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Photo TR: Divv's Japanese Adventure


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Isn't it all too common in this hobby that the parks with the best coasters have the worst operations? I can think of a whole lot of examples, unfortunately.


The problem is that Fuji-Q has the best collection of coasters in Japan. So, thrill-seekers are going to go there, no matter what they do. Of the 16 Japanese steel coasters to make it to the top 150 on Mitch's steel poll, three of them are at Fuji-Q. It seems likely that their newest would join their ranks, too. That would give them nearly a quarter of the best steel coasters in Japan, which makes it a must-visit for both locals and traveling enthusiasts.


As much as Robb and Elissa (and most of TPR) hate the place, could you imagine them taking a TPR trip to Japan without going there? People would be pissed. And you know that more than half of the people on the trip would end up trying to get there on their own anyways!


When I was thinking about adding a stopover in Japan on my way to the TPR China trip, my first thought was to go to Fuji-Q, even though I know it will be a day of frustration! (Hopefully, I won't spend more than an hour stuck on a lift hill this time!) But you know a place is run badly when all I'm hoping to be able to get in is rides on each of the 4 signature coasters and the haunted hospital -- in ELEVEN hours!

Edited by David H
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i think what makes Fuji Q so infuriating is we as enthusiats see parks with so much less do so much more with it. Think about of Knobels had that ride collection, just what the attitude and love for entertaining people could do with a park like that. Or Holiday World or any number of the great small parks that do so much with so little. Or even for bigger parks, what a Hershey or Lagoon style management could do.


Fuji Q has the resources and the rides to be a great park, but it seems like they go out of the way to make sure they have horrible operations and have rides with shit capacity. And as enthusiasts that infuriates us, because we know for a fact that a rapids ride can seat 8 per boat, or that suspended coasters can have longer trains, or that a mouse can seat 4, or that trains can be dispached in half the time they take.


If we knew less, were general idiot people and went there like so many go to a six flags park, i dont think the park would infuriate us to the degree it does.


At least thats been my experience.

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^^David - At least with Fuji-Q now selling Fast Pass tickets (even if done in a very inefficient manner) you have a chance to get all rides in if there is no rain. And you are 100% correct in that R&E would be very conflicted in not including Fuji-Q on a Japan trip. Even after multiple visits to the park and finally getting all the credits, they personally have to go back for Takabisha.


Another point to remind everyone about why Fuji-Q is so atypical of Japanese parks beyond poor operations is the overall appearance of the place. It looks rundown, uneven pavement, lack of manicured foliage, unpolished looking vendor booths for souvenir and games.

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Just getting caught up on all of these since I was away on the Dubai trip.


Amazing report Divv, really enjoyed it, thanks for all the kind words!


Oh, and while on the Dubai trip, we did 99% confirm our 2013 Japan Trip!!! And OF COURSE it will include DISNEY!!!!!!

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DisneySea is the best theme park in the world. I've said it, and I stand by it. It is the one park that not only lives up to its concept art, but surpasses it.


Is it time to go back to Japan yet?


Yes, this. Exactly.


Thanks for the amazing TR Divv! Loved the pics AND the commentary! I need to get to the non-Disney Japanese parks sometime!

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I just had a massive nostalgia hit so dug this thread up and read it start to finish!! I'm so excited to go back after seeing all of the awesome bits of Japan that I had forgotten about.


Great report Divv, we're not going back to every park next month but the Disney anticipation is building after reading back through this!

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