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Photo TR: A Summer at Cedar Point

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Those are some really great pictures, thank you! Really brings back memories of my summers working at the Point. There was some stuff I saw in the pictures (shops, food places, etc.) that I don't ever remember. Part of it is that some stuff has changed, and another part is that we were always so busy riding rides when we weren't working. We were always going to "play in the park." Good times!

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Thanks for the DT pics. I know I'm weird, but that is one of my favorite CP rides, and I'm very sad to see it go. I haven't visited it in a decade, but I did visit it earlier in it's life...


I wish I could have seen this ride in 1990. I've tried to unearth footage or photographs of the ride from it's opening year, but I've come across absolutely nothing. It had robots!


I really think they sent someone to Star Tours queue who took pictures of it, and then built the same thing without the Star Wars characters at a fraction of the price. I can't tell if it was at all there still in your pictures, but they had the same baskets of random robot parts floating above your head from place to place. The difference is that the theme was more of robot incompetence than Star Tours - In Disney rides, you tend to get in and then "something goes horribly wrong" whereas with Disaster Transport, you knew this was a bad idea to begin with.


I wish I had the foresight to have taken pictures. Of the five or six times that I rode it, *everything* in that theming was always very spotty, so it may have been even cooler in 1985... but I do remember the robots.

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It's been half a decade plus since I had a trip to the great state of Ohio. It's sad to see DT go. Seeing these photos makes me want to find the disposable that I took with me there in May of 07, just as Maverick was opening to get those photos developed. I don't know why but digital is so much easier for me to use, but the pictures just don't look as good as a film camera.

Anyway back to CP, that place for me has a special feeling, maybe it's because in some crazy way, I can make a season pass to WOF worth it, buy driving to CP and KI on the same ticket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed. Cedar Point is so well-known that everyone thinks they've seen it all, but it's nearly impossible to cover the entire park. Hopefully some of these shots did a decent job of showing how nice the park looks, from the right angles. Although its not hyper-themed like DisneySea and lacks much of the charm of some smaller parks, Cedar Point is still a special place and a great park to spend the day at.

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