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Camelot Gardens(rct2) formerly Ryu: God of Dragons UPDATE!

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As you guys remember this was a design... but then I lost inspiration and decided to make this a park instead.



Medieval Times, one of the most popular family entertainment companies has decided to try their hand at theme parks. The park in question is known as Camelot Gardens and is a theme park that is themed similarly to medieval times. The small park is filled with three roller coasters, two coasters for the family and one for the older kids, but other themed rides and attractions are on the way.


Outside the entrance, nothing too special!


I am VERY proud of the inside however. ;)


Joust(colors subject to change. I am planning on hackiung it so there is no fence so I can build a wall or something when it goes up and down. It's hard to describe what I want, but I know what to do... lol.


I am not entirely happy with everything in the surrounding area, but here is a little teaser of Ryu.


I don't want to show the full layout up close because it is not ready to be shown, but this is a progress shot of the entire "park."

Edited by the ghost
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Ryu's colors look a little muddy, maybe change out the black for some more green, something that doesn't counter the green and orange maybe. Everything else looks great! I'm very jealous of Joust.

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UPDATE! Also if you haven't please read the new info in my first post about the park!


New additions to joust! Station mostly done on one side... still quite a bit to do, but still a lot of work done!


It may not be the giant invert it was, but it's a very pretty ride! Ryu!


Some nice cobra roll interaction here! Still a lot of work to do with this ride!


Cool terrain based ending!


After coasters like Twister and Wooden Warrior GCI did not want to be left out of the mini coaster market! This beast is unnamed(looking for ideas with a medieval sounding name) but it is a solid family wooden coaster!


Royal Roundabout!

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I feel REALLY bad! My dad "surprised" the family with a new computer today so my files are gone. The good news is I now have the disk so I'll get back to playing soon... it just kinda sucks at the moment. Sorry to everyone and thanks for those who have been following the thread. Mods, you can lock this, delete it, or just let it fall down the forum.

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