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Golden Ticket Awards 2012 Results

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Best Indoor Waterpark Number 10 - Splash Landings, England.


That's a Hotel.


There is a waterpark attached to the hotel, simply called "Alton Towers Waterpark", but the 10th best waterpark as named by Golden Ticket Awards is a Hotel.

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Somehow I don't think these awards are going to influence the public too much.

Speaking of this, during one of my visits to Holiday World this year, I heard a rather entertaining conversation while in line for the Voyage.

"It says this coaster is the number one wooden coaster in the world? What does that mean??" I couldn't help but chuckle.

This is one small case, but it would make sense that most people won't care about coasters being ranked. They simply go to ride and have fun, which is honestly why I ride in the first place. I don't need to constantly critique as it takes the fun out of the hobby.


When it comes to this year's results, I've always viewed the Golden Ticket Awards to be a small and VERY biased summation of opinions that just happen to be published every year. We can agree or disagree with them. I haven't ridden half of the roller coasters in these lists, so I can't even fully form an opinion, and you know what? That's A-OK with me. I'll ride them when I get the chance to do so.

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I don't know if this has been said at all in the thread, I'm not backreading 12 pages, but who cares where everything is ranked?? As I always say with any "rankings," it's all about what you like best, not what someone else likes best. Yeah, bragging rights and marketing and all that crap, but does that really affect you in any way, shape, or form?

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I don't really get why theme parks such as Six flags magic mountain or great adventure aren't in the top ten and it seems to me that verbolten has been a bit overrated. Also I don't see much of a difference between the intimidator and diamondback.

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^ Because SF Magic Mt. and SF Great Adv. aren't as good when compared to those in the top 10. Disneyland, Dollywood, etc. are all superior parks due to their devotion to others areas of a theme park experience rather than just coasters (food, theming, etc.).




Finally, someone with common sense. Until Magic Mountain can invests a a shiny penny in something besides coasters, they probably won't ever see a golden ticket.

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Unless everyone has the exact same opinion on what makes a coaster good and have rode all the coaster then there is going to be disagreements over the ranking. Case closed!


For the most part as said pages back, this is all for marketing. A way for Amusement Today to sell ad space and a chance for the parks to brag!

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Hmmm, ^ that being said, does anyone know if the parks the buy the advertisements have historically been the ones to win awards. If CP always buys an add and suddenly they don't win anything, they'd be less inclined to buy ads in the future.

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Unless everyone has the exact same opinion on what makes a coaster good and have rode all the coaster then there is going to be disagreements over the ranking. Case closed!


There are disagreements and then there utterly absurd results like Mean Streak beating out T-Express.

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My top 2 coasters is not in the top 10 and one barely craced the top 50! Does Amusement Today have something against Hersheypark or something. The only high rated coaster is Lightning Racer. Sadly, I find Skyrush, Storm Runner, and Fahrenheit better than Lightning Racer. These are totally fixed. Wild Eagle the best new ride!? I never rode it but, it has to be hard to beat out an Intamin airtime machine (Skyrush).

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B&M hypers are like reggae songs; you ride one, you've ridden them all. That explains why almost all of them are grouped together in Mitch's poll. The fact that a few were grouped at the top, followed by several spread out throughout the poll proves that this is not really a competetion for best roller coasters. It is a competetion for most popular roller coasters.


I still do not understand the "Maginum is better than Skyrush" vote. So, a hyper that kinda beats the crap out of you is not enjoyable, but a hyper that really beats the crap out of you is?

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Unless everyone has the exact same opinion on what makes a coaster good and have rode all the coaster then there is going to be disagreements over the ranking. Case closed!


There are disagreements and then there utterly absurd results like Mean Streak beating out T-Express.


QFT. I understand that ranking is quite subjective, which is why I usually don't pay too much attention to these or get irritated by them. But let's not pretend that it's a little weird to see a coaster like Mean Streak beating so many coasters that are easily considered worlds better, even by the general public. I'm not shocked about most of this, but some of the rankings are just insane. Plus, so many coasters that are very comparable (the B&M hypers, and the medium-sized GCI's, for example) are spread very far apart.

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I'm not backreading 12 pages, but who cares where everything is ranked?? As I always say with any "rankings," it's all about what you like best, not what someone else likes best. Yeah, bragging rights and marketing and all that crap, but does that really affect you in any way, shape, or form?


This post needs to be quoted at the top of the first page of every thread about awards, polls, rankings etc. going forward.

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I doubt many of the voters have ridden T-express, so it's already at a huge disadvantage.


That's one of my biggest issues with the Golden Ticket Awards. If the park or ride is in a country not normally visited (i.e., Korea, etc) it will get passed over. For all the talk about "TPR breaking it", at least the Mitch Hawker poll takes that into account.


All in all, this is really just pointless complaining about something. Because well...we're coaster enthusiasts and that's what we do.

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Well, I guess this will become another 'Full Throttle' discussion. We all agree we are disappointed, and move on to the next topic.


I should stop saying what bothers me, and, instead, I will say why. This poll is one of the most, if not the most famous roller coaster poll, and, as stated in every other post above, it most certainly is not the best. The issue is the GP reading these results will assert it as a fact that one coaster is better than another by just looking at the rankings, and not ever having ridden both. Case in point: Robb's Intimidator 305 video. I have seen several comments from time to time of GP asserting things like "No, stupid. Millennium Force is better! It got ranked #1 while this is only #12!"


I believe that it is a bit unfair that this is the most popular coaster poll, despite it's massive inferiority over Mitch's poll.

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Millennium Force the best steel coaster? Cedar Point better than Europa Park? Oh, the laughs these awards generate...



Cedar Point is better than DisneySea too, it seems. Sure. People need to get out more.

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One thing that the Golden Ticket Awards suggest is that the voters prefer a "stuffed-full-of-awesome-coasters-and-thrill-rides" park experience over a "immerse-you-another-world-with-highly-detailed-theming" experience. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that, and they're pretty different experiences so it's sort of hard to compare. I think most enthusiasts probably lean one way or the other. Anyway, all I'm saying is that the repeated result of Cedar Point beating out less "thrilling" parks that have elaborate theming which completely immerses you shows that more Golden Ticket voters are fans of thrill over other factors, which I think its perfectly valid.


Their taste in coasters, however, seems pretty questionable lol.

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