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what ride or rides scared the poop out of you?

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Behemoth back when I had never seen a hyper before. Kingda Ka and Millennium Force were also pretty intimidating. I was even a little nervous on Skyrush yesterday, though only because of the completely true reports of sheer insanity.

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and I'd like to add wild eagle at fort fun - the slow backwards climb does it!


telepherique at parc st paul - hold on tight!!


Also - My first coaster was the scenic at great yarmouth - before I went, both my dad and grandad told me how they'd said "I want to get off" half way up the lift - I was determined not too, I did get scared going up, but I've been hooked since!!

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Everytime I ride Blazing Fury at Dollywood I feel like I might get decapitated (I'm 6'3"). lol


I don't really get scared on rides. I don't remember the last time I was on one that scared me. Although I think that free fall where they unhook you from the top and let you drop from the Extreme Rides show looks pretty scary. I would probably do it though.

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The 300-foot-tall Kissimmee SkyCoaster is the only experience I've ever had that made me literally tremble with fear. That was severely messed up. Once we started flying, it was exhilarating, but I'm NEVER forget that slow trip up.

THIS. I did it solo and that climb seemed to go on forever. Periodically, the cable pulling me up would adjust itself on the harness connector as the angle changed... with a thunk, a pop, and a bit of vibration. Each time (about 4 of them!) I thought that the harness was failing. Not funny at all. When I got to the top, I wasted no time in pulling the rip cord and getting the flying part started!

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Windseeker really freaked me out. The first time I rode it at night, it was a bit windy and I thought I was gonna die like that. I still don't know why that ride scares me that much. First time rides in the dark are not a good idea, it scares your 2x more. Especially on Windseeker.


Last time I rode windseeker at night back in may I froze my butt off on that thing,it's sure colder 300 ft in the air than on the ground so it looks like I'll be wearing a jacket & gloves if I ride at night during haunt.


I've not yet been on one of these, but I'm doing the 360ft Star Flyer in Vienna tomorrow. Whee!

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Not quite what the thread topic asks for, but for the last few years I've really cut back on park visits- especially to the park closest to me: SFGAm. From 2008 on it's been once a season, if that. This year I visited early on to give X-Flight a spin. We caught a ride on V2, probably the first one in 2 or 3 years for me- and for a ride that I've been on countless times since 2001, the ascent up the back spike really took me by surprise. It was thrilling to the point that the loss of the holding LIM was easy to overlook. I guess the moral of the story is that you should space your rides out a few years apart.

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Back in 2003 when I was ten, it was my first time at Cedar Point riding all the big rides. For some reason, more than any other coaster, Wicked Twister just seemed gigantic. Whenever I ride it now it just doesn't compare. It felt huge back in '03!

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Back in 2008 I went to Vegas and we decided to go to the Stratosphere Casino Tower. We decided to try X Scream first and to me it was the scariest thing ever, like seriously I was like I'm gonna die (overreacting). It was cool, like in a way athat I can say I did! Hang over the edge hundres of feet over Las Vegas, but I think is the one ride I wouldn't do again if I have the chance. I was just super scare.

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This is gonna sound stupid but when I was like 7 years old I went on one of those kiddie plane rides like the herschell ones but I have no idea which one it was. It wasn't the herschell ones though because I liked those as a kid. Anyways I thought the plane tilted too much to the side and I thought I would fall out. That was scary in a kids mind.

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I haven't been scared on a ride as of yet but one time on canyon blaster at SFOG a kid a row ahead (was like 10 years old) once we left the station started yelling out O my God please tell me I am going to live like three times and screamed during the tunnel part of the ride. Even funnier was during the same ride a guy in the back of the ride yelled I'm gonna tip it on one of the turns.

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Star Flyers.


Seriously, they're the most evil contraption thought of by man. But I also love the damn things. They may put me in a state of constant fear of a not-so-quick plummet to my death, but I love them BECAUSE they manage to do that. Therefore, even though they scare the piss out of me, I will never skip riding one. If there is one at the park I'm visiting, I will ride it. I'll probably ride it first, too, haha.

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This thread reminds me of an incident that took place when I was 12 years old on the Rebel Yell at KD... I was there at the park with my mom and my 13 year old cousin (way back then the RY was probably the scariest coaster in the park because Anaconda hadn't been built; I think they may have had a shuttle loop coaster there at the time, but neither of us could have ever mustered the courage to go near that thing in those days so that was a moot point) and my cousin and I somehow decided that we would be willing to ride the RY if my mom went on it with us. He was the one who really wanted to ride, but I figured I could handle with it as long as my mom was with me. Well, we asked my mom and she agreed to accompany us on the ride, and so we went to wait in line.


The line wasn't very long at all as I recall, maybe a little out beyond the station, but I don't remember it taking too awful long. But we did wait long enough that my cousin and I were carrying on a conversation and before we knew it we were in a lane ready to board. Well, it was at that moment that we realized that my mom was nowhere to be seen! Apparently she had quietly crept out of the line and left us alone to face our fate. Well, I really wanted out of there but the station was thick with a throng of people and there seemed to be no escape. I don't remember there being a chicken exit but if there was I'm sure we would have both used it! We looked at each other in horror as the gates opened and a seat beckoned us to board (I suppose we could have just crossed over and left, but hey, we still had our pride!).


Well, on the way up we were both gripping the lap bars with a death grip, and I'll never forget my cousin looking over at me and saying something to the effect of "I'm gonna puke on you!" as the train ascended the lift hill. Well, I couldn't for the life of me understand why he'd blame me for my mom's unexpected departure from the line, but to make a long story short we both white-knuckled it thru the ride and survived, though I do remember my hands literally aching from holding on so tight.


So it wasn't the scariest coaster experience, but it sure was one of the most memorable and I think about it every time I go to KD and ride the RY.


BTW, thankfully he never did fulfill his promise of tossing his cookies on me!

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Ferris wheels - I described it to Jo and Shawn yesterday. I was with a group of friends at the Michigan State Fair back around 2004 or 2005 - they had to split the 5 of us up. My friends, being the jerks they are made me ride alone as a prank. Well, I did and I managed to get the non-stop creaking and moving car on the wheel. I came off crying and I've never gone to another fair with them again - they apologized because they thought I'd laugh and find it funny. Well, it wasn't. Jerks.

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I have to agree on the ferris wheels, they scare me too, thus I almost never go on them. I think what scares me most is the openness of all of it, and there are no restraints on most. Not saying they need to put seatbelts on ferris wheels but it would probably take the fear out of it, at least for me. Think about it, most other rides you are strapped in really tight and aren't going anywhere but heck a lot of wheels don't even have anything for you to hold onto. The cars often sway and move too especially if its windy.

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I typically don't get intimidated with to many rides or coasters, one exception is a skycoaster type ride made by Mondial, called Caprialo. I rode it back at the State Fair of Texas a few years back. Just the look of it turned my palms sweaty and my heart racing. I managed to conquer it. I can still watch the videos on Youtube and I still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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