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Theme Park Review in JAPAN! 2011

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What? No 1080p POVs today? Even after you did 4 of them yesterday? I'm kinda dissapointed at that, if only for a POV of Jupiter. Was that ride really rough? It didn't sound it from the way you labeled the captions.


The one I saw on the "ThemeParkReviewTPR" YouTube channel was definitely 1080p, even though that's besides the point.

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What? No 1080p POVs today? Even after you did 4 of them yesterday? I'm kinda dissapointed at that, if only for a POV of Jupiter. Was that ride really rough? It didn't sound it from the way you labeled the captions.

Are you kidding me? Are you actually COMPLAINING that I took the time out to do an update? NO REALLY!?!?! You are COMPLAINING that I posted over 100 photos last night and stayed up late to do so??!?!


You are EXACTLY the kind of person we DO NOT WANT on TPR!


I do NOT tolerate this kind of response. You have been banned for 1 week as a warning.


Oh, and to actually answer your question - I stayed up until about 2am last night working on videos. But I was just too tired to get them totally done because I was literally falling asleep at my computer. I gave up going out with a bunch of people last night, having fun, to work on TPR updates.


You'll get your damn videos. Be patient and wait for them. Complaining isn't going to get you anything, but a really pissed off Robb Alvey that will ban you for being stupid.


--Robb "I do not HAVE to do these updates, you know...I do not HAVE to shoot all that video, you know..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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^You're right Robb, you don't have to post these updates. And as always we appreciate it when you do!! Don't let the ignorant ones get you down too much.


By the way, LOVED the pre-lift section on Jupiter! I had no clue it had that.

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I thought that you were going to do this trip as usual in September...

Still really jealous of all you guys having a blast in Japan, shame though that you managed to go during the rainy season (mid June-mid July) though, I just hope that you don't have to worry too much about rain...

We of course knew this was the rainy season, BUT, we listen to our customers who wanted an Asia trip during the summer months that will work better with many people's schedule that cannot go during September.


Everyone on this trip knew that it was the rainy season, and was prepared. Not everyone on this trip is as much of a credit whore. If they miss a credit here or there, it's not THAT big of deal, because we are in Japan instead of being at work.


So far, we've gotten every credit on the trip...



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I could cry.....


I couldn't go because my coworker is having knee surgery and I'm the only other locksmith here, so no go.......



I hope I don't get banned for this but that's not a LEGO Godzilla, it's a LEGO Gamera.



Yakatori.... meat onna stick , Mr."cut me own throat" Dibbler on Discworld would approve.




Scott " I know my japanese movie monsters"45


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...but that's not a LEGO Godzilla, it's a LEGO Gamera.


You are correct, sir. And now for the bonus question: Jupiter actually appears very briefly in one of the later Godzilla movies. Can you name that movie? (Seriously, I can't remember which one; I know it's not "GMK: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," because I just rewatched that one not too long ago.)


Love the new videos; that pre-lift sequence on Jupiter looks pretty sweet!

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I could not believe the nerve of that poster who complained about the POV. I really need to quote Morgan's old poem and say "stop ruining it for the rest of us!" Robb is working his A$$ off to put this stuff together for us, and I will always gladly wait for anything, because I know it will be dynamite!


Hats off to you once again, Robb!

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Seriously, I can't not smile while watching TPR trip videos and POV's... you all look like you are having so much fun everywhere you go. The natural scenery at these parks is unbelievable, what a beautiful place!


Thanks for the awesome coverage so those of us not on the trip can get a taste of what you guys are up to over there!

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Awesome videos and pictures! I don't know how you can do it all! Thanks a ton!


Did anyone try the sandwiches on the Bullet Train (Shinkansen)? I sure hope so!


How are the lines? Is it still dead in June like I remember?


Also, the reason because we cant' have those kind of kid areas in the US are because most Americans are stupid. They will steal the toys or just break them, put their nasty diseases on them because they don't wash their hands or cover their mouths, they will fight over the toys, the parents will fight over the kids fighting over the toys, and lastly, some creepy pedophile will just hang out there the whole time.


Andrew is always used to a tight squeeze



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Judging from the large back teeth and the shell, I'm almost positive the LEGO monster is Gamera, not Godzilla.


Movie version


LEGO version

Oh good! I'm actually a fan of Gamera (Mr. Turtle, duh!), and thought that's who it was, but someone else was all "oh, no, that's Godzilla!"

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Accordingly from RCDB: The Jupiter can been seen briefly in the 1994 movie Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla.


Right, that's it! Also, Gamera rocks. I've only seen part one of the last trilogy ("Gamera: Guardian of the Universe," from 1995), but it is AMAZING.


(I think I'm turning Japanese... I think I'm turning Japanese... I really think so.)


Domo arigato again for these awesome updates!

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You guys look like you are having an awesome time. The beginning to Jupiter is possibly one of the best (if not the best) beginnings to any roller coaster out there, and that giant flume ride looks amazing!


Thanks for bringing the updates back to us! I'm really enjoying them.

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...but that's not a LEGO Godzilla, it's a LEGO Gamera.


You are correct, sir. And now for the bonus question: Jupiter actually appears very briefly in one of the later Godzilla movies. Can you name that movie? (Seriously, I can't remember which one; I know it's not "GMK: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," because I just rewatched that one not too long ago.)


Love the new videos; that pre-lift sequence on Jupiter looks pretty sweet!




Err, currently my Gojira movies are at the bottom of a leaning tower of DVD's and Blu Rays........

I *think* it was Godzilla vs Megaguirus



And thanks again to Rob for going without much needed rest to torment er, tantalize us with the awesomeness that is Nippon!

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