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Coasting for Kids 2013 - Be part of Team TPR!

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This is such a great charity. Kudos/Respect/Props to the Alveys for promoting this charity for another year.. The next three posters (that I haven't already donated to) that are coasting for kids and quote this get $11.11 each..

I am thrilled to be coasting for kids at Dorney!! Go Team TPR.....and thanks Chroniq!

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This is such a great charity. Kudos/Respect/Props to the Alveys for promoting this charity for another year.. The next three posters (that I haven't already donated to) that are coasting for kids and quote this get $11.11 each..


I love seeing the pictures and hearing about all this very worthy group is doing for these children.

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This is such a great charity. Kudos/Respect/Props to the Alveys for promoting this charity for another year.. The next three posters (that I haven't already donated to) that are coasting for kids and quote this get $11.11 each..


Not sure if it's too late or not, but figured I'd give it a try. Looking forward to my first time Coasting for Kids!



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I posted this to my Facebook page, but I figure it wouldn't hurt to post it in here too!


Ok Facebook friends, it's time to issue a friendly challenge! So far, the response I've seen to my fundraising efforts for the Coasting For Kids charity event has been quite awesome. That said, I really want to keep this "train" rolling! With that in mind, I'm trying this "In Like a Lion" donating challenge, in honor of March arriving this week. The goal? Let's hit $1,000 raised by the end of this work week (March 1st).....and, if we make it, my wife Erin and I are willing to pony up another 50 bucks to the cause!


I know we can do it! You can donate on my personal fundraising page here - Nick's Coasting for Kids 2013 Fundraising Page If even half of my Facebook peeps can spare just $5 towards this fantastic cause, that would raise close to $500! Think of the difference that you could make in the lives of these deserving kids!


And if you are unsure or curious where this donation goes, I simply ask you to visit here - http://www.gktw.org Many thanks to those who have already donated, and to those who will! Ready??.....GO!


If anyone here on TPR wants to help towards meeting this challenge goal, I would really appreciate it! Let's go "in like a lion"!!

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Happy Monday TPR'ers! Today I'm going to share with you my most favorite thing that's happening right now at the Village-- villa renovations!


First, for those of you that don't know, the wish families stay in their own private villa for their weeklong vacation. Each villa is two bedroom, two bathroom and the cool thing is it's the kids that get the master bathroom while the parents get the small bathroom. Each villa is truly the family's home for the week and we even put their name on a sign by their driveway. There are two villas per building (think duplex-style) so that if there is a large family we can give them an adjoining villa.


Today we have 140 villas on-site, with 64 more to be added with our expansion plan over the next 10 years. We have about 40 villas that were in our "Phase 1" construction from the late 80s and early 90s. While we have been very diligent in keeping these villas up to code and extremely clean for our special guests with weak immune systems, the Phase 1 villas are an eyesore and in dire need of upgrades.


Over the course of this year, we will always have at least eight villas under renovation at any given time and when it's all said and done we'll have 40 "new" villas by the end of 2013. The team just got done with the first 8, which took them about two months to complete.


I am truthfully more excited about the renovations than I am about the new villas or other major construction projects we have planned. I've posted some photos below, and I think you'll see why! Some may be interested to know we do a "reverse auction" with contractors for all of our construction projects, where vendors out-bid one other on who can do it cheaper. We also do these projects in a piecemeal sort of way, where there are different providers for the roof, electricity, tile, drywall, paint, etc. We are fortunate to have all of the materials heavily discounted, if not donated.


Take a look .









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^Looking forward to meeting you, Curt!


Yes, I'm super excited to be at VF for this year's event. I worked full-time in Marketing at the park for three years and am thrilled to go back to my old stomping grounds. Other than my day-of duties and any media interviews, I'll be in it with you guys from start to finish. I like to switch seats and talk to people, so promise not to look at me weird if I plop down next to you randomly, ok? I pinky-swear I'll shower and wear deodorant.

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Kara, those villa renovations look remarkable! I can see why you are excited about those!!


And I like the top fundraisers for each park being displayed on the Coasting for Kids home page. Definitely a cool touch! Plus, it's awesome to see all of those Team TPR avatars!! I think the name of that gal leading at Valleyfair sounds familiar.....where have I heard that name before??

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I would pick the 1 horse sized duck - Why? Because it would be easier to fight 1 big duck than 100 little horses. Plus I would like the chance to tame the duck and try to get it let me ride it while it flies around.

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