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TPR's North East USA Tour Official Report!

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I'd like to propose a constitutional amendment that would require all spinning wild mice to have ERT "Water Challenges."
Gauntlet is not a spinner they prob should have done it on pandy like at SFDK but im sure the park wanted to show off the new ride plus it's right next to Bizzaro
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Again Rob a superb trip report. Thankx again for those who love coasters but can't visit them. You give them an inside view and let them enjoy the fun of them.

Forget the noobs who are complaining and whining that the updates take to long, for me it's a joy to open the site and watch and see everything you guys and girls do.


Cheers from Holland,



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^^I'd like to propose a second constitutional amendment that requires people to get their facts straight about wild mice before they post comments on a public forum.




Correction much appreciated.

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Again Rob a superb trip report. Thankx again for those who love coasters but can't visit them. You give them an inside view and let them enjoy the fun of them.

Forget the noobs who are complaining and whining that the updates take to long, for me it's a joy to open the site and watch and see everything you guys and girls do.


Cheers from Holland,




So true.......


@Rob: thanks again for all the great photos and story's, keep them coming.......... please!


Paul (also from holland )

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Really was a great event robb, a good first impression on the world of tpr for me, considering it was my first. Then again this is the guy who has spent the last two years of park events with ACE. To me the difference between the energy and the people at tpr vs ace events is totally night and day. And you picked a great day to do it because bizarro was running the best i have ever ridden it post-transformation. Everything went great and i had a great time so i would say it was a very successful TPR invasion.

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Bizarro Bash F@%K!NG RAWKED!! Robb and Elissa - thanks so much for such an amazing event! You guys are superheroes, really. Someday the parks will be naming (and re-naming) their coasters after you both. (Robb Ultimate Flight! Elissa Ride Of Steel!) And thanks to all the awesome TPR folks who helped make it such an incredible day.

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I can't believe Rich is still using that signature move he stole from me 5 years ago in 2006 like it was still in style nowadays!


All the trips I have been on, we have never played that water game, I would rule at that!



Peace, Big Mike

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man what an AWESOME looking trip so far, now that I'm done with school and have more time on my hands I'll have to start getting in on these trips , looking to get to LC/SFNE in the fall and maybe now some Quassy because of that awesome report of Wooden Warrior! Keep it up Robb, such awesome opportunities for unique experiences, even for those who aren't there with you guys!

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I like the little arrow in the front of the Wooden Warrior train. Let's you know which way you're going.


Seriously, though, I want to ride this thing.


Coney Island looks great, too. I once went there with my uncle who lives in Grenich Village, but holy moley it's improved by a long shot.

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Thank you for an amazing NE trip. It went by so slow and so fast at the same time. Things that were just a week ago feel so far away.


Can't wait to see the rest of the updates, I know there are some awesome pictures out there. Have a great time at Great Adventure and Road to Cedar Point.

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