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Starpointe [RCT2]


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You know what. I'm done from this community. If I can't put a general opinion in and be openly disagreed in a MATURE manner. I'm leaving this website. Because clearly I'm not allowed to state my opinion without the insult of a fricking mod of all people to manipulate my comment to something that it's not because I'm "thrashing" someone else's work.

Just because I have an opinion that goes against the mainstream line of thought of being easily pleased that seems to be an abundance on this website, everybody else (not coastercreator9, and not just this occasion too. I've seen multiple members driven from this community by being so ridiculed on their criticisms) does not have to confront me openly on the topic with childish content. You disagree with me? Have some kind of line of thought or proof behind it to prove me wrong, not just a random reddit picture you find off the internet.


Some people want to get better at the game, and if you people can't accept criticism, then I have nothing to say. This used to be my home site for RCT2. It brought me into being in forums and being an active part in a community. It also revived my rct2 interest by 2 years and still going, for now I must say good-bye and go on to New Elements, where people actually post high-quality work and people always has a thing on that screen to criticize. No matter how good the screen is.


By the way, yeah QR, you. I appreciate your love for the game and theme parks. I cannot mention the appreciation that I have for all the things you've done for this community on your own time for nothing in return, but when you manipulate a comment for non-grammar reasons or just because it seems like thrashing because I didn't add "Oh my god, this screen is amazing." like most of the community has done. I can't stay here, I won't be forced to say something good about the screen when the builder has received numerous appraisals. I've also complimented his work on several occasions and I know he has a open mind to criticism. So don't think I was "thrashing" his work because I clearly knew it would not offend him in anyway, which I can't quiet figure why YOU'D be offended enough to manipulate my comment to say something absolutely crap about me.


So yeah. That's it. Manipulate my comments all you want. Heck, even ban me, because I'm not coming here anymore except for maybe to read the reason why you'd be like this. "Because I can't be happy unless I'm trashing somebody else." It'd be funny if my discontent with the community, staff, and the rules wasn't already built up.


PS: Sorry for starting this rant in your thread PacificCoaster, I seem to have a knack for being easily bothered.


EDIT: If you think I was thrasing Mememe, he quoted me directly. No fricking proof or thought behind his disagreement with my opinion. Just a random reddit picture that clearly appeals to 12 year olds at this point in their lifetime.

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You know what. I'm done from this community. If I can't put a general opinion in and be openly disagreed in a MATURE manner. I'm leaving this website. Because clearly I'm not allowed to state my opinion without the insult of a fricking mod of all people to manipulate my comment to something that it's not because I'm "thrashing" someone else's work.

Just because I have an opinion that goes against the mainstream line of thought of being easily pleased that seems to be an abundance on this website, everybody else (not coastercreator9, and not just this occasion too. I've seen multiple members driven from this community by being so ridiculed on their criticisms) does not have to confront me openly on the topic with childish content. You disagree with me? Have some kind of line of thought or proof behind it to prove me wrong, not just a random reddit picture you find off the internet.


Some people want to get better at the game, and if you people can't accept criticism, then I have nothing to say. This used to be my home site for RCT2. It brought me into being in forums and being an active part in a community. It also revived my rct2 interest by 2 years and still going, for now I must say good-bye and go on to New Elements, where people actually post high-quality work and people always has a thing on that screen to criticize. No matter how good the screen is.


By the way, yeah QR, you. I appreciate your love for the game and theme parks. I cannot mention the appreciation that I have for all the things you've done for this community on your own time for nothing in return, but when you manipulate a comment for non-grammar reasons or just because it seems like thrashing because I didn't add "Oh my god, this screen is amazing." like most of the community has done. I can't stay here, I won't be forced to say something good about the screen when the builder has received numerous appraisals. I've also complimented his work on several occasions and I know he has a open mind to criticism. So don't think I was "thrashing" his work because I clearly knew it would not offend him in anyway, which I can't quiet figure why YOU'D be offended enough to manipulate my comment to say something absolutely crap about me.


So yeah. That's it. Manipulate my comments all you want. Heck, even ban me, because I'm not coming here anymore except for maybe to read the reason why you'd be like this. "Because I can't be happy unless I'm trashing somebody else." It'd be funny if my discontent with the community, staff, and the rules wasn't already built up.


PS: Sorry for starting this rant in your thread PacificCoaster, I seem to have a knack for being easily bothered.


EDIT: If you think I was thrasing Mememe, he quoted me directly. No fricking proof or thought behind his disagreement with my opinion. Just a random reddit picture that clearly appeals to 12 year olds at this point in their lifetime.


Bye. See ya. Have a nice time.


The reason I edited your post was this: YOU NEVER HAVE HAD ONE GOOD THING TO SAY ABOUT ANYONE'S POSTS EVER. So, in all reality, you came off on myself, and for that matter quite a few other people whom I've seen respond to you as this: Somebody who cannot be pleased.


If that's the case, then goodbye. We don't need that. We need people who can, as an example, show they actually can give better comments than "I hate it" or "It looks wrong" or "It's not perfect."


Goodbye- and have a nice day.

Edited by QueerRudie
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Dotrobot: I hardly think age is an indicator of maturity. I've known 30-or-40-something year olds who act like they're seven, and I've also known the opposite.


If you took the time to notice, you would see criticism everywhere; but this criticism, as QR said, doesn't involve pointless remarks about how much it sucks or how much you hate it and how you'd sooner eat your hair than build this sort of stuff. It involves constructive criticism. I wouldn't say, "this sucks", I would say, "I think you could do this/that and change this/that".


In way of my defense for what I commented (on your comment), I'd like to point out your own reasoning; I should be allowed to express myself in whichever way I feel is necessary. In this case, the picture I posted clearly states that I have no clue why/how you find Pacificoaster's screen unappealing. If you're allowed to think what you think, then so am I.

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QR: Do you want me to search all my comments and find ones that were compliments? I've been in this community for too long now to be treated as if I'm an 8 year-old who hasn't the slightest manners.


I'm stating my opinion. I'm not going to force him to change colors and say "I think you should change something's colors to this/that" that's totally on the builder's preference, I do suggest colors yes, but only when I feel like they are struggling to find certain colors to put in that specific area. I don't barge in and order like I'm superior to everybody. It's criticism, and not even crude criticism.


I'm almost a perfectionist, although the screens I produce are far from perfect. Every screen can be better, however that screen was below the quality imo of the rest of the screens that he showed in this thread. That's why I replied a bit mildly, which happens to be your "I hate it." Just because I come up with 10 word sentences with no compliments added to it doesn't mean I don't like the screen. I comment on most of the screens that I see and like. Because if I didn't like a screen or saw the creator needs some kind of special advice. i wouldn't comment on said screen/thread.


But you know what. I don't care. "Because I can't be happy unless I'm trashing somebody else" was inappropriate as any of most crude posts I've ever written. If you can't realize that well I can't tell you anything. Have you ever seen my threads? How I respond to criticism? I respond politely and nicely always taking things into consideration. I can see why you don't see where I come from, since you are almost the exact opposite.


You may be a forums moderator. But doing that was highly uncalled for, it wouldn't have bothered me if it was on any of the other forums I post on. But seeing how this one has strict rules on politeness that frankly made me mad. Even more so that you're the mod who supports those rules.


Everyone strives to be better RD, except for maybe you. I know the potential for a spotlight it can receive on NE and I was merely stating my opinion. If you don't like it, that's swell. No need to manipulate my comments. It's all well and fine that you don't like to receive anything but positive feedback but don't judge with that mindset when you are on others threads.


This user has even stated that it didn't receive valuable feedback on here. I knew exactly what I was saying and wanted to say. Maybe I could've come off nicer, but if this forums can't even tolerate those type of comments. Well then great, I'm not staying.

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This is why I always say "You might want to..." or "Have you considered..." because it shows I respect the creator's decision even though I have my own opinion.


Honestly, this sort of drama doesn't need to happen on this forum, especially coming from young teenagers. If you don't have something constructive to say, don't say it.


EDIT: And also the fact that a NewElement spotlight doesn't mean diddly squat.


AND ANOTHER THING: A lot of these players that showcase their stuff at NewElement don't realize that our game community is an extremely casual one.

Edited by A.J.
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Dotro has been one of my biggest irritations since he joined. He has a holier than thou attitude, and can never say anything positive.


Fuck him.


On the other hand, RD, I know you're move was meant in jest, but don't rephrase posts. It makes us look bad, and we have no way of showing what stupidity he wrote in the first place now.

Edited by mcjaco
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That attitude is funny, partially because half of the games forum doesn't spend every waking moment of their out-of-school lives playing these games...

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I've sent this PM as well:




QR moved the posts from the Starpointe discussion into the mod forum. I've explained to him, that although his editing your post was meant in fun, it did not come off that way, and it makes the mods look a bit, shall we say, heavy handed.


Although I'm not around as much, I am still trying to keep my eye on the game forum. I worked very hard to get it to a point where it's a welcoming place for game fanatics of EVERY level. AJ and QR are working tirelessly to make it a great place to interact as well, and I'm glad they're on board.


Like you, I'm a perfectionist, but I like to see people having fun with their creations, however good or bad they are. These are, after all, just games. The problem really arises when you know you're posting history. A simple search (and I suggest you try this), is entering your screen name into the Search function for user name, and selecting the game forum. A rough estimation shows about 9 of every ten posts to be very critical of other people's works. It's your track record that preceeds you, and what set off this last go round.


I appreciate your contributions to the TPR Community, but all I have ever asked is that everyone that participates is open to opinions (especially ones that are not theire own), and treat each and every poster, regardless of their abilities, equally.


Thanks for understanding,



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Hanno informed me that he's been banned, so he won't get the PM. I activated my account at NE but I have to wait for it to be validated, or something. I'll do my usual "hey guys, TPR loves NE but we're a whole different community" spiel.


After looking through his posts, I can't say it isn't worth it. He's an odd duck after looking through his posts at NE too. He defends TPR, then hates us, then loves us again. He loves NE, then hates it, then loves it again.


Oh well.

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I had given him the opportunity on several chances in the past to improve his attitude, via PMs, in chat (Where Robb did issue him a warning about his attitude problem) as well as on my own threads- and he's tended to have an attitude of "I'm better than you, and I can tell you how great I am by showing you how bad you are."


The final thread was last evening in chat- and that's when he came in simply to insult me- and that was it. He has been given his chances to be more polite, more respectful and actually to contribute to TPR and the Games Forum. I have had several members in the past six months ask why he was still here- and my response was that he's been told to behave better.


Too many times he's criticized other people's works and basically trashed them because they're not good enough for him. He tore me a new one- and in many different ways- because I wouldn't conform to his 'perfect world' view. His latest round of "Well, I was just offering criticism' and you can't tell me NO, and you suck because you don't LIKE my opinion was the last straw. I have had to defend people's parks to him too many times, and to sit there and rant because we did what he does to other people is -completely- out of line.


Yes, I shouldn't edit people's posts- but after seeing him trash somebody who is IMHO one of our BEST builders is too much. He needs to grow up, learn there are OTHER people than him in this world, and if he think's he is so much better, then let him show the world.


I apologize for the inconvenience on this one- but in the end, I think it's going to bring some peace to the forum.



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I apologize for the inconvenience on this one- but in the end, I think it's going to bring some peace to the forum.


And I totally concur with this.


If anything, I just wanted to do my usual song and dance so NE has record that we do like them (and I do), and that we're just a seperate community that isn't so "high strung." In any event, it's forced me to finally register so I can download stuff there!

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It's really still an adjustment for everyone, having a moderation team for the games forum - when I joined TPR in 2006, I believe Matt was the only moderator for this forum (other than Robb and Elissa, of course), and it's been like that all the way up to...five months ago?

Edited by A.J.
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I apologize for the inconvenience on this one- but in the end, I think it's going to bring some peace to the forum.


And I totally concur with this.


If anything, I just wanted to do my usual song and dance so NE has record that we do like them (and I do), and that we're just a seperate community that isn't so "high strung." In any event, it's forced me to finally register so I can download stuff there!


And that's the thing: After getting a decent explanation from their MODS there about their policy, I can understand some of their rules etc. And I don't have a problem with that- at all. They are for the most part specialists in a particular style of RCT II- and I think it's great we have them for that.


It's a handful of really nasty pricks that are the issue- and I think they get tired of that crap there, too.

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^ Too be honest BelgianGuy and Dotro were the two most pretentious NE posters we had here. And as Robb will point out over and over, their attitude issues are of course not their fault. It's always TPR's problem.


Matt "The Game Forum has been pretty drama free since BelgianGuy left" Jacobs

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^ Exactly. I'm actually very happy with the way the games forum has been run over the past few months. I've been so knee-deep in other TPR stuff that I haven't really had the time to focus on in since our tours began for this year, but really, you guys are running on auto-pilot now, which is awesome!


As far as annoying people like this guy - no matter what you do or say to them isn't going to change their minds. I've always said this whole hobby and website should be about hanging out and having fun. And if someone is going to get so bent out of shape over something that was said on the internet... ON THE INTERNET!!! Then they probably shouldn't be posting to this site in the first place.


I don't want annoying people or drama queens on the forums. Weeding them out only raises the overall quality of the posts. And that's how I look things...


Thanks guys for keeping this section of TPR going!

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D'aw. Y'all gun make me blush.


I guess it's one of those things where you're a member on multiple websites. Those guys on NewElement are really harsh all the time if someone's project isn't exactly the way they like it.


Then, you go back and forth between forums, each with different sets of rules, and start to have an "oh, they won't care" attitude. Then you get yourself warned or banned, and you immediately think it's not your fault.


It seems all these "problem children" are actual children...

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Dot had the right intentions when offering advice, but his tone in his post were harsh, to put it simply. I liked the advice he has given me over time, and it was good advice; however, his praise on work was non existent, because everything in a screen can always be improved. Oh well, at least he decided to leave on us rather than him making more of a scene over time.

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I always wanted to make the TPR Forum a little less harsh. I wandered into TPR because I had had enough of reading half arsed, poorly written, flame war posts in multiple RCT Forums. It was annoying, and my biggest pet peeve was the hordes of threads of started parks with no pictures, and no plan, that just faded into oblivion.


I'm proud of what we've got here, and the crew.

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