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Longwood Amusement Park [RCT3]

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I like the whole no CS theme here (although there is some, but very little) I prefer you keep it simple. We don't need ANOTHER main street park.


MOD EDIT: Please use the spelling & use of THEIR, THEY'RE and THERE. Failure to do so will be MOST disappointing in your future. R.D.- GFMT]

^ this is the interwebz, I understand though.

Edited by SkyBreak95
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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for not posting in a while. I accidently deleted the file of Rivertown. But, I'm reviving this thread. My new timeline park, Longwood Amusement Park. If any of you guys have seen this on SGW or RCTLounge, don't worry! Those are my accounts. Well, here you go.




Hello. I'm David Nichols, future general manager of Longwood Amusement Park. The park is located just outside Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. I've always had the dream of working at an amusement park, now it's a reality. Well, alot has been completed. Including one of our coasters. Take a look!


This is an overview of the midway. The brown building is an ice cream parlor, the red building is the train station, and the blue one is the emporium.


Here's the Carousel. A fun family ride.


Here's the coaster, Twister!


The ride is built by Schwarzkopf, it's the same type of ride as Willard's Whizzer at Marriott's Great America.


Here's another family ride, Magic Carpet.


Looking down the midway. See you soon!

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