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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Although I'm not a fan of the colors(It should have been Red and Black IMO ), the ride itself looks like it'll fit in nicely with SFoG's already amazing lineup of coasters.

My only question is, will they get McDonald's to sponsor it, and promote it with a new triple patty burger featuring "Devil" sauce ?

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I never realized that I had ridden the only two eurofighters in the US. To tell the truth I wasn't a huge fan of either Mystery Mine or Spongebob. I thought both were alright, but not super impressed with either. That being said I applaud Six Flags for putting in something that is fairly unique here in this country.


Red and yellow? Gosh darn it Six Flags, you should of made the coaster pink and purple with paisley polka dots and used bright green bolts.... Now that would of been eye catching.

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There will be at least four Eurofighters in the USA as of next year....

Yes, we are very proud of you that "I know something you don't know." Thank you very much. Congratulations. You're cool.



Edited by robbalvey
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There will be at least four Eurofighters in the USA as of next year....

Yes, we are very proud of you that "I know something you don't know." Thank you very much. Congratulations. You're cool.




LOL Robb. Not trying to be cool (I'd fail at it anyway). There seems to be a lot of Eurfighter love here, thought some would find the potential news of more a good thing. I haven't ridden one yet but they sure look fun!


Anyway I went back to edit my post for clarity as I don't have any inside info. Just reiterating what I've read on other sites. Sorry it sounded so "donkey" lol.

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Very psyched, if only because I'm glad to see Six Flags dipping their toes into the EuroFighter waters, finally. If they want to clone these babies like Boomerangs, I say let 'em go right ahead.


And I second the motion for some of those Gerstlauer Bobsled coasters in the U.S. Haven't been on either type of coaster and want to, bad. Gimme, gimme!

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Upon reading the announcement that Six Flags over Georgia is planning to add Dare Devil Dive to their park, I was very happy towards the news and might make plans of visiting Six Flags over Georgia next summer. But someone commented on an open area where the Shake, Rattle,& Roll use to be located. Now it has been ages since I last visited the park, but I know that the Shake, Rattle, & Roll was an indoor scrambler ride. Did the scrambler get placed elsewhere in the park or did it head up to that great Boneyard in the sky?


"I've got a better question: when are you coming to bed?"

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I think this is pretty exciting! I've ridden one Eurofighter and I'm certainly interested in riding more.

I'd rather parks didn't use so many identical/similar ride names, especially for entirely different ride types. That said, I like the look of the name and logo.

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I may have overlooked this detail, but where is this ride going to be located at in the park?


Anyways this looks like a great addition, i'm glad more Eurofighters are coming to the US, and Im glad SFOG is getting a new coaster, probably will jusify a trip there for me next season.

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Very psyched, if only because I'm glad to see Six Flags dipping their toes into the EuroFighter waters, finally. If they want to clone these babies like Boomerangs, I say let 'em go right ahead.


And I second the motion for some of those Gerstlauer Bobsled coasters in the U.S. Haven't been on either type of coaster and want to, bad. Gimme, gimme!


I have a friend over on URC who would say the same thing about Gerstlauer Bobsleds. I'm supposed to be going to Dollywood next June, might have to make a trip to Atlanta as well.

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According to their Facebook post, the first beyond vertical drop was a mistake,

Sorry about that. It’s the country’s first beyond vertical coaster with a PAUSE element. We’re updating our materials to avoid any further confusion. Thanks.

Sounds like it will have a hold brake like on B&M Dive Coasters, which sounds really fun. I only wish they would have shown more pictures so we know where it would be, and the layout...

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