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Tokyo Disney Resort Discussion Thread

p. 78 - TONS of new Fantasy Springs info!

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I read that the Fantasyland renovation/expansion will open in stages, with the area by Tomorrowland Terrace being the last to be completed. We might see some of it come online in 2017, but the bulk of the additions here and the new port will be open by the end of 2018 and hopefully in time for the 35th Anniversary celebrations.

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That would be awesome if the timeline goes that way!

I had/have plans for going back to TDLR in 2020, and

figured they'd still be building stuff, then. But this

timeline you have, sounds much much better, lol.


And I totally forgot about the resort's 35th Anniversary

in 2018! Even better for all of this to be built and open.


I also forget, that the Japanese tend to get (most) things built

faster and just as awesome (even moreso!) than a US counterpart.*


*(See Universal Japan: Harry Potter).

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Found this, and had to suggest...


The new E-Ticket Ride for Scandi Land in TDS?


And that's what I'm calling The Port, for now.


Woo hoo! Traveling through 'Scandinavia' like this! (And it doesn't have to be Sven, either. Any reindeer'll do.)

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This is the missing port mural at the Miracosta. The flag with the red cross against the white background is either the English flag or the Faroese flag, unless it's just supposed to represent the flag of a fictitious northern European country.


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I think that mural was created before they had any real idea what the 8th port was going to be. The upside is that it is generic enough that it could easily pass as a representation of the Scandinavian port.

Edited by KPTSN
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Just change the main figure there to Elsa, and it'll work.



(Note: the dolphins/porpoises there might not work out, though.)


"Welcome to Scandinavia!"

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Just change the main figure there to Elsa, and it'll work.



(Note: the dolphins/porpoises there might not work out, though.)


We have dolphins and porpoises in Norway so thats no issue!



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  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't had the chance to ride StormRider in DisneySea yet, you better do it soon because Nemo and friends are taking over in 2017!


Oriental Land Company just announced a new Finding Nemo simulator ride for Tokyo DisneySea!


May 19, 2015

Publicity Department

Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

New Attraction Coming to Tokyo DisneySea Park

Opening Date Set for Spring 2017

URAYASU, CHIBA— Oriental Land Co., Ltd. announced that a new attraction will open

in Port Discovery at Tokyo DisneySea® Park in spring 2017. The new attraction will be

themed to the world of the Disney/Pixar films Finding Nemo and Finding Dory (to be

released in 2016). This indoor attraction will immerse Guests in the underwater world of

these popular stories by using a ride system that seamlessly blends visuals from the films

with a motion system.


Boarding a submarine that “shrinks” to the size

of a fish, Guests can explore the vast underwater

world from the same point of view as Nemo and Dory.

Guests can meet different characters and make new

discoveries when they ride.

In addition, the production staff of Finding Dory

(to be released in July 2016) will be involved in the

creation of visuals for this attraction. Beautiful ocean

scenery can be enjoyed on screen in this attraction.

Don’t miss this maritime adventure inspired by the Finding Nemo film series.


Note: With the opening of this attraction, StormRider will close permanently around mid-May



Attraction Facts

Opening Date: Spring 2017 (tentative)

Ride Duration: About 5 minutes

Capacity: 122 persons per cabin

Number of Cabins: 2

Height Requirement: Must be 90 cm or taller

Age Requirement: Must be age 3 or over

Investment Amount: About 5 billion yen (tentative)

Disney FASTPASS®: Applicable


Tokyo Disney Resort Information Center 0570-00-8632 (9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.)

Note: From overseas, and from some mobile phones and IP phones, please call 045-330-5211.


Submarine appearing in the story presented in the attraction. Artist concept only.


The interior of the cabin. Artist concept only.

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Yeah, I won't miss Storm Rider at all. Has there been a movie responsible for more rethemes/unique attractions as Finding Nemo? Disney really have been able to put that IP to use in a hell of a lot of ways.

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I always kind of wondered, if Nemo would ever find it's way into either of the two parks. And now we know.


That's fine with me. Although Stormrider wasn't the biggest or best attraction (to those/some of us visiting the park),

I definitely remember it still had the crowds and lineups to see it, from the locals.


Adding a Nemo/Dory story and theme to it will only make the crowds bigger. And of course, decrease that HUGE

CROWD (just a bit) who will descend en masse to Scandi Land/Arendelle just beyond Port Discovery, when that opens.


It's all good and awesome.

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I always kind of wondered, if Nemo would ever find it's way into either of the two parks. And now we know.


Turtle Talk with Crush has been in DisneySea for a while now. It's in the big ship near tower of terror.

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^ Oops. I forgot about that.


Probably because I don't do any of the "talk with" attractions

in any of the Disney parks. My loss.


But thanks for reminding me, lol.

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^ Oops. I forgot about that.


Probably because I don't do any of the "talk with" attractions

in any of the Disney parks. My loss.


But thanks for reminding me, lol.


I ALWAYS make a point to check out Japanese versions of things like those since it's a given that even though I won't understand what's going on, the actors will be really passionate and still make it entertaining. Turtle Talk was definitely like that at TDS.

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^ Oops. I forgot about that.


Probably because I don't do any of the "talk with" attractions

in any of the Disney parks. My loss.


But thanks for reminding me, lol.


I ALWAYS make a point to check out Japanese versions of things like those since it's a given that even though I won't understand what's going on, the actors will be really passionate and still make it entertaining. Turtle Talk was definitely like that at TDS.


Although Stitch Encounter was fun in English, my wife and I have never ridden the English version of jungle cruise again at HKDL, it's so much enjoyable just listening to people laughing along to their own language than some-one doing their best at trying to joke in another language (although all credit to them, their English is really good and they do try it's just the delivery just sometimes comes across way too stiff) . Although the Jaws lady I got on one of trips to Osaka was still my favorite. She had the highest pitched voice I'd ever heard exce3pt when the shark showed up and she turned into Christian Bale's batman voice.

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Investment Amount: About 5 billion yen (tentative)


5000000000 Japanese Yen equals

41324400.0000 US Dollar


$41 million? That seems like a LOT of money to convert this ride. But then again, TDL never does anything halfway.


If only WDW/DL would invest that kind of cash instead of looking for ways to cut corners. One can dream!

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Its a bit of a strange fit putting Nemo in that area. Its kinda futuristic/steam punk port area where as finding nemo is fully ground in the "real world" which is evident when we're in the dentist scenes in the movie.


It won't matter in the grand scheme of things but still...

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Its a bit of a strange fit putting Nemo in that area. Its kinda futuristic/steam punk port area where as finding nemo is fully ground in the "real world" which is evident when we're in the dentist scenes in the movie.


It won't matter in the grand scheme of things but still...


I actually thought that as well, but I'm trusting Tokyo will find a way to make it work.

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For those who have seen StormRider, what was the audience reaction to seeing that design of the ship?


Tokyo Disney, at least, will close an attraction like this and then build a replacement in two years. Meanwhile, in the US, crickets. They really are the best example of a Disney park.

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Its a bit of a strange fit putting Nemo in that area. Its kinda futuristic/steam punk port area where as finding nemo is fully ground in the "real world" which is evident when we're in the dentist scenes in the movie.


It won't matter in the grand scheme of things but still...


I actually thought that as well, but I'm trusting Tokyo will find a way to make it work.


It makes me wonder if more changes to Port Discovery are coming. Not only was Storm Rider the weakest ride in the park, it's also in the weakest land. Couple that with the odd Cape Cod area and there's a sizable area to transform in the future.


But they already have a land devoted to the under sea world with Ariel, and 20,000 leagues as well. I'm really curious to see where this leads, if anywhere at all. I mean....the current Finding Nemo Subs attraction at Disneyland is ALSO in the Tomorrowland/Futeure area.... So this might be a simple change out and call it a day.

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