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Post your "I don't have a right to complain" complaints!


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So you know how sometimes you want to complain about something but you feel like you have no right to because it's not really that bad of a thing? For example:

"Aaaugh! I haven't been on vacation to another country in over two years!" or "The nice lady at the store gave me a free donut but it was a flavor I don't like "

and other such petty things.


Well, now there's a place where it's socially acceptable to complain about this stuff! So Kvetch away!

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I decided about an hour ago to go get something to eat real quick. Parking in my neighborhood (booming college neighborhood packed with more people than anyone knows what to do with) is hard to come by and the space right outside my house was fantastic. The car behind me happened to be leaving at the same time as I was. I was gone all of 10 minutes and when I got back there was a Golf in the center of the two spaces. Seriously, if you can't freaking parallel park a Golf and not take up two spaces you shouldn't be allowed to drive. Now I have to park about 4 blocks away and it was cold outside and I was hungry.


Done whining now

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If I buy good Christmas gifts for all my family members, I won't be able to afford that tattoo for a while that I've been wanting and planning. As it is, I might have to cut into some of my scholarship funds to go to WCB in February.


I really don't have a right to complain since I've been living with the 'rents and they've been paying for my car expenses, phone bill, and a few other random things, but I thought I had finally saved up enough money to pay for this thing on my own and then Christmas rolls around.

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Those levels in Angry Birds where you have to make some sort of miracle shot in order to win.


Oh and those levels in Angry Birds where they force you to knock down a huge-ass structure with only 3 birds (which usually leads to me having to make some sort of stupid miracle shot anyway).


First world problems

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Those levels in Angry Birds where you have to make some sort of miracle shot in order to win.


Oh and those levels in Angry Birds where they force you to knock down a huge-ass structure with only 3 birds (which usually leads to me having to make some sort of stupid miracle shot anyway).


First world problems


SERIOUSLY. That game gets so frustrating sometimes.


I have a funcard for Busch Gardens and we haven't gone in nearly a month. We only go once a month and that is not helping me reach my Cheetah Hunt goal of 25. I'm pretty sure I only have 8 rides down. I wish my mom cared about roller coasters as much as me


We also still haven't gotten our Christmas tree yet. I love the satisfaction of having it in my living room, it just brings some sort of wholesome feeling. And decorating the tree is like going down memory lane with all the ornaments I made when I was younger


I only have 38 followers on Tumblr If you would like to contribute please follow: http://im-bryce.tumblr.com/

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^ Ever heard of Detroit? It fits every horrible description!

No, I'm looking for something really specific. Yesterday I was doing nothing and was upstairs all by myself so I just thought out a plot for a story. Basically the place I'm looking for has to fit this criteria:

-There has to be an interstate

-From the time they get on the interstate to the time they get off they cover 2-5 miles

-The town has to be 10-15 miles from where they get off

-Has to be surrounded mostly by semi-expansive forests


Pretty specific, huh? Well after doing more research I found a perfect place: Greenville, GA. Now I'm happy.

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I love how even before the actual holidays, I get $100 from my grandparents to spend whatever I want. My dad takes on errands, and then I found out that I spent my money on the errands instead. If it's wrapped up and my mom gives to me as if were a "surprise" i'm not gonna be happy. I had things I actually wanted to spend my money on.

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I won't be able to make it to WCB (again) because I actually have something responsible to do. I got picked to be on the SIFE team (it's like a business-oriented club that gives presentations about our projects) and we have to do this fundraiser thing that weekend so we can afford to go to nationals in Kansas City this year.


I'll have to wait until next year before I can go.

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