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Licht Legende - No Custom Scenery [RCT2]

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!Licht Legende!

Hello there, this is a new park that I have been working on for about a week or so now. I've decided that I'm going to dive back into the realms of RCT2 NCS once again to do a park. This park here will be pretty large in size, I imagine it will be finished in some time. I'm going to be doing something different in this park compared to the other ones I have done. I'm going to set up a timeline of eras. It pretty much means I'm not going to be diving in and making all of the new stuff, I'm going to be starting the park in an "early days" kind of style, which is all in the 1965-1985 time frame. Right now I'm thinking of the park being in Western Germany.

There are some early, unfinished pictures in the preview thread on pages 352-354


This park is more for fun than anything, I don't plan on going for any kind of "Spotlight" with this park!


(Also, if anyone here knows German, and sees an error/a better name for a ride/shop/anything. Please let me know via PM!)


Kanonball (Canonball) and Kreuzritter (Crusader)


Holzwasser (TimberWater)



Dubbel Terug (Double Edge)

Edited by QueerRudie
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At this point, you're still pretty early in the game so there isn't much I can comment on.


- Keep working on scenery. The park seems a bit bare. Flowers and trees go a long way.

- Paths are a bit wide. It looks kinda weird visually. Knowing the way you build parks, it's not too big of a deal. I'd still say break up some of those extra wide paths with some decorations or something.


Other than that, keep working on your park. Knowing your style, I see a lot of potential.

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^Well, I'm going to be working around the park. Once I get all the rides, and all the shops layed out, I plan on going back and touching up on foliage and minor details here and there. I do plan on having a download, as early as two weeks from now (It won't cover the full map, but it will end the era)


The reason for this is that rides will be removed, and if something gets removed, I would like for it to be viewed even after it has been removed.


With the paths, yeah I make the paths wide, at least 4x4. Its weird for me to see narrow pathways. (I PROBABLY should use narrow pathways as this part of the park is in the corner surrounded by a lake)


Thanks for the constructive feedback!

Edited by QueerRudie
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^^It lets people know if the park is NCS or not; I had a lot of confusion in my past NCS parks, so I'm making it very obvious for people


^What part of my post was about NCS?


Well, I guess it was the [NCS] thing, but it ok. I do it too, it is no big deal. Nice park by the way.

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