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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Question for those who have gone on SFNE's Cyclone: Obviously the topper track has made it smoother. But does it make it smooth to the point where it is comparable to El Toro, or does it still have some roughness? The thing is I actually like it rough (giggity) though not to the point where it's painful, because IMO that is one of the signature characteristics of wood coasters. I still think El Toro is a phenomenal ride (#1 wood tied with Boulder Dash) but the reason that it didn't overtake Boulder Dash was because it didn't have that characteristically wooden roughness to it. The reason I'm asking about Cyclone is because since Georgia Cyclone is getting the topper track, and I might go on the New Hotness trip, I am curious as to what the result will be.

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This is very welcome news. Personally I thought the topper track used up at SFNE did a nice job of smoothing things out, maybe too smooth(kidding). I thought the topper track there had a slight bit of roughness to it, but it wasn't glass smooth. If you make it too smooth the transitions might seem a little janky IMO. Heres to giving it another chance at DSB....water challenge anyone????


P.S. This counts as a new credit right?

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24 new credits!


In all honesty, I don't think so, because the layout is staying exactly the same and only certain sections are getting the re-tracking.

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This is GREAT news! I'd gotten to the point where I simply wouldn't ride it - even though the Cyclone layout is one of my favorite wooden rides. I remember thinking this would be a great application for this when Rocky Mountain first came on the scene. Looking forward to trekking out I-20 this spring to see (and ride) it live!

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Tremors over at Silverwood. That was the first ride to get the Topper Track treatment from Rocky Mountain, and honestly, the ride is SO much better with it on. I got to ride it 2009 and then again in 2011, with the new track, and there's a completely noticeable difference. The back seats were basically impossible to ride in without feeling like your ribcage was going to collapse, now with the topper track, smooth as a baby's bottom.


I can't WAIT to see how this turns out for the Cyclone.

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Yay SFOG for trying this out!!


Honestly, I liked Georgia Cyclone when I was at DSB. Well, by "like," I mean I was laughing out loud throughout the entire ride at how ridiculously jarring and rough it was, and that made for a great time. Having ridden the original Cyclone a few weeks before, I think I was more willing to forgive this coaster's major flaws (let's be honest, GA Cyclone is the proverbial "smooth as a baby's bottom" when compared to the current state of the original).


I liked it. The guy behind me, however, started yelling about halfway through that he was seeing stars and he sounded genuinely concerned about this. So maybe it's time topper track came into play


Kudos to you, SFOG, and I look forward to the end result.

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Question for those who have gone on SFNE's Cyclone: Obviously the topper track has made it smoother. But does it make it smooth to the point where it is comparable to El Toro, or does it still have some roughness? The thing is I actually like it rough (giggity) though not to the point where it's painful, because IMO that is one of the signature characteristics of wood coasters. I still think El Toro is a phenomenal ride (#1 wood tied with Boulder Dash) but the reason that it didn't overtake Boulder Dash was because it didn't have that characteristically wooden roughness to it. The reason I'm asking about Cyclone is because since Georgia Cyclone is getting the topper track, and I might go on the New Hotness trip, I am curious as to what the result will be.

It still has some roughness in spots, but it's not painful at all. Also, the rough spots are taken at slow speeds, so it's more like a brief bit of shakiness, then it goes back to being smooth. It's a good ride, and since Georgia's seems to have a more exciting layout, this one should be even better!

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I'm really flipping excited about this. I've always loved the GA Cyclone for its crazy airtime (and laterals at a couple of points). I'm hoping that the topper track puts more speed in the course, since the jack-hammering and shuffling robbed that ride's speed quite a bit.

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Interesting news. It's hard to miss all the reports that this ride is extremely rough, so I'm glad they're helping it out. I'm not sure how I feel about Topper Track; on the SFNE Cyclone (which is not a Cy-Clone), it seemed a bit...screechy. Looking forward to checking out this technology further while enjoying this infamous ride.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Tremors over at Silverwood. That was the first ride to get the Topper Track treatment from Rocky Mountain, and honestly, the ride is SO much better with it on. I got to ride it 2009 and then again in 2011, with the new track, and there's a completely noticeable difference. The back seats were basically impossible to ride in without feeling like your ribcage was going to collapse, now with the topper track, smooth as a baby's bottom.



Totally agree concerning Tremors. Re-rode the heck out of it on last visit and loved every minute of it. Glad to hear that the Cyclone will be receiving the topper treatment.

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I found Tremors to be very re-rideable. However, I must confess. I had never ridden it before the topper track was installed. You do notice a difference when it changes from one to the other. The topper track is much smoother. This is great news for GC. As it was absolutely unrideable this year. I usually judge how bad a coaster is by the amount of pain it inflicts upon my children. It made January cry.

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