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Lost Season Two (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Sir Clinksalot

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I know I'm not the only person on these boards who was totally hooked on Lost last year. So I figured we should start discussing season 2 since it starts on Wednesday night.


Like any awesome show, the finale asked more questions than it answered.








1) Are those pirate looking guys really the "Others"?

2) What will happen to Michael, Sawyer & Jin? (last we saw, they were drowning at sea)

3) What the heck is in that hatch?

4) Was Ethan one of the others?

5) Why does the Island need a security system?

6) How did they get to the Island (as in why did the plane crash)?

7) What is up with those numbers? (4 8 15 16 23 42)

8 ) What will happen next season?

9) Why is Locke so spooky?

10) Why is Walt so spooky (and why was he needed)?

11) Who is your favorite castaway?

12) What happened to Rose?

13) Will Hurley lose weight?

14) Are there survivors from the other half of the plane on the Island?

15) Why are there polar bears on the Island (and why does it always appear with Hurley's/Walt's comic book?



So many questions. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch it until late Sunday or Monday morning. STUPID VACATION!!!

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I can't watch it either because of class tonight. D'oh! Stupid Sociology. I may get out early to catch it at my mom's house, since I don't have cable. If not, Jeanne has it set for TiVo tonight. W00t!






BTW, Gregg, I finally put your birthday present and card in the mail today dude. Another W00t!

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And to think that I will more than likely have to wait till next year to see the second season. No wonder I spend so much money on ebay for DVD's, got to see Smallville from a DVD before it was even on the telly....


Wayne "At least I get to ride Superman soon....that sounds wrong?" C.

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