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what ride or rides scared the poop out of you?

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I think that the Phoenix at Knoebels scared the most poop out of me at first. Granted it's my favorite wooden coaster now, it was just scary at first to have so much intense airtime with just a little buzz bar to the point where I was standing and feeling like I'd fall out. But I love it now!

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I'm typically not scared of roller coasters or thrill rides. However, there is one and only one ride that scares me every time I ride it - the S&S Screamin' Swings. I've been on the one at Knott's and Skyhawk at CP. Skyhawk is so insane! One time at Knott's I was riding the Screamin' Swing and the operator said, "Hello, welcome to the Screamin' Swing. Sit back and hold on to your itty-bitty little red lap bar. Enjoy!" It scared me so much! Great ride though!

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Long time lurker, first time poster...


One ride that scared the poop out of me is the Wipeout at Dreamworld, Australia.

I'm a skinny guy and the restraints on this are meant to fit people who tend to be a bit bigger. When the ride went for a flip, I fell forward a couple of cm's and hit my restraint. That moment scared me so much, but oddly enough, it is my favourite flat ride in Aus

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  • 2 months later...

I can't take my shoes off for a long period of time so I won't be going on any water slides any time soon but I will say that I hate them anyways because every time I got on one as a kid I would hit my head even though they were just tiny twisty slides.

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Definitely the Bonzai Pipeline. Being closed up in that capsule is terrifying, especially seeing through the floor at all that rushing water. The ride ops just make it worse through the mic and speaker. I do have to say, those were the best/ smoothest body slides I've ever been on.


Top Thrill Dragster also made my heart stop for a second after the launch.

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I've had a few of these. My first time to SFMM came with my first ride on X2, and I had absolutely no idea what to expect. We got there at park opening, so we didn't even see the ride cycle. We were just like "This ride is pretty close and looks cool. How about that first?"

I've never screamed louder on that legendary second drop. All I remember from that ride on it was just a sensory overload. I rode it again a couple of years later and absolutely loved it, though.


And speaking of SFMM, I was among some of the first riders on Green Lantern: First Flight. Little did I know that having an unbalanced car meant a terrifying first ride, and we got some ejector hangtime on our ride. My seatmate was on the edge of coughing up a lung from screaming so hard.


The last one that I can remember for now was on Ninja at SFMM. I rode that at night after completely forgetting how ridiculously out of control it was.

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My buddy and I were on Supreme Scream at Knotts early in the morning when hardly anyone was around, so the ride ops let us have the restraints out further than they should be. I had mine maybe one or two clicks down which was a terrible choice. I looped my arms through the restraint handles and held on for dear life when we started to drop. I'm pretty sure I could have easily fallen out so I really locked in a death grip. Awesome to try once maybe, but incredibly stupid and not something I will ever repeat. I'm shocked the ride op let us do it in the first place!

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I remember being quite nervous when I rode space mountain mission 2 at Disneyland Paris (it was my first looping coaster) but, actually, during the ride itself I wasn't scared. However, a few years later, when I went to six flags great adventure and rode nitro it was s different story. It wasn't nervous at all before the ride actually began but as I'd never ridden any coaster with decent airtime and lap-bar restraints before, the first drop scared the crap out of me 'cause I really felt like I was going to fall off the seat. It only lasted for a few second, though, and by the end of the first hill after the drop I was already enjoying the ride. It's a shame that I only got to ride it once during that day (it was awfully crowded).

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  • 10 months later...

Hypersonic XLC used to scare me. It always seemed slightly dangerous (it obviously wasn't), particularly as it aged poorly.


The Hurricane at the Pavilion the year before it closed. That year they did zero maintenance and I was just waiting for a derailment or a cracked board. Fortunately, the final season saw the ride running much better.

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When I rode millennium force for the first time. It was the first day I had rode any roller coaster. I was 6 years old and was finally tall enough. I decided I wanted to ride it. When I got to the station I was more scared than I have ever been. The thing I remember most is the music for the station. When I was going up the lift hill my dad said look ahead don't look down because I was freaking out. I was severely scared of heights then. But when the ride was over I went on to ride it 6 more times that night because Ioved it so much it is still my favorite coaster to this day.

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Only twice have I had a terrifying experience on a ride. First was a few years ago at Lake Winnie when I made the mistake of getting on OH Zone. I had ridden free falls before, but this one seemed so much taller then the ones at the fair. The worst part was the air compressed blast back to earth. I had to sit down a few minutes after I got off. I've yet to ride a free fall after that, but for some reason I'm excited about riding Falcon's Fury. Lex Luther...don't know.


I have always been terrified of heights, so going up the lift hills used to be the worst part of the ride. First time on Wild Eagle I was completely freaking out...but after the first hill it was pure fun.

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Roller coasters don't scare me even slightly, but I gotta be honest, something like Bonzai Pipelines gives me a mini heart attack. I will still ride it, but the moments leading up to it causes me to kinda freak out. And by the time i'm standing in the tube, my legs are insanely shaking and i'm heavy breathing. I'm no chicken for anything so I will not back put of anything no matter what. The only other ride type that frightens me are water slides that go straight down and you're free falling.

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The first would be Aqualoops at Waterparks. Very scary.

Number 2 is that thing : it' at Morey's Piers. From the outside it may look like your usual claw ride, but when you're on it, you discover the restraint is a simple lap bar and it goes, well, pretty high. I rode Maxair at Cedar Point this summer, and even tough it was pretty scary, it was no where close to the terror I felt on It'.


There it is. Terrifying, right ?

I saw a T-shirt in a souvenir shop that said "Try it', Ride it', Vom-it'" In my case it was pretty close to reality, thanks god I didn't really puked.

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