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Photo TR: Hersheypark! 9/18

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Alright like always I'll make it quick.. Im starving.


My friend Kelly and I went up to Hersheypark today to use up the free tickets we have (and handing out the extras to a random family..) and it was relatively busy. The weather was BEAUTIFUL though.. mid 70's and sunny, so obviously people took advantage of that. We were really in no rush to ride much. Actually all we did was Lightning Racer (15 minutes), SooperDooperLooper (10 minutes), Comet (25 minutes), the Monorail (walkon), and Storm Runner (45 minutes). I mainly wanted to check out for myself to see if this old ice rink was really being demolished for "a 2006 attraction". Well its GONE.. On to the pics.




Penguin or Duck??


Comets rather.. curvy lift hill. Great ride until the neutering, which is also visible in this pic.


Obligatory Top Hat photo. Storm Runner gave a great ride in the back seat!


Aww.. Kissing Tower. I'm always amazed that the Tower = 320 feet high to the top of the flag pole. Dragster = 100 feet more :)

Did I mention it was a really nice day?


....I'm more of a Zero G Roll person myself.


Vertical Loop. Enjoy that Derek....


Some Lightning Racer twist'age. One thing about Hershey's wood is during the day its *"eh..." during the night its "WTF just happened?"



Postcard'ish picture! It was a pretty day.. you can almost feel the breeze.


Out in Midway America lies a stage and a podium.. Hmmm.. should we have gotten there in the morning for an annoucement? Or will there be one soon? Their webpage has nothing new..


From the monorail here's a birds eye view. Hershey needs an indoor ride so anything will do great.. but please NOT A NASCAR THEME!!


No more small ice rink. Rumor has it a dark ride will be going here and the buildings to the left will be moved.

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^^ Great TR. Thanks for showing the picture of the ice rink that is being taken out. I thought it was the stadium next to it that was demolished.


and ^. HP is a great park, it does draw a good size crowd, but the park has the ability to handle the crowds very well. In the times I've visited the park, I never had to wait over 2hrs for Storm Runner.

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Thanks. I was wondering if it was true about the ice rink so now we know! As far as Hersheypark Arena goes, I doubt they'll be demolishing that anytime soon. It houses the Hersheypark offices and they still use it a lot for small events like State High School championships and all that good stuff that the Giant Center is too big for. I dont know if any Hershey Bear or AHL fans are on the boards here, but I personally MISS the old arena! The Giant Center has no character.



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