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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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New Update. New Tap Ball Update. You get a stadium and a main entrance to start. A bunch of new characters related to the Tap Ball Game. A lot is similar to previous updates, like tapping random strangers (Fans) in town, daily task that reset every night, etc. But a new mini-mini-game feature where you upgrade your team members and do a little game to see who wins. Still a lot to go through and figure out.


Also, they expanded the land for purchase by one row.

Edited by jray21
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  • 2 weeks later...
I kind of hate this update!


Just seems like a lot of effort for minimal rewards.


Hate to admit it, but I totally agree!! I'm barely logging in once a day in the morning to collect $$, and play what's available.


Bring on Halloween.

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I kind of didn't like this update at first, but now that I have my version of a Ninja Warrior course setup thanks to the daily prizes I'm 'ok' with it, not my favorite. Too bad I have all the obstacle courses now as the rest of the prizes aren't very appealing, other than the community prizes for free donuts, buildings, and such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, that was a pretty terrible event. I got excited for the mini-game, but then realized it wasn't a game. It ended up being just an annoying time consuming thing to have to do. It's just getting way too repetitive, and the prizes aren't that great anymore.

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OK. I'm really liking this "Springfield Heights" addition so far.


It appears to be an ongoing addition, that you DON'T have to do, as much as it's something you CAN do. Each building and upgrade can take quite a bit of time, but the buildings and building upgrades, give a much more fun objective (IMO). The prizes seem descent as well. Granted, I have today off, and spent quite some time playing this portion. So I've got some wealth established. That'll stop once I get back to work.


It's also a great way to pass time, in-between real events.


So, yeah. I like it, so far.

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I don't know what to make of this Springfield Heights thing. On one hand it's interesting, different, involves new gameplay, etc. but on the other hand I've already finished all of the tasks and now just always have things floating above my buildings unless I want to play every 30 seconds which is kind of insane.

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I honestly believe that this is just a time killer addition between real updates. I mean, getting all the tasks done was fairly easy, but getting all the rewards certainly takes time. Even the highest person on my "friends" list is only at 220mil. Still a long way from getting that billionaire playground.


You don't have to play, and you don't get penalized for it. It's just a cool addition to play, when real updates are completed or pending. After all, if you have all available floaties to get, you're using 36 characters. Most of which, can or will be used in regular updates.


That being said, I like it.

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I started up this game for the first time in months again a few days ago and I'm well behind now. I have something like 10 tasks waiting to be done right now. I still personally prefer the Family Guy game but this has definitely helped kill a bit more time recently.

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I don't know what to make of this Springfield Heights thing. On one hand it's interesting, different, involves new gameplay, etc. but on the other hand I've already finished all of the tasks and now just always have things floating above my buildings unless I want to play every 30 seconds which is kind of insane.


Someone was incrediablly bored!


I've not made it to 30mil yet, I can only tap the starbucks golden horse knock off so many times. And I'm still 2k from the lattest FP addition, shows how much I've been playing lately.


And is it me or has this game been updating like 4 times a week lately?

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OK. I'm really liking this "Springfield Heights" addition so far.


It appears to be an ongoing addition, that you DON'T have to do, as much as it's something you CAN do. Each building and upgrade can take quite a bit of time, but the buildings and building upgrades, give a much more fun objective (IMO). The prizes seem descent as well. Granted, I have today off, and spent quite some time playing this portion. So I've got some wealth established. That'll stop once I get back to work.


It's also a great way to pass time, in-between real events.


So, yeah. I like it, so far.


I agree- to me this feels like the Pawtucket Brewery from Family Guy. Something you do on your own time (after/between events), or you can choose not to do it at all without it affecting future gameplay. I'm also liking all the new land that came with it!

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I like the new update but this endless tapping is really starting to become annoying. There should be an option for longer tasks, even if their payout is relatively small.


But the game is called "Tapped Out"! I thought endless tapping was the whole point!



In all seriousness, I completely agree though. Hopefully longer tasks come later!

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