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Major Theme Park for Turkey is coming !

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Wow ! Looks like a huge theme park will be build in Turkey.




And it looks as if construction/groundworks have already begun !


In the End of 2012 Phase one will be finished, and the Waterpark and Aquarium will be opened. After that a huge Theme Park will follow...to open in 2013/2014 as far as I know.


And the banners look REALLY promising


(Edit : According the german forum "freizeitparkweb" Six Flags will be responsible for the Theme Park Part of the project...but this wasn`t confirmed via facebook AFAIK.)

Edited by GeorgeT
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I am sorry, but I laughed so hard about the commercials

I think the waterpark and aquarium are realistic, no doubt. Although nearly every hotel has its own waterpark...

But a "Mega Theme Park" in turkey will be looking like an american ghetto fair

This project will hit the bankruptcy as fast as chuck norris.

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This project will hit the bankruptcy as fast as chuck norris.


You know, Chuck Norris is never really bankrupt, since the banks are too afraid to cut him off...


In all seriousness though, the fact that they haven't come up with a name for this thing yet is really not encouraging. I don't think it'll ever actually get built. This is probably going to be Dubailand 2.0. I've been wrong before, though, so let's hope it pans out.

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I really don't understand why Vekoma coasters are in advertisements.


I really don't understand why you would obsess about that. The promotional pieces are not meant to attract the attention of enthusiasts or influence anyone thousands of miles away. It is for the locals, who are not coaster savvy.


The artist who puts these together finds the simplest stock photography that conveys the messages. The poster with the Vekoma conveys that a roller coaster larger than what the general populace is used to riding is coming.

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