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Parks Coasters and Rides in Movies and TV

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Flashpoint filmed almost an entire episode in Season 2 at Canada's Wonderland.

It's a CTV produced show that CBS also airs in the US.


In it a crazy bilogical father kidnaps his baby who he previously abandoned and takes it to the theme park where he has memories of being with his father. Wackiness ensues and the SWAT team chases him up the lift of the "Coaster" (it's Flight Deck/Top Gun).


Here's the IMDB Page with pics: http://watch.ctv.ca/flashpoint/season-1/flashpoint-ep-101-scorpio/#clip250767

Here's the entire episode and clips posted on CTV's website (not sure if these play in the US or not).




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What was that coaster in the movie Richie Rich? My dad thinks its Shockwave at SFMM.


According to Wikipedia....


"The house and grounds at which Richie Rich is filmed are those of the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. The roller coaster in the back yard is the Iron Wolf at Six Flags Great America."

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From glancing over the pages, I don't think these have been said.


"Return To House On Haunted Hill" - This has a very large scene with amusements, but I specifically remember The Hulk from Islands of Adventure being featured for several minutes.


The MTV show "Nitro Circus" - There was part of an episode shot at Magic Mountain, in which they base jump off Superman.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh wow!!!


I'm watching Megasnake right now on the SyFy channel and the whole last like hour of the movie takes place at a fair/park with what looks like an L&T Mouse and a Wacky Worm and tons more rides!!!


Megasnake just ate a bunch of people on the Himalaya and then snaked up the Wacky Worm...now he just took out a bunch of people on the bumper cars, this is AWESOME!!!!

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So after a bit of checking around, Megasnake was filmed at Sofia Land in Sofia, Bulgaria. The park basically then closed down for good!! Perhaps Megasnakes fault? People didn't want to go after there had been a giant snake there eating everyone?




Too bad, looked like a nice park from what I saw of it on Megasnake!

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  • 3 months later...

^It's the Rattler, Fiesta Texas.


•I saw a commercial featuring Olympia Looping

•Step by Step

•Commercial featuring Viper (X in the background)

•YouTube California Gurls parody references Lakeside Park in Denver.



*My older sister showed me this...

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