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The Mysterious B&M Green Wingrider Track

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I hate to sound like a fanboy as well...but if CF were to try the wingrider model, then I could very much see them putting one at VF. For starters, the park is WAY overdue for a major high-thrill attraction (I think this is the longest streak without a new coaster since 1989-1996). Also, the size of the current wingriders, and what we have seen them do thus far, would make a perfect coaster at a smaller park like VF. Whether this is for VF or not (and at this point, I try not to get my hopes up), I would certainly hope we will be seeing a modern looping coaster at the park within the next two years.


If we are talking about parks overdue for a coaster, none fit the bill more than CGA. Psycho Mouse was the last new coaster back in 2001(and it's a mad mouse so it hardly counts). Maybe they threw out the GCI for something more impressive on the west coast... yeah, I don't think so either.

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If Cedar Fair really wanted a Flyer, they would purchase a Flyer. There's nothing stopping a park from ordering any B&M model that they want. Hell, if CF wanted another stand-up somewhere, B&M isn't going to say "Sorry, we only manufactured those from 1990-1999. You'll have to pick another model." B&M would gladly take Cedar Fair's money. (Although I could be completely butt-talking here ; who knows if they still have the machinery capable of making the trains for all their different ride styles).


That being said, they'd be more likely to buy a Wing Rider, since that's the hot new thing now.


Sure they have the resources needed for standup parts,where do you think the replacement parts for the existing standups come from?I don't see VF getting a wingrider,they've been passed over for every major B&M design since CF started buying their rides so I don't see them getting a ride like that.

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This is semi unrelated to where the mysterious green track might be going (I really have no idea), but did anyone else find it strange that Wild Eagle at Dollywood is being promoted as America's first wing rider style coaster even though X-Flight at SFGAM is opening just a few months later? Is it possible that Six Flags might have signed a 2 or 3 (or more) coaster deal with B&M for some Wing Riders? I just find it odd that Dollywood is promoting it as as America's first while, while it technically is first but in all reality its not that big of a deal. it's like Dollywood bought Wild Eagle and planned it's marketing campaign around being the only Wing Coaster in America for a year or more, then B&M decided to sell a second wing coaster (maybe more) in the same year which kinda screws that part of it up.

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Can we 100% know for certain its Wingrider track? I know when Hair Rasier at Ocean Park was being built people believed for a long time that it was a standup coaster.


I second this statement. How do we know for sure this is a Wing Coaster and not a Mega/Giga or a Dive Machine?


I'm not gonna jump to conclusions yet about where this is going. I have a feeling a US park is getting it though. There's a chance that someone in Asia has their eye on it, but it's way too early to tell at this point.

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Why are we still so stuck on the US and Cedar Fair?


It's a lot more fun to speculate about something when you can potentially ride it. I haven't had the opportunity to ride coasters in other countries around the world, so why would I get excited about something I'll probably never ride?


I just think that people speculate about rides being close by because it gives them hope. Hope drives people! JUST LIKE THE HUNGER GAMES.

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Hunger Games? Really? REALLY? Rea...okay, enough of that. I know on the first page someone mentioned a Wing Rider for KD, kind of redundant, as they already own a floorless (and a might good one too). That said, if it was going to the Point, it would be early, considering the plant's in Ohio, and i don't need to elaborate on that. Guess we'll have to wat and see.

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Taking this back from a few pages ago, I can't see it being a Green Lantern, and the movie did poorly (Which is part of the reason we haven't seen any more Mr. Freeze's since '97/'98). However, I could see this tint of green being the Joker for whatever reason they would make a Joker coaster.


I think the most likely CF parks to get this would either be Valleyfair and Cedar Point. In CP's case they may take a lot of time to clear up some space in the park, which might be why they've started track production so early. Valleyfair just needs a new coaster, one with inversions is even more needed.


But overall, IF THE COASTER ISN'T INTERNATIONAL, I think this coaster could be for SF St. Louis. That park is now the Wooden coaster "capital" of Six Flags, and could seriously use a new, steel looping coaster. They have tons of room behind the Tidal Wave flume ride. Only flaw is that the park is pretty close to SFGam and their wing coaster...

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I think the Hunger Games comparison is apt, since modern B&M coasters are equally overrated...


My vote for this new track is some park outside of the US. I can't see a US park getting track for a 2013 coaster this soon. What park, I have no idea, though somewhere in China is a likely guess.



Edited by Meteornotes
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Can we 100% know for certain its Wingrider track? I know when Hair Rasier at Ocean Park was being built people believed for a long time that it was a standup coaster.


I second this statement. How do we know for sure this is a Wing Coaster and not a Mega/Giga or a Dive Machine?


I'm not gonna jump to conclusions yet about where this is going. I have a feeling a US park is getting it though. There's a chance that someone in Asia has their eye on it, but it's way too early to tell at this point.


I'm guessing the "WI" on the label. The track gauge seems too small to be a Dive Machine anyway.

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^ Track still looks pretty beefy like some of their Hyper tracks. And I remember seeing early shots of Leviathan's track and how it looked kinda small for a 300 footer. It could be a smaller Krake-sized Dive Machine for all we know.


Not sure if WI is really supposed to mean something related to the coaster, so I wouldn't trust that too much yet.

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So much exciting speculation for this mysterious green wingrider.


I think there's a few things we can eliminate...


I doubt very much this is for Heide Park. Teaser images seem to indicate that this coaster will be built in the Transylvania section and possibly themed to bats. I think the neon green color kills that pretty easily. Speaking of color, it doesn't necessarily mean the ride will be themed to the Joker, Green Lantern, or toxic waste... Raptor, Hydra, Kingda Ka, Deja Vu/Goliath are all nearly this same shade. It was mentioned before but I have to agree, Green Lantern was used heavily last season, and I think and I hope its time has passed, however, green track with black supports looks badass IMO, more please.


It doesn't necessarily have to be Cedar Fair or Six Flags just because of the bright colors. If I had to lean one way I would think Six Flags would would be interested in purchasing multiple wing coasters if they kept with their traditional style of buying a prototype (X-Flight), measuring its hype before the first footer is poured may have shown them people are very excited about X-flight. I would anticipate B&M is going sell quite a few of these things for 2013 operations at theme parks around the world, this could be for anyone.


When these new designs come out, you find them popping up usually spread far apart so they can be the only one in the area. I would think areas around Wild Eagle and X-Flight could be ruled out for the US. I think this would be built on the west coast, (Full Throttle rules out SFMM...) northeast or mid-south regions.


Just because the plant is rolling out track right now doesn't say too much besides they possibly have a lot of orders to fill and are getting a jump-start on fabrication. That track may very well sit in a shipping container for quite sometime. Depending on how the track is loaded and transported will say more about where it's heading.


I have heard two rumors of possible wing coaster installs. I am not one to really invest too much stock in rumors, and I know it's cliche to mention your homepark (see the last 7 pages), but when I shared these pictures on facebook, my friend had somewhat of a point in his response...


Mike: "Yea right, well Coaster Con is being held @ SFNE for 2013, (was @ Dollywood this year), and that implies we are getting another coaster next year! IT better be NEW AND UNIQUE and preferably launched!" With me being local to SFNE is it too good to be true? Who knows, I can dream... And unlike Mike, I would be happy with an X-Flight clone but I think the more traditional design with the new car type (like Wild Eagle) would be preferable. I just wonder where they would put the thing...


Some of us have heard GADV would remove Bizzaro for a Wing Coaster. To me it would be kind of silly to remove Bizarro. I don't really like the theme of the thing, but I know Six Flags is still doing its ride rotation program again. Six Flags in NJ practically has the whole B&M catalog and they get new B&Ms almost immediately after they come out (Green Lantern being the exception, but GADV did have a standup coaster before...) With the last two steel coasters being neon green I would find that rumor hard to believe, but I do enjoy it, and I go to GADV usually once a year so I would like this to be true.


Wherever it goes, I'm sure its riders will be happy to have it, and I will do my best to track it down and ride it. Looking forward to more clues!

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I remember seeing something like this online. (first two photos found on RCDB)




Which is where I got that original statement. Of course that was probably before people were caught snooping around and taking pictures. Then I remembered seeing tons of pieces like this.




Which doesn't really reveal much about the ride. I recall Krake (or some other recent B&M coasters) having similar stickers. I figured they caught on with the more recent additions and made the abbreviations cryptic to throw everyone off. Not only that, but the SC abbreviation did throw everyone off. Then I found some Leviathan stickers which had the Mega Coaster abbreviation. (courtesy of TPR)




So at this point, I'm not sure what to think.

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Could it be that Knott's is finally getting a new coaster, they have a history of opening rides late in the year, so maybe this is for them, not to mention it compliments Perilous Plunge nicely.

If it isn't that then Everland is my second guess, also sometime last year Screamscape posted something about a B & M launched model.

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Why are we still so stuck on the US and Cedar Fair? Has a US park EVER started work on a coaster so early? Maybe when SFOT redid Giant?



Just to add to this, The Swarm track was being manufactured at this plant in March/April 2011, so I would assume this is more for an overseas client (think production and shipping times).

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^^ Everyone just wants it to be their home park... If they actually believe it, that's a different story. You can't expect everyone not to speculate when bright green B&M track shows up. It doesn't take much to think the coaster is going to your home park. The only qualifications are: Your home park has to not already have one (unless you're Canada's Wonderland ) There's over a thousand theme parks in the world and only 4 wingriders, lots of room for silly speculation but that's part of the fun.


^ I was under the assumption that this plant made nearly all modern-age B&Ms?

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The B&M codes make perfect sense. The first is an LC, which is the abbreviation for a Flying Coaster (I'm not sure what it actually stands for, Lying Coaster, maybe?). SC is Sitting Coaster, which works because Floorless Coasters are just Sitting Coasters with different trains. MC is Mega Coaster, which Leviathan was for all practical considerations, just taller. DM is Dive Machine, that second pic is from either Sheikra or Griffon (I'm not sure which). This is a WI, which is a winged coaster. I don't think B&M has ever switched it up to fool people.

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