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La Ronde During the week

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Just to get it out of the way, I've done a search on here and couldn't really find the information I was seeking.


I wanted to know, what was La Ronde like on weeknights? I am going to be in Montreal on business next week and was thinking of popping in after work? I would be arrive at the park between 530 and 6pm.


Any thoughts/suggestions?

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On weeknights? I don't usually spend those two hours outside, but La Ronde is certainly less crazy on weekdays, so you'll probably be fine, especially since the fireworks are over (and so is Osheaga, I think). The only things I'd worry about are the incredibly horrible park operations (as in rude, incompetent, underpaid staff and almost complete disregard for English (or distaste for English-speakers), and getting on and off of Montreal island and Saint Helen's Island (if you didn't know, our bridges are trying to kill us). Just take the Metro; it's just a bus stop away from the park if you get off at either Papineau or Jean-Drapeau station.

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Thanks...I will be staying on Rene Levesque and just trying to think the quickest/easiest way to get into the park. I am off work at 5 and will be starting my journey by 515/530 the latest.


Does that 167 from Jean-Drapeau station take me straight into the park? It appears from this map http://www.stm.info/english/metro/Jean-Drapeau.pdf that it does but just wanted to verify?


Thanks again for your help.

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I visited on a Sunday in June this year and the park was pretty packed - I can only imagine a weekday would be less crowded. As an English-only speaker, I encountered no difficulties (well, except for trying to pair up with single riders!) but the park operations were horrible. It would take a lot of work to convince me to travel there again!


That being said, the park was very nice and the island was beautiful. Enjoy your visit!

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