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Most Ghetto Park You Have Visited

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This piece of junk.


What's sad is that someone puts a lot of time and effort into that place. It seems as though people are enjoying themselves:) I can't call that ghetto.

I think I have a different definition of ghetto than many people in this thread!

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Fantasy Island, Skegness. More because of the people that frequent the place and the flea market with it's dodgy with pirated dvds, air rifles, fake branded clothing and implements for taking various substances.


Ahh yes - I'd forgotten about that market, with it's "mock auctions" and cheap vacuum cleaners!!!

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I would have to say Conneaut Park. This park has so much potential - the land it sits on is beautiful.


I know some said Lakemont - I personally enjoyed that park a lot when I was there this past Labor Day weekend. It was clean and all the rides ran great. The staff was friendly and I saw no issues. The only thing I would say is have a better process for the Leap The Dips because NO one knew you had to buy a "special ticket" for it.


For anyone that said Six Flags America. I live right by this park and go a lot. They have really come a long way in just the past 2 seasons. This season I went 5 times and all the rides were running every time. If something went down they had it up and running fairly quickly. Also they are huge on line jumpers now and are not afraid to call people out now.

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^ Conneaut Park does sit on a really nice site. I remember riding blue streak on a car with two of its three seats missing. When I went to the park it looked like a scary abandoned amusement park, kind of like on a Scooby Doo episode.

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For me, the most ghetto park I have visited is Martin's Fantasy Island. It is a really nice park, and I recommend going there to ride the Silver Comet. Most rides are carnival models that are completely taken down at the end of the season. When I said that the pond water was green in the first post, that actually came from this park. I believe that their new coaster this year is going to be a dog themed Wacky Worm.

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^ I would not call Martin's Fantasy Island ghetto. To me its just a small park with carnival rides. Not sure how that is ghetto? The park was very clean when I was there and the Silver Comet is well taken care of and looked great when we were there this past summer. I had a great time here at Martin's with TPR. The only bad thing I can say is they closed on us for rain when it was not even raining!

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I have to also say Lakemont. I'm not gonna say its dirty, but the rides are not being maintained terribly well and it just gives off a specific vibe that I don't get at other parks. I only stayed for an hour to get the credit and ride a few of the unique rides, but it was definitely ghetto on some level. Plus, they have a larger picnic area than most full size, POPULAR parks.

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^ I would not call Martin's Fantasy Island ghetto. To me its just a small park with carnival rides. Not sure how that is ghetto? The park was very clean when I was there and the Silver Comet is well taken care of and looked great when we were there this past summer. I had a great time here at Martin's with TPR. The only bad thing I can say is they closed on us for rain when it was not even raining!


Fantasy Island is the most ghetto park I have visited. One definition of ghetto is an adjective for poor. So you may be confused as to how I used the word ghetto. All I was saying, was that the park is poor, because it has mostly carny rides. The Silver Comet is obviously an exception.

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^Consider yourself lucky! Martin's Fantasy Island is a 5-star resort compared to some of the places many of us have been. It's not the best park, but it had a nice vibe to it.


Fantasy Island in Skegness is definitely up there for me, along with Uncle Bernie's which is so bad it's almost good.


Oh, and Six Flags Magic Mountain, which I'm surprised no-one's mentioned yet.


Knott's Berry farm gets an honourable mention because the day I went there everyone paid with coupons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vidampark in Budapest was definitley one of the worst I've been to. It was in a big state of disrepair but and as it had a lot of old rides it made it look worse. I paid in but only went on the two rollercoasters as I feared for my safety on the rest!


Look at the American flag in the background, sorry guys.


One of the oldest roller coasters in the world.


I have a sinking feeling about this ride!


MM safety hazard anyone?


Uh she's old!

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Fantasy Island is the most ghetto park I have visited. One definition of ghetto is an adjective for poor. So you may be confused as to how I used the word ghetto. All I was saying, was that the park is poor, because it has mostly carny rides. The Silver Comet is obviously an exception.


Definitely take a jaunt down to Conneaut Lake someday and then let us know what you think of that compared to Fantasy Island...either that, or cross the border and go to Marineland!

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