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At what age did you start loving coasters?

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I was only 5 when I rode the roller coaster at Joyland in Wichita KS. I hated it and I almost cried. I rode it a few more times over the years and began to like it. It wasn't until age 14 that peer pressure got me on Orient Express in Kansas City. I was terrified and rounding the top of the lift hill I was freaking out shouting NO, I WANT OFF!!! When the ride was over we all got right back in line and rode it again. I have been hooked ever since. I'm 34 now and have 47 roller coaster credits with a goal of having 100 by the time I am 40.

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My first roller-coaster was the Beastie at Wonderland Sydney (Australia for those of you playing at home) when I was 7. My First Upside down roller-coaster was Lethal Weapon (VEKOMA SLC at Movie World Australia OUCH TIME) was 21.6.05 thats when I became addicted.

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I was 6, or 7, or something. My first rollercoaster was a Dragon wagon, although it was the largest model (2 helixes), and I loved it. I looked for it in the RCDB, but it isn't there. It replaced this ride, and was this model.




My first major coaster was Scorpion at BGT. I'm sure most of you know that one! Although last time I rode I got hit a few times by the support structure, and surrounding foliage! I guess I've gotten too big to put my hands up.



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When i was 6, i used to be obsessed with trains. Then, one day at the local video store, i accidentaly mistaked a roller coaster video for a train video. I watched all the time, and when i was 7 I learned how to use a computer. I always researched roller coasters and i still do. No here I am today, 5 years later, an absolute roller coaster junkie.


Then, later that summer, i went on my first "big coaster" The Great White at Morey's Piers.

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JUST LAST JUNE!!! My class went to Six Flags Great Adventures for our class trip and I didn`t want to embarass myself in front of them so I went on Superman: Ultimate Flight, which by the way, sucked, and everything else way cool!! (Especially Nitro, which ROCKED WAY OUT LOUD!!)

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My interest in theme parks & roller coasters started at age 9 (whoa that's 20 yrs back!!!) when my family & i went to US on a holiday package tour. One of the attractions incl Disneyland where you became the happinest person on earth. LOL.


Anyway, I could still vaguely remember my first ride ever on Space Mountain.

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i was twelve years old. and this is embarassing but before 12 i only went on kiddie coasters. It was in 2002 on Kraken when my love started. It really got into movement my second visit to sfog in the same year...

in 2004, i got to be a coaster nerd, maybe not as much as robb and some others, but still a huge enthusiast...

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I've been riding roller coasters since I was 4. From ages 4 to 8, It was just woodies and junior coasters. Then on my 9th birthday, my cousin talked me into riding Mind Bender at SFOG. From then on I've been riding coasters of many types.

Edited by SFOGdude25
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The "beginning" was when I was 10 yrs old. My family went to Opryland, and I decided that I would conquer my horrifying fear of heights/coasters and ride Hangman (now Kong at SFMW). I rode it, and though it scared the crap out of me, I loved it. This was fueled during the following by a couple of books in the public library and a trip PKI. I was hooked then on out.

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  • 1 month later...

(Elissa will be proud of me)


I started to like roller coasters when I saw the discovery channel and she happend to be on it...I was amazed by the roller coasters and had no idea who she was until I came across the site a while ago and I started liking roller coasters after I saw that on the discovery channel...I was like 12.

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It's in my genetics. My parents took their honeymoon to BGT and Disney World. They took me to PCW every year from the time i was 2 until i was 15. Also, we used to go to Crystal Beach all the time in the summer. I can still remember clearly, swimming with my floaties in that lovely Lake Ontario water, looking over at Comet, and thinking "I can't wait until I'm old enough to ride that!"... too bad it closed when i was six!


When I was in 6th grade we got a computer the internet for the first time, and were also planning a trip to Cedar Point for that summer. I didn't know anything about CP except that my friends across the street had been there and liked it, and that they had a lot of coasters. So I went online (I had text-based internet! :shock:) and started looking for information about it. I came across sites that had not just Cedar Point information, but information for parks all around the country. That started the interest, pretty much. haha.


Now I just need some friends who love coasters so i can ride some more!!

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