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PTR: Gillian's Wndrland, Playland's Cast & Storybookland

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I am not the type of person to do many photo TR's, but considering there aren't many of storybook land and 2 huge milestones (my 600th and my daughter's 1st credit) I figured why not. So here goes:


When my wife asked me what I wanted to do this weekend in the middle of the week, of course I said "I want my 600th". So she said go ahead and plan a trip to where you want. Well work complications did not allow me to do the original trip (a whole weekend hitting all the NYC parks), so I decided to go to Ocean City NJ and AC NJ to hit those parks and finish off all the credits there. We would leave on Saturday after I got done work. It couldn't of worked out better as we were there for the opening of Gillian's and Playland's opening at 1 pm.


I hate pay per ride as I feel it burns a hole in your wallet, we knocked off both parks in an hours time each. Also not one for paying for a beach permit to hit the beach, we decided to head up to AC for free beach and steel pier.


AC was a mistake. Man has it changed over the years. It's horrible. No pics of Steel Pier, just wanted the heck out of there. We hit steel pier real quick, tried the beach thing with the 2 year old (that wasn't happening) and left as quick as possible. Checked into the hotel and called it a day.


Next day was Stroybookland. I was here as a small child myself, but don't remember it at all. Very nice kids park. Kids 33" and up can ride all but one ride with adults. Great shade everywhere in the park, very family friendly and great ride attendants. Overall I really liked this place. Not as good as Idlewild, but came close.


Anyway onto the pics....Hope you enjoy. Sorry theres no more, tough to take pics with a wild 2 year old who really only wants daddy.


PS. I added some stuff for you to Larry, not sure if you have some of it. Looks like 2 new rides are going in, a frog hopper themed to jack & the beanstalk and a drop tower themed to Tick Tock Clock.


First stop Gillian's Wonderland. We'll start Klaire off small.


I got a quick lap on Runaway Train


Klaire's First Credit!!! Minor Mike



Mommy's Turn


Klaire's 2nd credit.


Another lap for Nicole and Klaire


Then headed over to Playland so Klaire cold get another credit. Sea Serpent


She loves slides


Look at that face


Nicole's turn


1st rocking tug credit...check


Final spin on Playland's carousel


Next day....Storybook Land




Bubbles coaster credit


Mommy's turn


Ride signage


Train Time



Lost in Alice's card maze


Up up and away


So happy


Couldn't get her off these cars


Another rockin tug credit


Cool structure for the goats. You pull a bucket of feed up to them.



Park Map


No more carousel????


New Drop tower Tick Tock Clock


New frog hopper, Jack and the beanstalk


Closer look at it

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Nice photos


Looks like Gillian's Wonderland Pier got the Fiesta Express from the Gillian's in Sea Isle City since they sent the Wacky Worm from Wonderland Pier to Sea Isle City.


I missed the credit at Storybook Land by a couple of months and can't get myself to pay $22 just to get the credit.


Agreed about Atlantic City. The casino's are nice but the Boardwalk and surrounding areas are horrible. Despite being in Atlantic City a lot over the past few years, I don't have either credit at Steel Pier because it's expensive and I don't trust the safety of the rides especially after the log flume accident a few years ago where they ran the log flume drop or part after the drop without water and people got injured.

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Agreed about Atlantic City. The casino's are nice but the Boardwalk and surrounding areas are horrible. Despite being in Atlantic City a lot over the past few years, I don't have either credit at Steel Pier because it's expensive and I don't trust the safety of the rides especially after the log flume accident a few years ago where they ran the log flume drop or part after the drop without water and people got injured.


It's is expensive and safety was questionable. I'm just glad we got he credits and got out of there quickly. We won't be going back. I'm guessing the cliental has changed since the casino's in PA and DE now have table games to play.

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