for more than one - but don't be stupid and post like 20 times in a row and keep your posts ON TOPIC with the videos!)

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at first I thought Ride of Steel might be dull. . it doesn't seem to do much. . .but dang if that sucker doesn't haul!


and those pops of air near the end.


looks like lots of fun

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I must say, the layout of RoS works A LOT better at DL than the same layout at SFA.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The two rides are exactly the same. I've ridden them both when they are running in "top form" and they are identical.

Edited by robbalvey
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Is it awkward just going straight on ROS?


"Going straight" is awkward?

Haha, isnt that weird on a hypercoaster? It just seems like Intamin was out of ideas there and just threw in a straight section. It is definitley different though

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^ I was thinking the same. I mean, the one at D Lake is not that bad as you go over the water but the one at SFA just feels like they didn't bother to put anything else there (like one or more airtime hills).

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I must say, the layout of RoS works A LOT better at DL than the same layout at SFA.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The two rides are exactly the same. I've ridden them both when they are running in "top form" and they are identical.


I mean that at SFA, the long straight stretches over flat ground seem just rather boring, while at DL, the straight stretches are right above the lake. It just seems like they took the lazy road at SFA and cut/pasted the ride there.

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Today's daily video is a small, but fun family woodie! The Comet at Waldameer! How many of you have ridden this?


(Yes, multiple comments DO count for more than one - but don't be stupid and post like 20 times in a row and keep your posts ON TOPIC with the videos!)

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While Ride of Steel might not be a top ten coaster for the experienced enthusiast, it is still a really good ride. Every hill on the ride had strong airtime no matter where you were sitting, and the helixes delivered reasonably strong positive G's. The flat straight sections, especially the one after the first helix, were actually more fun than I expected as you'd be going along and just when it started to get dull you'd be ejected as the train went over the hill.


Comet was a fun junior woodie, essentially a slightly downsized version of the Ghoster Coasters. I do think the Ghoster Coasters are better rides, but Comet definitely had a better setting and was a great takeover ride on the LeviaTHON trip.

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