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TPR's North East USA Tour Official Report!

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Love seeing Coney Island rejuvenated like this although we enjoyed it in 2008 even with its seediness.


I haven't followed the transition from Astroworld closing to now; are any of the rides in the area (like in Deno's Wonder Wheel Park) still around from 2008? I thought I remember one of the dark rides being called Spook-a-rama for example.


When you were at Coney Island it consisted of two main parks: Astroland and Deno's Wonder Wheel Park. There were also independent operators that operated some kiddie rides in a separate area, along with some independent operators who run about 5 other rides including the Saturn 6.


Last year, Zamperla opened Luna Park in the footprint of the old Astroland. This year they also operate the Cyclone and opened a smaller park called Scream Zone, that is not directly adjacent to Luna Park, but a short walk away. Scream Zone sits where they used to be Batting Cages and possibly a go kart track.


Deno's Wonder Wheel Park and the independent operators are still there as they were when you visited the area.


Thanks Larry. I was having a hard time picturing where all the new stuff was but now it makes sense.

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Is the observation tower at Luna Park open? I don't remember ever seeing it open under Astroland.


No, Zamperla has no plans to open the Observation Tower. Consider it this generation's Parachute Jump.

Edited by larrygator
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That was a really good report, it actually sounded like an accurate description of what I think the ride probably is like, which is so rare for the media. And I also got a laugh out of "enthusiASSts."

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Another TPR North East Tour Update!


If you want to follow us LIVE during the trip, subscribe to our Facebook and Twitter pages:

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TPR's next North East Tour stop was Quassy - Home to the brand new Gravity Group wooden roller coaster, Wooden Warrior!


TPR is psyched about Wooden Warrior AND the Timberliner trains!


Do not be fooled by Wooden Warrior's 35 foot lift hill - this ride is full of AWESOME!


This coaster has crazy airtime on every hill!Check out this POV and Rider Cam Video!



"...and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt! "


TPR Member Cheryl was Wooden Warrior's 150,000th rider!!!


Domo Loves....WOODEN WARRIOR!!!"


Trust me, NEITHER of these guys should ever be considered a "warrior!"


The local CBS station was out to interview TPR! Check out the video below...




"Most of these people are cool..." Truer words couldn't have been spoken, Laura!


"OMG! It's Britney Spears!"


Hellllllo sexy lift hill!


Seriously, TPR loved, **LOVED** Wooden Warrior!


Every hill = airtime. The tunnel = totally effective! GREAT RIDE!


And the Timberliner trains? So comfy and amazing!


Proof that you don't need to be 100+ feet tall to be fantastic!


TPR Members said Wooden Warrior was the "surprise hit of the tour!"


Even these little hills produce some fun airtime moments.


Like I said, Wooden Warrior might only be 35 feet tall, but it's full of AWESOME!


After about an hour of ERT, the park rolled out more awesomeness for TPR...


And yes, it was a "party!"


"I swear I could easily carry one more..."


All TPR members got wood!


"I got wood....and a balloon animal!"


This is actually a true wooden warrior!


Quassy is just a really nice, relaxing, small family park, with traditional family rides.


KidTums loved the carousel.


Some fun classic flat rides...


...which were GREAT!


Solo ride on the Frog Hopper!


While TPR members try the bigger drop tower.


OMG! These are the best games prizes EVAR!!!!


Karate Domos!


Angry Birds!


"I totally won a skeleton Domo!"


And along with Wooden Warrior, another recent addition to Quassy was this water play area on the location of the old Mad Mouse.It was great to see the park really growing! Wonderful small park that is always worth a visit! Please check it out next time you're in the area!


It was great to see the park really growing! Wonderful small park that is always worth a visit! Please check it out next time you're in the area!



Edited by ernierocker
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So, seriously, how bad ass are the Timberliners? Each time I imagine them on larger scale projects like Voyage and start drooling over the effectiveness they seem to have. I only got to sit in one stationary and even then, the comfort level was "woah".

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