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Cedar Point trip in August

Arrow Dynamics fan

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It's gonna be really crowded, sorry to burst your bubble. Local schools start the fall term on Monday, August 27, in which case the park is dead that week because everyone is in school. You're going a week too early, so everyone is gonna want to hit the park up for one last time before they go back to school.


A season pass would really help because you can knock out the big time attractions before the park opens to the general public. I would suggest that to use early entry. If you park in the Soak City lot, then everyone runs to Maverick, so you can get that before the line forms. Then, head to Millennium Force. After that, it will probably be park opening, so hit up Top Thrill. Once the big three are done, then do whatever you want, going from the back to the front of the park (everyone else does front to back). Hit up Raptor during dinner hours when everyone will be eating.


That was my plan when I went last summer, and my longest lines were 20 minutes for Millennium and Top Thrill. However, I went on a weekday in June, so the park had short/moderate lines. You're going in August, when the park is at peak crowd capacity, so don't expect the short waits that I had.


Hope that helps!

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It really is worth the money though, especially going on a day when it's super busy. Where will you be staying? If you're staying at any of their properties (Hotel Breakers, Breakers Express etc.) you will be able to get in an hour early in the morning. Plus, they do have discounted tickets if you stay at one of their hotels.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It really is worth the money though, especially going on a day when it's super busy. Where will you be staying? If you're staying at any of their properties (Hotel Breakers, Breakers Express etc.) you will be able to get in an hour early in the morning. Plus, they do have discounted tickets if you stay at one of their hotels.

I took your advice and I do not regret it at all. The Fast pass allowed me to avoid the 1.5 to 1.75 hour wait on the Maverick and +1 hour waits in the Millennium Force, plus saving me time on the rest. Thank you for the help, I deeply appreciate it. For the record, I didn't stay on the Point due to cost. I stayed at a cheaper hotel in Sandusky.

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