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New Roller Coasters in the RAW DVDs and Blu-Ray!

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I "thought through" this Blu-Ray for 18 months and I am insulted by your comment. If you can produce something more "thought through" knock yourself out. I'm sure you'll find the production process is not as simple as you seem to think it is.


I also see that you've used your coupons to get the Blu-ray completely for free. So please show me where you can find that high quality of coaster footage on Blu-ray, for free, and I'll be happy up refund your money.


Please don't get this the wrong way.


I see that my post could've seemed rude as i myself hate when people say something bad about something i've put allot of effort into creating.


This was just my way of saying that i like volume 1 better, because of various reasons.


And i did not get it "for free" i did use coupons, but i did also use money.

And it is diffidently worth the money! I just simply wanted to give you feedback.


I would like to get a new disc.




- Kian Kronvang.

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And i did not get it "for free" i did use coupons, but i did also use money.

The Blu-Ray was $15.99 and you used your $15.99 credit. You only paid shipping for the item, which means, you got the product for free.


I would like to get a new disc.

- Kian Kronvang.

Like I said in the last post, send me a PM. This forum is not the place to discuss getting the new disc, which is why I privately emailed everyone. And yes, your feedback came off as very rude. I guess I took it the "wrong way", but to me it read completely obnoxious. As though I had only put 15 minutes of thought and effort into this Blu-Ray before I put it on sale.



Edited by robbalvey
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And i did not get it "for free" i did use coupons, but i did also use money.

The Blu-Ray was $15.99 and you used your $15.99 credit. You only paid shipping for the item, which means, you got the product for free.


I would like to get a new disc.

- Kian Kronvang.

Like I said in the last post, send me a PM. This forum is not the place to discuss getting the new disc, which is why I privately emailed everyone. And yes, your feedback came off as very rude. I guess I took it the "wrong way", but to me it read completely obnoxious. As though I had only put 15 minutes of thought and effort into this Blu-Ray before I put it on sale.




I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to be rude.


And yes you're right, i only paid for shipping.



- Kian Kronvang

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Hi everyones,

I get my HD vol 2 thursday and did not put on this thread my opinion without viewing all the sequences.

If HD 1 was very brilliant, HD 2 is just the best thing I've ever watch in full 1080. As I said for the first one I buy lots of BR dics, but there's nothing to compare with those two coasters in the raw. TPR make me love and discover lots of things in the amusement park industry. The best part for me was the Blue Fire footage, just incredible, for those who just watch some Youtube HD samples of this amazing disc, it's hundred times better on your home TV.

And Robb, just letting you know, if anyone have a little problem on Steel Dragon and Speed : No Limits, you can press the ff button and skip the 2 secs and get back on your ride once again.

You've made a fantastic job Robb, and regarding to the next trip TPR is about to have I'm sure the next RCITR HD 3 will be AMAZING. Once again thank you so much for the time you take to create a jewel like this Blu-Ray is.


Look what was in my mail las thursday


Even the TPR logo in 1080P looks living!!!

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Just got my very first TPR Blu-Ray and all I can say is "HOLY MOTHER OF CRACKWHORES"!!!!!!! This is just simply amazing. I have always been impressed by all of your TPR video creations and Blu-Ray just takes it to the next level.




Great job on putting this together. I'm looking forward to your next creation!



The TPR drawstring bag rocks!!!

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Got the new RAW DVD in the mail on Saturday and just finished watching it. I must say that the ending to both DVD's was rather hilarious. It definitely kept me watching for more to happen. The other thing that was a little weird with the DVD's was that some of the chapters didn't match the chapter listing on the back of the DVD case. No worries since I never really go by the chapters on the back of the case since I always watch it all the way through.


Great videos guys! TPR kicks some major @$$ and RAW has never been better. If some of you don't have this copy then GET IT NOW! It's that that AWESOME!


Jimmy " I love me some RAW coasters" Bo

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The other thing that was a little weird with the DVD's was that some of the chapters didn't match the chapter listing on the back of the DVD case.

This is really strange. I just checked the discs compared to the back of the case and they all match up! Not sure how that could have happened on your disc. If you're talking about that I don't list "intro" and "credits" on the back of the case, the only volume I actually did that on was Volume 3...and I did that by mistake!


But the listing should be in the correct order...at least I would hope!

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It was really no big deal Robb but on the Steelies disc instead of Chapter 2 being Superman Escape it was Goliath and then Superman Escape was after it and on the Woodies disc Yankee Cannonball was after the Comet. I might have some "Random" setting on my DVD player that I didn't know about but all in all it didn't make a difference. The DVD was still EPIC and the ending will always be remembered as the best ending to a DVD that I didn't need a tissue for.


Jimmy "Coaster PORN" Bo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got this just before Christmas and what an awesome surprise. Just when you think the DVDs look amazing, re-watching some of the footage in high def is really something spectacular. The Blu-Rays are definitely worth it.


Loved disc 1 since it brought back amazing memories of Scandi! Especially loved the Disc 1 bonus track! Robb, so glad you grabbed your camera tighter during that split OMFG second.


The luggage tag reminds me that I have to save up for another trip. Also love the Kings Island Map since I've never been


If you haven't gotten these yet, a hugely recommended buy. They will excite all normally bored with Hollywood remake Blu-Ray players.


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  • 7 months later...



"Roller Coasters in the Raw! 6" was released in 2011. Is anything planned along these lines for 2012? Perhaps in time to make festive presents? My RCML could do with a "'Raw! 7" addition. Not sure what coasters you might feature, but here's hoping [CROSSES FINGERS]


Simon A.S. Baynham


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