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Mountain Lakes Amusement Park [RCT3]

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So, I started this project a few weeks ago. Then ended it. So, this is Mountain Lakes Amusement Park again. I would appreciate it if you guys can tell me how to improve the park, and also improving in the game. I am not goint to use any custom scenery in this park. Anyway, this is it.


Construction Year


Hello, I'm Michael Johnson. I am the assistant manager for Mountain Lakes Amusement Park. My dad will be the future manager of this park. Anyway, this is we have so far.


This is my father's office. He has a nicer office than mine.


And this is my office. I think it is pretty nice.


And this is one of the food stands at our park. This is a hot dog stand. This is called The Hot Dog House.

Edited by mcjaco
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  • 2 weeks later...

Something really wierd happened to this park. So after my family and I got hit by Hurricane Irene, the next I noticed that the park was gone. And I did not get enough time to restart it after I noticed it because I was driving to Cedar Point that day. So I decided that I will restart the park today. It will still not have any custom scenery. And this project is NOT over. I also took the advice from SoCal Coasters to make the buildings bigger. So I did that.


Construction Year


So our construction team made a huge mistake. We were supposed to have one office building instead of multiple ones. So we had to take one of them down and that was a waste of money. So our budget has been cut a little bit. Anyway, I only have one picture today. My camera died . Anyway here is the picture.


This is the new office building.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody! Sorry about not posting for a while. School, hockey, and soccer have taken over lately. But anyway, here is what I've got!


Construction Year (1972)


Hi again! I haven't been able to update lately.Work back at headquarters has been busy. But I got to visit the park today. And I must say, Iam impressed. Check it out!


This is one of the first rides added. The Merry Go Round.


This is another ride. Rotor. From seeing testing, I'm not sure I can handle it!


And the last two rides added for now. Tea Cups and G Force. G Force is a Tilt A Whirl ride.


This is an overview of the park so far.

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