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Parks Coasters and Rides in Movies and TV

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It was a long time ago and at my age the memory fails, but I remember The Banana Splits at PKI I think.


Is that where that opening was filmed?!?!


I remember that so well, but the show is so old. The best part is the simple observation that those costumed characters were trippin' on something as they rode those rides! Wasn't the lion upside down in the boat on the log flume?


Chris B


"One banana, Two banana, Three banana, Four.

Five bananas make a bunch, and so do many more."

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Nope, that's actually Step by Step. After seeing this thread, I actually had my computer record the very next Step by Step episode and used that recording to grab a screen shot. Which meant I had to watch 5 minutes of Step by Step. Oh, the sacrifices I'll make for TPR.

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  • 9 months later...

Hiya all,


I was wondering if there are any coasters appearing in movies?

I do know that 'The Incredible Hulk' showed up in the remake of 'House

on haunted hill' and a white woody at 'Wally World' was seen in 'National

lampoon's vacation' but are there any more?

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Viper (SFMM) - True Romance, Encino Man, Space Cowboys

"Rollercoaster" - a few (Revolution, Thunder Road, Ocean View Park)

"Spy Kids 2" - Titan, Batman The Ride (SFOT)

"Richie Rich" - Iron Wolf (SFGAm)

"National Lapoons Vacation" - Revolution, Colossus (SFMM)

West Coaster (Pacific Park) - In alot of TV shows and films


and lots more .. but I'm tired.

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Beverly Hills Cop.


Awsome film, it was Beverly Hills Cop 3 that featured a theme park, didn't really feautre any coasters though, but that scenewith that weird ferris wheel that breaks down is great, always gets my palms sweaty.



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Who can forget the best movie of them all! (sarcastic smile!) Anyone seen 'THRILL' filmed at Santa Cruz, and aboard the Giant Dipper.


Also, 'THE DEATH OF OCEAN VIEW PARK' bad film... was the wooden coaster (that was blown up) called "The Rocket?"


Read you all soon


Simon Baynham (UK)

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It can't be corkscrews because the ride had a loop where the "camera" broke the ride and another loop after about 4 cars fell down and the train got stuck in the middle of that loop.
Digitally added....also, not quite a movie, but an episode of the A-Team was filmed at SFMM, and featured a car almost crashing into Colossus
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The movie Summer School had some coaster action in it. Don't know which park it was though. Probably one in Calif. as the rest of the movie was filmed there.


Edit: The movie Fear with Reese Wittherspoon and Mark Walberg had a coaster in it as well. And boy what a coaster scene that was. I'd describe what happened in said scene but I would get booted from the boards.

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The movie Summer School had some coaster action in it. Don't know which park it was though. Probably one in Calif. as the rest of the movie was filmed there.


Edit: The movie Fear with Reese Wittherspoon and Mark Walberg had a coaster in it as well. And boy what a coaster scene that was. I'd describe what happened in said scene but I would get booted from the boards.


The coaster was Corkscrew at Knott's which is now defunct.

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1978 KISS meets the Phantom of the Theme Park filmed as SFMM! A classic but BAD, Bad, BAD movie! Low budget and all even after the Band grossed 10.2 million in 1977, definately could of done 100 times better and probaly would of if there was actually a script! YOu figured with one of the hottest bands, Hanna Barbera which produced could of done better, but when thy have done Cartoons all their life you would figure this same outcome! Hanna knew nothing about movies and Kiss knew nothing about acting, except on stage with instruments in their hands!


Heres a link about the Film that had STUPID written all over it! And with one of my favorite Bands KISS!



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