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IAAPA 2012 Trade Show - TPR's Official Report!

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I found Kevin Rowher's complete honesty quite refreshing when he was talking about the capacity on the free-flyer, i feel like you don't see that so often when you're at these kind of trade shows where they are trying to sell their products.

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We've got some more photos from the show floor to share!


Nothing says "pizza" like the Noble Roman's Chef Pizza Monster!


A bag of crap or two might just have some gems that we panned out of the trough here...


3DBA had a huge model for an indoor, Ice Age (the movie franchise) themed water park.


Giant trampolines anyone?


An odd looking simulator ride model...


TPR loves the Fishpipe!


Time to get some ice cream from a robot!


Domo Arrigato Mr. Roboto!


Here's a trackless enhanced motion vehicle that works in operation on the show floor.


For all of you wheel enthusiasts...


This may be the neatest climbing attraction ever.


Fantawild showed of its master plan for a huge theme park and resort.


It looks like there would be some new credits to get...


Also found on the show floor was SkyRide, a concept pitched to the investors of Shark Tank last season. Take a look at the ride and this guy's sales pitch to the investors!




Gerstlauer always has some incredibly detailed models around their booth.


They also had a model of the company's Sky Fly flat ride.


It is good to know Miler is still around!


A look at the new seats for the Sochi Winter Olympics space shot.

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Looks like the best IAAPA yet! This is amazing, great coverage. Thanks so much for all the IN DEPTH photos and interviews!


Agreed on everything; this is all just another strong sign that the amusement industry is well into a new period of growth and innovation, SO EXCITING!


Geeking out pretty hard over that FantaWild park model; very highly awesome.

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I'm also glad to see S&S finally doing a single tower, higher capacity design. I know they already have smaller single tower designs but with the wider tower diameter they can go higher with the single tower while at the same time increasing capacity.

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Agreed on everything; this is all just another strong sign that the amusement industry is well into a new period of growth and innovation, SO EXCITING!




I even spotted several representatives from the hard hit Hurricane Sandy Parks all smiles on the show floor looking around and most likely BUYING!!!!

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Can you take even more IAAPA photos?!?!



We are back at IAAPA 2012! Ready for an interview with Vekoma?



It's IAAPA... That means... Pizza!!!



Domo EVERYWHERE! (We love this!!!)



Checking out the Mack Rides booth.



What is your favorite B&M roller coaster???



Fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo.



I don't think Andrew did so well on the zip line!



Checking out the Zierer's booth.



Rocky Mountain shows us the difference between Topper Track and I-Beam track.



Sandor Kernacs of Intamin gave TPR a GREAT interview. Look forward to it online soon!



Yup, Huss was here too!

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Walter doesn't seem very talkative in any interview I've seen but it is very nice of him to take time out of his day to let you ask him some questions. Thanks for the videos!!

I love how after every question when Robb put the microphone to him he had kind of a deer in the headlights look for a few seconds

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